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                   Alexandra opened her eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling. She sat up on the soft bed, rubbing her temples and letting out a groan. After going down the memory lane of the three months in which she got to know Stefan, she lost consciousness. "I lost count of how many times I fainted already." She thought with an annoyed huff. She recalled a story she had read long ago, where the main character would faint all the time. "Journey to the center of the earth."

"I'm glad that you're up." She heard his voice and every single cell of her body became alert. Stefan leaned on the doorframe of the bedroom she occupied with his arms crossed over his chest and a small smile playing on his lips.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked him, jolting off the bed with the intention of storing out of the room.

"I thought we should talk, now that you remember." Stefan's tone held a softness that she recognized now, one that she's heard two years ago when they were just friends. "When we were about to be more..." The thought trailed in her mind, but she ignores it.

"I don't know what's there to talk about, Stefan. We were friends, you made me forget, end of story."

"You remember how you felt back then." He moved so he was standing right in her face, just an inch separating their bodies. "You remember now how much we shared, how much you trusted me." His hand hovered over her cheek before his fingertips caressed it slightly. "I want us back, Alex."

Alexandra recalled one particular memory, it hurt her more than the others. It was the one when Stefan made her forget all about him.

They were by the falls. While he was reading next to her, she was only watching him. It was a picnic, she was the one who suggested it and he agreed right away. Stefan turned to her with a cheeky smile, "You're staring."

She felt the blush rising to her face, but she shrugged. "It's fair to say you're a sight to behold." Stefan laughed, throwing his head back and laughing loudly like he had no care in the world. Her gaze softened, "Your laugh sounds like something rare... Like I should be honored that I made you laugh."

"I could say the same about you." He closed the book he held, and moved his body closer to her, "You didn't tell me, why did you want to come here?"

Her eyes turned to the red light of the setting sun, "because I wanted to see the sunset." Stefan only hummed, and they sat in silence watching the sunset together.

She had the perfect plan, once the sun sets she would tell him the truth. It was the perfect time. The end of the day and the disappearance of the sun could mean the end of their friendship or the beginning of something new.

Once the sun disappeared and the night's sky became more clear, she said, "Stefan, I think I like you." She didn't turn towards him. Her eyes remained focused ahead, and she kept her tone strong and clear. She was preventing her nervousness and emotions from showing on her tone. "And I'm not talking about a friend kind of like, I mean more than that..."

She was back at the present situation with Stefan looking at her with his pleading but determined eyes. Alexandra knew she shouldn't show it, she knew she shouldn't let him know how much she was hurt by his way with her back then. But she didn't know if she could help it.

"I don't just remember what we shared." She started with a certain crack on her voice. "I also remember how I felt about it." She took a step back, his presence suddenly felt suffocating, "I remember the mixed signals you gave  me, I remember how confused I was." She shook her head chuckling. "I remember how I had to muster all my courage to tell you I like you. Do you remember what you told me Stefan?"

He didn't answer so she continued, "I think if given the time I could be head over heels for you, but forgive me, Alex. I really can't." She felt her eyes brimming with tears, but she ignored them, "And that was when you compelled me to forget. Are you sure it was a good idea to make me remember?"

Alexandra began walking to the door, she decided that she needed to go. She felt like his presence was making her feel all those things she hadn't felt for a very long time.

"I did it because I thought I was protecting you!" Stefan exclaimed as he flashed to stand in front of her once more. "You were human, fragile and pure. I didn't want you to carry the burden of what I am."

She shook her head, "While part of this might be true, you also wanted to delve into Elena's world and get to know her." Alexandra tried to move again but Stefan held her by the arm. She looked down at the hand holding her, then back at him with a raised eyebrow, "Seriously? What are you doing?"

"Why are you fighting this? Is this for Klaus? Did he ..."

"Fucking hell!" She pulled her arm from Stefan's grip and glared at him, "I don't know what on earth is wrong with your brain, but what was there two years ago doesn't exist anymore, so just leave me alone."

"He better does or I'll rip his heart out and feed it to him. You should never touch what's not yours, ripper." They heard Klaus voice bellowing through the boarding house. Something made Alexandra smile although the situation didn't call for it, nor was it the right time. It was just knowing that Klaus was there.

She rushed out of the room and she found him standing at the top of the staircase, seemingly waiting for her. His eyes left her form and looked behind her. She knew he was looking at Stefan. Alexandra walked to Klaus, who wrapped arm around his waist in a way that she could only describe as possessive.

"She isn't yours either, Klaus." Stefan retorted as he dawdled towards them. He hid his emotions well, puting on the nonchalant facade.

Klaus flashed towards his, holding him by the neck as Stefan's back hit the wall. "Stop playing your little games, Stefan Salvatore." He said through gritted teeth.

"She will never be yours. I won't let her!" Stefan chocked the words, triggering Klaus' anger. The original hybrid had his hand shoved into Stefan's chest, a second away from ripping his heart out.

"Please don't so this. Niklaus, please don't!" Alexandra pleaded, but didn't dare move closer.

Her desperate tone seemed to aggravate Klaus even further, an animalistic growl left him and his eyes turned amber. His face changed and he felt close to turning into his wolf form. For the first time, Klaus felt like he wasn't in control of his wold. Like he could lose to him at any moment. Alexandra's voice begging him for Stefan's life only made it worse.

It made him freeze for only part of the second, which someone used to pull him away from Stefan. He turned to the traitor, ready to bathe himself in everyone's blood eight then and there, but he found it was Elijah.

"Niklaus, calm down." Elijah said calmly then turned to assess the scene in front of him.

Alexandra was standing with wide eyes, looking about ready to break down in tears. Stefan was making a move towards her, but she didn't even see him. She rushed towards Klaus. She didn't say a word, but simply held his arm. Her eyes caught his amber ones, and she saw his face returning back to his human features.

Damon sauntered into the scene ticking his tongue in disapproval. His eyes drifted between the others then he rolled his eyes. "So much drama!"


Hello beautiful people ♥️,

How are you all doing? Did you miss Alexandra and Klaus in the past week or not? Please tell me you did!!!

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter! I love you all, and I love every single read, vote, and comment. ❤️❤️

Lots of love 💕
Alex xoxo

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