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               Stefan pinned Damon with a suspicious look. The latter was inwardly nervous. Although he gave the stakes to Elijah, he didn't prepare for what to say to his brother. "I gave them to Elijah. We've made a deal." He said in an easy and very confident tone.

Stefan looked like he was about to hit the roof with anger, "What are you saying?"

Damon shrugged, "What you heard." He then smirked with the idea that formed in his head. "We wouldn't kill them anyway. As long as Alex is bonded to Klaus, you won't dare make a move like this. So, I made a deal with him."

Turning tables was one of his many talents, and later Damon would praise himself to the heavens for how he became on the winning side again.

Stefan was staggered for a second before he calmly asked, "What kind of deal?"

"They wouldn't kill us, and we won't go after them. A little bit of peace for all of us."

"Peace?" Stefan inquired in disbelief. "Klaus took everything from me!"

Damon's eyes twinkled mischievously, "Oh really? What did he take from you exactly? Did he take Elena? Or are we talking about Alex?" He sauntered closer to him, "You know if you want Elena back, she's all yours. And if you want Alexandra, well..." He trailed off, then shook his head, "I believe she's already taken, brother."

"Why are you doing this? Since when are you on the wagon of helping Klaus?"

"Aren't you tired, Stefan?" He asked in a softer tone. "Aren't you tired of all the fighting, the constant looking over your shoulder, the plotting? Because I am."

Stefan narrowed his eyes, "Who are you and what did you do to Damon? Are you compelled?"

"No! I'm not compelled. I'm fucking exhausted. For the past century and half, we've been plotting against each other, me planning to get Katherine. I made my fair share of enemies, you descending into your abyss of hunger then coming back eaten with guilt."

All Damon knew was his need for some peace. He would get rid of all the drama, and then he would excute his plan to travel with Elijah. And he would like that in the process he could fix his relationship with Stefan. He wanted then to finally see eye to eye, and go back to being brothers. No doppleganger involved or any love triangles between them.


Bonnie arrived at the mansion with her grimoire held tightly to her chest. She had been contemplating telling them about the whole thing, but she knew Alexandra had to know.

When she called Jeremy, she wanted to take his opinion on the matter. To say she was astonished to find that he was at the Originals' mansion would be an understatement. He urged her to tell Alexandra and told her to come to the mansion.

She didn't want to tell her friends about it, it was what Ayana had told her to do and she decided to follow her advice. She was guided to the study by one of the maids and the second she entered she heard a whistle.

She saw him, Kol, stand up and then he eyed her from head to toe. "A Bennett witch." He took a whiff of the air around her, then a smirk rose ot his face, "Delicious, radiant with her powers, and hot! Aren't you the perfect little vixen?"

She raised an eyebrow at his attitude, but she couldn't help but think he was a little pretty.

"Kol!" She heard Elijah's reprimanding tone. "Keep your manners or else Ms. Bennett here will quite literally make every blood vessel in your body explode."

Alexandra gave a small smile towards Bonnie, "Thank you for coming, Bonnie. I know you're not a big fan of them and we aren't exactly friends, but I really appreciate it."

Bonnie nodded, the scowl on her face eased into a soft smile. "I wanted to make sure you're okay."

"Well, aren't we going to talk about that elephant in the room?" Klaus said, sounding on edge.

Bonnie nodded her head firmly, "I have been in contact with Ayana."

"I'm sorry, who?" Alexandra asked with knitted eyebrows.

"An old witch, very dead too, she taught our mother most of the things she's known." Kol added with a serious tone, unlike his usual.

Bonnie ignored him and continued, "The first time we talked was when I came to check on you when you fainted. She was the one who told me about the bond and how your life was tied to his." Bonnie have Klaus a look of disgust, and it looked like it pained her to even look at him.

"And who issued such a bond to behind with?" Elijah asked.

"It must be mother." Rebekah spoke for the first time.

Bonnie shook her head with gritted teeth, "It isn't Esther. In fact, it was Ayana herself with the help of several witches from the other side."

"So dead witches wanted me and Nik to be connected? But why?" Alexandra asked in a confused tone. However, the others were mainly taken aback when by the name she called him. When she saw how everyone was looking at her, she began to feel nervous. "What?"

She felt the warmth of Klaus' hand on her back as they sat next to each other on the leather couch. "Don't mind them, love." He turned to Bonnie, "Go on."

Bonnie shook her head, giving a quick questioning glance towards Jeremy, then she looked back at Alexandra. "I don't know how to say this, or how you'll feel about it. Actually, I still don't fully understand it myself."

"Bonnie, just out with it already. I'm freaking out here." Alexandra exclaimed.

"Apparently, Ayana sees something in Klaus. She said as bad as he is, there's still so much he can do, so much he should and will do." Bonnie recalled the memory of the dream she had.

She was standing in the same space made of nothing but void. "We meet again, Bonnie."

"Ayana." Bonnie recognized her voice right away.

"Alexandra has to live, Klaus has to live. You have to do all that you can to ensure it. There are so many things they ought to do, people they have to save, and a destiny they must fulfill." Ayana walked closer to her, "From the moment she was born, I knew she would be the one, I knew the day would come for them to meet, and when they do things will fall into place."

Bonnie shook her head, "But Klaus... He's pure evil! He killed my friend and her aunt and terrorized us for a very long time."

"He wouldn't be what he had become if not for a decision made for him, several decisions actually. Just a boy with so much unjust. It can turn the purest of hearts dark."
Ayana's tone became softer as if she was speaking to a child, "You're still going, my dear, so very young. But you have to know that life isn't all black and white." 

Bonnie remained confused, unable to wrap her head around the whole thing, "What about Alex? She doesn't deserve to be tied to a monster!"

Ayana smiled, "She doesn't see a monster, she sees Niklaus. She sees him with everything that he is. And the bond shall not weaken them, but only make them stronger."

Bonnie relayed her dream or vision to them, and everyone in the room was shocked into silence for a good minute. "So, there's no way to break it?" Klaus was the first to ask and all eyes turned to him.


Hello beautiful people,

A double update because why not? I hope you like this chapter, and tell me what you think.

Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments. You already know how much they mean to me ❤️

Enjoy reading,
Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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