Part 32

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I remove myself from the ice tub I have been sleeping in for the last week. After I mauled things over in my mind I can really think clearly now. I continue in being shocked to find Mark Frost was my grandfather and that I just killed him. I could have gotten many answers from him as to what happened to my mother. Richard though will probably know that too.

Richard. The man is a mystery and something in the back of my mind tells me something is up with him. The man knows too much and who are these gods? Why is it I never met them? Not to mention, if the gods can speak with him then they can speak with me. Need to get Richard to help me speak with these gods and know if they can be trusted.

Heading into my cold freezer closet, I change my clothes to something comfy for my training today. I told Richard to start training today as my body is now back to normal. I still feel uneasy with Richard, a bristle to my feathers if you would ask me. I will keep on guard with him because who knows how many other people are wanting to use me or kill me.

"Morning my queen." Felix bows as I exit my room.

"Felix, how are you? Haven't spoken much have we?" I walk with him to the training room.

"No we have not and I am good. Glad you are alright." I smile at him and nod at every volturi vampire member we come across.

"My mates are on trial?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Yes, they will be there all day I am afraid. Plenty of independent vampires being quite troublesome." We chuckle before making it to the training room.

Felix nods at both of us before heading to the throne room to help with the trials. Felix is the strongest in the oven and so the kings find him much more important to have him aid with the trials. I sadly am missing my mates being all stern and tough, barking orders and passing a trial. The thought of them like that sends pleasurable shivers down my spine.

"Snow, come now. Let us get onto training." Richard claps his hands pulling me out of my thoughts.

"So what are we doing first?" I ask, stretching my wings slightly in the sun.

"We are going to first strengthen your flying. You haven't flown when you had your wings in the first place, have you? You only just flew yesterday and when your wings returned." I nod confessing to the statement.

"True, I never really had the free space to do so."

"Well, we will work on that for starters. This a nice big room to do some laps in, don't you agree?" Clasping his hands in front of him he smiles at me like some kind of old professor.

"Yes, I do." Stretching my wings, I bend my knees down ready to flap off.

"Ah not yet. We have to work on your power skills. Get your energy flowing before moving. Twenty push-ups, twenty sit-ups, and a nice human jog for two minutes around the gym." I straighten up and nearly roll my eyes.

Objecting wouldn't be so nice so I begin with the two-minute jog to warm my body up before doing the push-ups and sit-ups. My energy does flow and fills me up, strengthening my entire body.

"Good, now let us see how strong you are on takeoff. You will flap your wings and continue to flap higher and higher to the ceiling. Touch the ceiling and then we will move on after that." Cracking my neck a few times, I bend down in position. Stretching my wings, I tense my muscles and flap these two huge feathery wings. 

Flapping up, up, up, going higher and higher I lift up into the air. My back starts to get a pain when I reach three quarters up in the air. It didn't hurt when I flew half off the ground a week ago. Pushing past the soreness, I lift my hand and touch the cement ceiling.

"Alright, now come back down with a soft vertical glide down. Don't flap your wings, keep them stretching upward and glide." Easy for him to say.

Lifting my wings straight upward, my body falls down. The fall is too fast! Spreading my wings slightly, the fall slows but it still is fast. Shit! I couldn't help but spread my wings at my sides to slow my fall and land on my feet. I know that isn't what he wanted me to do but I haven't done anything like that before. Especially at such high heights.

"Hm, seems you haven't learned to flex with wings to control the wind that flows upward when you fall. We need to work on that." Richard's stern expression reminds me of my dad. Richard must have seen the slight fall on my frown to a deeper scowl. "Now we won't have anything so depressing. Keep your mind clear."

I can't. The thought of my father all alone in Forks swirls in my mind and I find myself going over all the memories he and I had. I can't just forget about him. Not to mention he will find out Bella is dead and Jake, god! Jake hates me! I know he does. After seeing me tear a human's throat out like it was nothing. Even the Cullens must hate me!

"Snow! Snow, snap out of it. Breathe honey." I am panting again!  My shaking comes back and I am left in total fear. Richard frowns at me and carries me back to my room and soaks me in the ice water once again.

The shock of the water has my panting freeze in shock. I shiver as a biting cold dig in my legs, glancing down Richard hitches his breath the same way I do. My legs are turning to ice! I can't feel my legs. Richard takes me immediately out of the water but the ice continues to freeze me over.

"Shit! Snow, you need to fight it off. Push the freeze off of you!" Richard's voice is distant as the ice reaches my chest.

I hitch a last breath as my eyes freeze, widening in fear. I can't! I don't know how to control it! All noise is muffled and in my frozen state I see Richard panicking as the guards and my mates come into the bathroom.

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