Part 17

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"Snow, I know I haven't been around much but tonight. Would you like to hang out? Maybe watch a movie?" Bella enters my room nervously.

"Sure. We can watch the movie in my room. Come and see what you want to watch." I wave her overexcitement flooding me. Bella never hung out with me like this before. I am not going to push anything. Let her decide.

You might be thinking about how I got here well after finishing up the last few months of my scholarship, I was hanging out with the three brothers till my dad called and said he needs my help with Bella.

So far from what I gathered, Edward Cullen dumped Bella and now Bella, a weak human, is suffering from a massive heartbreak. I immediately left and came home but my coming home wasn't favored by Bella. When she saw me she had a huge tantrum how a bitch like me even dared to come back and torture them by seeing me. She is the real bitch for not appreciating me coming all the way from Italy to see what the problem was.

So for the past four months, Bella has been cooped up in her den like a dead corpse staring out the window. Seems tonight she decided in being around people and the first person strangely is me. 

As Bella and I decided on what to watch, a white snow owl came flying and perch on my open window. I leave my window open now since I have the brother's guards watching me and even though they can hear through a window, it is nice to just leave it open in case they want to come in.

"Um, what is with the owl?" Bella asks confused.

"Oh, this fella seems to be sending me letters from three brother secret admirers." I got up and stroked the owl's head at the side. I also grabbed the black envelope that the brothers use with their signature red crest and white snow ribbon for me.

"What does it say?" Bella adjusted her position by leaning on her left hand.

"It only says they are thinking of me and miss me. Hope for me to have a good night." I place the letters in my desk drawer.

"Have you met them?" Bella asks.

"No, that is why they are secret admirers. Also, they have work coming up so they can't send me letters for three weeks. It is alright, at least I allow this little guy here to rest." The owl hoots and flies to the nest I made him on top of my chest where the eggs are stored. I obviously lie to Bella because if she wants to tell dad then they won't be traced. And dad is allowing me to date since I am more responsible and in his words 'Deserve to be free like the angel you are.

"That is sweet. Anyway, why not pop in the movie and I make some hot cocoa." I nod as Bella leaves the room and I do as she says.

After a few minutes of waiting and looking through those blasted commercials, Bella comes in with a tray of two cups of cocoa. I arrange the pillows to be set up for us to sit up but also lean back watching the movie.

During the movie of Phantom of the opera, I begin to get tired. Drowsy and sleepy. I thought to myself to not say anything to not ruin Bella's night. I soon get really tired so I place my empty mug down and lean my head to the side.




I wake up groggily, drool on my chin and a sore back. I open my eyes and see white, I blink and make out the snow owl who is hooting in my ear. I sit up as the bird flaps its wings at my right. I look around and see nothing out of the ordinary till a sharp pain hits my back.

I open my back but no sound comes out. Gritting my teeth like a knife digging pain embeds itself in my back. I look back and ...I can't believe it. 

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