Part 23

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"Wait!" Alice's voice rings about the place. Damn it! Why does everyone have to stop Aro from killing the fucking bitch! "Bella will be one of us. I have seen it. I will change her myself."



Alice goes and hands her hand to Aro for him to see the future. On the other hand, I am glaring at Bella with such fire in my eyes. This bitch is not going to be immortal. I swear on that! Already my mind fills with scenarios and ways I can hide the bitch from being a vampire. Being undead is too good for her, being alive is well too easy, and dead...well, is dead. 

Bella Swan being, I will have to think about that one.

"You will make a lovely immortal, Isabella." My eyes narrow to slits as Aro leans in to breathe on her. He pulls away covering his mouth, "Go now. Make your preparations." Edward is released and Aro stays standing in the center of the room.

Soon, Bella, Edward, and Alice turn to leave with Demetri. I stay where I am since I am not returning back. My thumb subconsciously rubs on the dragon ring on my finger. The metal thrums under my touch like it is alive. I lift my hand looking at the ring and its gem glows under my skin, a warmth calming any negative emotions I may be feeling.

"Mia Cara." Aro's voice pulls my attention over to them. I glance to the door and see Bella hasn't gone yet.

"What!?" I ask confused about what I missed.

"Are you coming or what?" Bella says to me, her right eyebrow twitching in annoyance.

"No." Edward and Alice look away as Bella stares at me angrily.

"What do you mean no? You can't stay here." Oh, contrary dear sister.

"Actually I promised the kings that once things at home have settled with you, I would return to live with them." I bring my right arm behind me, entwining my fingers around my left wrist. It is the best restraint I have to not lose control.

"What!? When did you do that!? How did you...?" She asks making me shake my head, turning my gaze away from her.

"You will never understand. Eddy boy," Edward scowls at me but gives me his attention. "If you know what is right, you will keep her away from immortality until she graduates." He nods. My eyes look at Alice. "You are to keep your family safe. Tell Charlie I found my place."

Edward and Alice nod and drag Bella out of the castle back to Forks. Good. Any longer and I fear I would have killed her. The pulsing possessive instincts of being a new vampire remind me of both my thirst and hunger for that pathetic human.

"My dear..." I raise my eyes over to Marcus. All this is really too much and I...

Using super speed, I wrap my arms around his waist and lay my head on his chest. I say nothing but let venom tears collect in my eyes but they never fall. All the pain of losing my wings, my purity, my humanity, and is just too much.

Six arms wrap around my frame and my mate's scents waft into my nose, calming the possessive power in my body that awoken thanks to the Bella. She always made me the bad guy no matter how many times I try to keep myself good.

"I don't wish to speak about what happened. I am sorry for keeping this from you but it was my battle to fight and come out victorious. I am sorry." I felt their anger at keeping the incidents away from them all this time. I felt it mostly in Aro when his hand landed on my left arm. He saw what happened but I just am not ready to confess to what happened still wanting it to not be true.

"We understand. We are here for you mia." Closing my eyes I enjoy the embrace and comforting words Aro whispers in my ear.

"You guys feed. I am not in the mood to do so." I mumble to them before pulling away and sitting on Caius' throne. His lips pull into a smirk smug about my choice of sitting. A smug ass but he is MY ass.

A beautiful and attractive woman enters the throne room bringing in a whole group of humans. the strong wafting scent of blood flows to me. I see the kings glance at me, anticipating my wild attack on the mortals but I stay impassive. Blood. Metallic Red. Flows in the whole body. Mortal bodies. 

"Again, not in the mood." I turn my head away really not in the mood. Ever since the time in the woods with Jacob where I first smelt blood and was able to control it just there, I had the curling sick feeling of not wanting it. It just isn't as appetizing to me as other vampires would die for. I don't know if it is because I was just transformed that I still have my human hunger or what. Maybe ask my mates after they fed.

Snarls flow through the air and I look at how wild a vampire can be. My mates in particular. Marcus' calm facade changes to snarling savage. Crunched up face, fangs sprouted, eyebrows narrowed and red eyes gleaming. Aro has a sadistic look, a wild glint in his ruby eyes as his fangs sink into a young little blonde girl. The poor thing screams that child scream but Aro seem impassive to it. I am surprised it hasn't damaged his eardrum. The real surprise is Cauis. Blood already dripping on his chin and fangs, he goes from person to person; I think he is the fastest sucker to drink from humans. He is a mix of wild sadist like Aro but has that crunched face that Marcus holds. Except his face has a smoother tone to it, his lips pulled up showing his canines; eyebrows narrowed in concentration instead of being a beast. 

No, Cauis is a beast in bed than as a drinker of the red luscious liquid pooling in the center of the room. Piles of bodies thrown drained to the side of the room. Expressions of shock, mouths wide open in silent screams, and grey lifeless eyes stare at everything and everyone. I lift my hand to my mouth as my stomach sinks and my throat begins to get nauseated. I think I am going to be sick than hungry. 

"Snow?" Demetri notices me holding my mouth and stomach, his mouth bleeding with someone else's blood. His voice catches my mate's attention. their bodies freeze and turn in my direction. Worry and concern fill their eyes before I stand and rush out of the room. "Excuse me." I zoom through the familiar halls and make it to a garbage bin. 

No longer able to hold it in, I throw my head in and vomit venom and watery bile. Since I haven't eaten or drank anything, my empty stomach is just throwing up liquid venom that is collected in there.

"Snow, love." soft hands grip my hair back as I just barf water and venom. The blood that is on my mates gets me to hurl again. The blood smell is as disgusting as being in a garbage dump.

"Get yourself changed. The blood...Argh!" I hurl again, venomous tears pool down my face. "!" I throw up again, the blood making me begin to dry hurl as I fear I have nothing more to hurl out.

"Masters, it is alright I have got her." Jane's voice and a clean fresh smell enter the bin and calm my barfing sick stomach. My mate's presence disappear off to their rooms to get changed. Jane's strawberry scent calms me down. I raise my face from the bin and Jane offers me water. 

"Thanks." I drown the whole cool drink into my mouth and slide it down my throat. It fills the emptiness in my system. "Tell me if you even know...Do vampire barf and get sick by blood alone?" I breathe out panting and regaining some balance from my heaving.

"No. No vampire ever hated blood or got sick by it. The masters might need to look into this." I nod and Jane leads me to the library where she knows I love it and it calms me.

The smell of books and papers soothes me some more that I just flop on the red soft velvet couch. Its presence was most welcomed by my tired body from heaving.

"Snow, my love. Are you alright? Feeling better?" Marcus slips underneath my laid-back body and uses himself as a cushion. My body hums in welcoming his natural old dusty book smell with some ash fire from the fireplace in his room.

"I am alright. Aro are there any doc vamps that can help us figure out what the hell is wrong with me?" I ask the most worried male of our bond.

"There is Carlisle but we will first go through Richard. Jane..." She nods and speeds off.

"This has got to be the weirdest first day back home. Huh?" I grin at my mates, my mind boggled enough but my humor hasn't left. The jokes got my mates to ease up a bit and let out small chuckles.

"Welcome home mia cara." Caius rubs his hand on my left shoulder as Aro caresses my right cheek with his thumb. Marcus lays small kisses on the crown of my head.

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