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                        Alexandra huddled in the far corner of her bathroom with her hands covering her mouth tightly, afraid of letting out a sound. She was looking at the door as if behind it laid her worst fears, and perhaps it really was. Her vision was blurred by the tears, and she could hear the footsteps outside in her room. She was only praying that the police would arrive, that perhaps Jeremy would arrive. She didn't care which option came first just as long as someone came to her rescue.

"I can hear you breathing". She heard his voice. It was so familiar, in a way that really petrified her. "I can hear your heart drumming in your chest, racing similar to that of a scared bird". His voice was calm, taunting, and she could tell that he was getting some twisted pleasure out of all of this. "The smell of your fear is just" She heard him taking a long breath; she could tell he was just behind the door. "It's enticing".

"You have this mysterious and insanely attractive thing going on for you". She told him as they walked through the woods together once more. It was a week later, on the same day; he was out hunting when he heard her strolling through the woods. It was another coincidence, but Stefan had found himself elated to have.

Stefan chucked, "It's not really like that".

She only hummed but didn't stop her walking, "So, how's it like? Is there someone you have in mind?" Her tone didn't hold any kind of genuine curiosity. It seemed to him that she was certainly trying to keep the conversation going until they arrived to the main road and each would go about their way.

He wasn't sure why he was comfortable enough to share anything with her but he did anyway, "There's this girl, she reminds me of someone I used to know, yet she's completely different. She intrigues me"

"Well, if she intrigues you then maybe you should get to know her". She stopped walking as he could see the end of the line of trees as the road appeared only a few feet away. "One of two things bound to happen". She then put her pointer up, counting on her hand. "One, your intrigue would fade because it was simple curiosity driven by a shallow reasoning for your initial attraction. And two, she's awesome and you would have a happily ever after with her".

She said the last part with a wide grin, and before Stefan had time to retort or react, Alexandra walked away from him and towards the road.

Alexandra remained in the bathroom and there were millions thoughts in her mind, yet none of them made sense. Part of her wanted to jolt up and scream at him, to ask for his reasons for doing this. Another part, just wanted to cower in fear and pray that he doesn't knock the door down until help arrived.

She hated feeling helpless.
She hated depending on others.
And most of all, she hated being scared.

She could no longer hear Stefan's sound; in fact, it was so quiet that she thought he had left her alone. Alexandra wondered if it was safe to head outside, but then she remembered all the horror movies she watched. Whenever the young girl would come out to check if the crazy-ass killer had left or not, they would sneak behind them and the girl would end up slaughtered with cold blood.

She decided against it. She huddled herself in the corner of the bathroom, next to the bathtub, hugged her knees to her chest and waited. After the longest five minutes of her life, there was the sound of footsteps approaching the door.

"Alex, it's Jeremy. Open the door". She could never remember feeling more relieved at the sound of someone. On a surge of adrenaline, she jolted up and opened the door, throwing herself in his arms. "It was Stefan. Jeremy, it was Stefan". She said in a frantic whisper. He only hugged her tighter, and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

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