Part 26

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"What are you going to do?" Jane asks. 

"I don't know. I...I...don't know. I really don't know. God, why! Why did it have to be Bella, I have never done anything wrong to her but she does this! I..." I stop pacing and pulling my hair once the idea struck my thoughts.

"Snow?" Jane leans forward on my bed.

"I know what to do. Where are my mates?" I ask. New energy pumping through and giving me such determination that it can be possible for me to fly to the moon. 

"They are in the medical ward speaking some more with Richard. Why?"

"I need to speak with Bella and get her alone with just me and her so I can find the reason as to why she has done this. There has got to be a reason in which she never told me and if she still refuses then I will kill her. I will need my mate's help with that." Jane follows behind me as we walk through the entire castle heading to the east wing where the ward is.

"Snow, what is it?" Richard says standing up from his leaning position with his hand on his wrist thinking.

"I need to know if there is a place where I can bring Bella so that we may be undisturbed and discuss some things. I need to know the reason behind her actions and no more time will be wasted on this." I tell the vamps in the room.

"Mia cara, it is dangeorus. The Cullens will surely fight." Aro pleads to take my hand in his.

"That is why I need your help. You guys are strong, powerful kings; are you really that chicken against part of your kind just because of their gifts?" I tell them; not believing they don't have faith in themselves.

"Well, if you put it that way, love. We might as well visit and give you help as mates do." Caius never lets me down. He loves a good challenge and battle.

"Alice and Edward would have read our decision, even yours Snow," Marcus speaks his part, the voice of reason and for good things too.

"I am aware but it is justifiable action. I deserve a right to know and no Cullen is going to stop me. Are you with me?" I ask them.

"Of course. Jane gets Alec, Felix, and Demetri with the kings' guard, we are going to visit the Cullens. It will also give us an explanation to that Seattle problem going on." Aro orders Jane. The small and yet dangerous girl heads off with a simple nod.

"You are turning out to be a great royal," Richard states gazing at me with compassion and admiration.

"For the vampire world or the winter season?" I ask confused about his statement.

"Both." All four men respond at once. I let out a giggle as their voices mingled together.

"Now is there a place I can bring the girl?" I ask Richard.

"Hm, for the sacrifice to be made you must be in your element. So I suggest a mountain and for privacy go into the mountain, deep in where it is friskily cold. Not cold enough to freeze the girl but enough to be slippery to get out." Richard informs me.

"Thank you, Richard. you have been a great help." I turn to leave but halt. I turn around with my left finger on my chin. "Richard, how come you know all of this?"

"I am a winter moon ambassador that has gone through this entire earth history and centuries finding and helping those that are blessed by the winter moon season. Like you mother Silver." The name lifts my gaze to the man.

"You knew my mother?"

"Yes, she was a strong-willed woman who was most like you but a warrior. She wasn't a royal but a winter warrior. A winter warrior is the only person that can give birth to a royal which is you." He explains, tucking his hands into his white medical jacket pockets.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I ask.

"Because some information is left to be told at the proper time which is now. Sorry. After your interaction with Bella, I can sit with you for a while and tell you more about your mother." I nod accepting the date.

"Alright. Sure, I would love that." He nods his head for me to go and I give him a last smile before heading off.

"Snow." I turn my head to the left to see Caius holding a pair of clothes. I walk over to him as he stretches the pile to me. "Here is something to help you during your interaction with the girl."

I take the pile in my grasp. Hmm, black and ice blue design spandex. I zoom to my room to place the clothes on. It is a full-body spandex suit that athletes wear. The blue markings are V-shaped on my upper arms and calves while another big two-line curvy line is marked on my torso. above it has the big Volturi V symbol with red roses behind it and some silver tentacle lines wrapped around like vine. The spandex has a collar around my throat which is able to provide a black background for the chocker necklace that came with the suit.

 The spandex has a collar around my throat which is able to provide a black background for the chocker necklace that came with the suit

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(the colors of the spandex suit)

(the colors of the spandex suit)

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(The choker necklace)

"Wow, you look amazing." Marcus whistles behind me once I got the whole thing on.

"Let's go." I take a deep breath to ease my nerves before walking off with my mates behind me.

"Snow! Wait!" Richard calls down the hall and we stop. He appears behind the guard huffing slightly. "I remember something. Before confronting Bella and killing her if that is the end decision. You have to absorb the moonlight rays and gain acceptance of your actions by the winter season and moon goddess."

"Where am I to do that?" I ask turning to face him fully.

"At the mountain. Must knock Bella unconscious in order for the moon and winter season spirits to get a visual of the sacrifice just like the sacrifices under the sun. The same thing asking the spirits to witness the renewal of the sin she has committed." I nod drawing in all the info.

"Anything else?" I ask.

"No. Just don't forget the step or you might not be able to regain your life back." That is a fairly good point and duly noted.

"Got it."

"Good luck." I wave as I turn to head out. Got a lot to do just for something so simple. 

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