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                        Elijah had been lurking around the Salvatore Boarding House waiting for them to make their end of the deal. They knew what they had to do, and they were currently discussing who would be willing to lose Elena forever. Their conversation reminded him of those old days when he was a part of an equally complicated love triangle with Tatia being the center of it. "I'm honestly done with this Stefan! My entire existence had been about Katherine, and now I'm doing the same thing all over again, for what?" Elijah heard Damon's tone and he didn't remember ever hearing the vampire show that much emotion. Damon had played the part of being the bad emotionless guy for so long, that Elijah thought he actually believed it. 

"She's no Katherine, Damon." Stefan argued in a tender voice. 

"I know." Damon yelled, "But I'm tired of this." The last part came in such a raw voice, loaded with everything he had been feeling. For some reason, Elijah decide he could relate to that. He heard Damon steps, the saw him storming out of the house. He wasn't sure why he wanted to make his presence known. However, he did anyway.

He flashed before the older Salvatore, literally appearing out of the nowhere in front of him. Damon's eyes squinted, then he relaxed his back. "What are you doing here? There's still plenty of time before 9.07." he said the last part in a sarcastic tone.

Elijah only raised an eyebrow, "I was merely making sure you follow your end of the deal."

"You're not really leaving us with plenty of option."

"I thought you were tired of this." He made air quote when he said the last words.

"Thought you were the moral one." Damon retorted snidely, but the original didn't give a reply. "Why do you care anyway? Didn't take you for a gossip lover."

"And I didn't take you for a pathetic soul." Elijah took a step closer mulling over his words. At first, he had hated Damon's guts. He looked vile with purposeless immortality. However, he was proven wrong many times. Perhaps he hadn't given it much thought before, but Damon kept proving that he's loyal, fiercely so, resilient, and brave. They were qualities he could appreciate. "I guess we were both wrong then."

Damon wasn't one to get nervous, but Elijah's proximity made him slightly nervous. He tried to hold his gaze, keep his eyes straight and hide that sudden anxiousness. Then, Elijah took him by surprise once more. "Care for a drink, Mr. Salvatore? It's slightly overdue."


The first thing she felt was the chill of the wind, then she heard a voice of a woman, which was unfortunately familiar. She opened her eyes and found herself on the ground, using her hands for support, she pushed her body up and scanned the place around. The first one she saw was Esther speaking to her suicidal son, Finn. When she turned around, she found a lodge. It looked old with some trees around it. She saw Bonnie Bennet standing in front of the lodge with another woman; they were talking softly with death other. "What's going on here?" She asked the confusion clear in her voice, grabbing the attention of the two women. 

The Bennett witches' eyes found Esther, silently asking her what they should do. Bonnie had been against hitting or even bringing Alexandra into any of this, but when she voiced her concern, she was shot down by her other and Esther. Both women had assured her that nothing would happen. However, Bonnie had already texted Jeremy the minute she found Alex there. Esther was the first to move, sauntering with a stern look on her face, "Hello there, how are you feeling?" 

Alexandra glared at the woman, "I've seen better days when I'm not abducted by a nut job." 

Esther shook her head with a scowl over her face, "Did you really think I wouldn't know what you've done?" She then turned to Finn, giving him a silent order with her eyes. He seemed to understand though and dragged Alexandra by the arm to a pentagram. "You have to die Alexandra Cameron. It is the fate they placed upon you." 

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