Part 11

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Okay, now things are getting weird for the past month. It is November right now and I have begun my egg pregnancy. I don't show thank god but it does give me serious pain cramps. Beyond this normal thing, I have begun getting the feeling I am being watched.

I don't know who is watching me because I made sure the only camera in my apartment is open is the one looking at who enters the room by elevator. Every other camera is closed and I headed down to make sure the security told me the truth.

Now, the weird part after the feeling of being watched is these simple gifts that I am beginning to receive. It only has a note saying nice things of hoping I enjoy the gift and have a good day. Giving me simple nicknames like beautiful, love, my dear, etc. 

Speaking of gifts, I head to the elevator and see another gift at the door. I pick that one up and head to the couch opening it up. What greets me is a cute plush toy of a swan. I narrow my eyes at that one.

Whoever is sending me these things knows my last name, seems to know my clothing size even my lingerie, and other things. But they don't seem to know about the egg-laying or my wings so I am safe for now.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I gasp in surprise with my phone going off. I drop the box in my startled state before huffing and picking up my phone. It is Aro. He and his brothers seem to call me a few times more than I expected.

"Hello," I pick up the box and toy, head to my room, and set it down on my bed.

"Hi miss Swan, hope we aren't catching you at a bad time?" It is Caius who is talking this time. The brothers seem to use the same number, odd in itself.

"Um, no. Why? Is something the matter?" I ask curious why they are calling me.

"No, we simply want to come and check on your art pieces for the showcase. Is it alright? We are at the lobby downstairs." Damn.

"No that is alright, you may come up. See you soon."

"Bye love." He hangs up and I rush to tuck my wings in under my red coat, don't want to seem like I keep wearing the same thing over and over again.

I place the toy in my drawer and lean on my bathroom door taking a deep breath as I hear the elevator ding. I close my eyes and pray this will be over quickly. I place on my brown cowboy hat with a red bandana keeping the crystal out of sight.

"Miss Swan are you here?" Marcus calls. I take a deep breath before placing a smile on my face and coming out of my hiding spot.

"Hi, sorry, just had to change my clothes from the paint." I make the excuse up, luckily, my painting tools are out to seem like I was busy.

"That is alright. A lovely piece as well." Aro looks over my fifth assignment.

"Thanks, still working in progress." I take the black case and pull out the work that I have done.

"Oh my, I think you just beat Caius in his own painting skills." I laugh at the comment. 

"I will take the compliment but I can not replace another artist. Never one with so much experience such that he has." I say with modesty.

"Ah, you are too modest." Hm, great minds think alike." Alas, these works are fantastic. Lovely texture and shading and lighting. Love the way you make yourself a mystery with half of your face out from the side."

"Yep, one thing that you have figured from me. I like and am mysterious." I chuckle at the reference, in my head, I am thinking of my wing secret they will never know of.

"Is this your mark?" Marcu bends down to look at the small feather imprint I made near my signature on the bottom right corner.

"Yeah, you can see that with all the other pieces of artwork. It is my signature mark like yours with the wax crest." I clasp my hands in front of me admiring the painting.

"You are extraordinary," Aro says with his breath taken. I smile as my neck heats up, the warmth spreading to my cheeks.

"Thanks. Many have told me that before, nothing too fancy." I wave my hands once more before going to sit on the couch.

"My dear," There it is again, the same nickname I get from the gifts. I wonder..." Would you consider going for a walk around the city with us? There are some secret places you can take photos and expand your creative mind." I raise my eyebrows at the invite.

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to keep you from your work." I hope they say they are busy.

"You aren't keeping us from anything. We would like it immensely." Aro is the next to talk, his aura is serene and body language calm with slight gentleman swag.

"Alright, I accept." I hope this goes well.

"Wonderful," Aro jumps up with glee like a child. His brother laugh and I chuckle slightly. "Come, Bellissima, much to see." He takes my hand in his and pulls me gently to the elevator.

Luckily, my bag is near the counter near the elevator, so I grab it while being dragged and we enter the elevator. Good luck, Snow. You will need it!

*Hell yeah, she will. An elevator stuck with three handsome (vampire) men with just one girl. hm wonder how that will turn out?;)

Comment down below what you think and enjoy the next chapter.

Spoiler*** might involve some mature scene***


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