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              Alexandra and Jeremy were both standing outside the class, she looked extremely engrossed in his tale of what had happened between him and Rebekah that night. "So, you talked?" She asked him with slight disbelief.

"Honestly, she was drunk and she wouldn't leave. So, I just ..." He rubbed the back of his neck and fidgeted on his feet.

"You just decided to sit with her as she mopped about how unfair life was being to her?"

Letting out a sigh, "I don't know, okay? I know the Originals are a crazy bunch, but at that moment, she wasn't an Original vampire and her brother wasn't the evil bastard who killed Jenna. She was just an unfortunate girl with a serious baggage, you get me, right?"

"Of course, I mean Bekah is great and I really think she's misunderstood. That girl has a lot of love in her."

Jeremy nodded and a moment of silence passed between the two before Jeremy looked at her with pleading eyes, "Alex, you cannot tell anyone about this. If my sister or any of the Salvatore brothers knew they would have my head, maybe they'd try and send me away again."

Alexandra nodded her head firmly, "I know, don't worry. And I think you and Bekah can be great friends."


Damon was at the Boarding house. He knew Elijah would come and find him really soon. Stefan left to school with Elena, Caroline was on Abby's watch, and Meredith was with Alaric. It was like a checklist in his mind to make sure that all the bases were covered.

He let out a long breath while holding a glass of whiskey in his hand. He had put himself in a dilemma once more. Damon had been digging for ways to end the originals, and when he pulled one of the milling archives from 1912 only to find that the white oak tree has been shipped to Wickery Bridge, things became more complicated.

He wasn't even sure he wanted the originals dead anymore. Maybe he did want Klaus did, but Damon knew that if he did that Elijah would kill him. "But is that really what I'm worried about?" He wondered to himself. His mind didn't conjure a straight answer, but threw a small fact at him. "He would really hate me."

It shouldn't bother him all that much, but it did. And that was enough to irk Damon to no end. Part of him wondered if he was projecting his feeling from Elena to Elijah, but it sounded laughable. He couldn't help but remember one of their times together.

Elijah was holding him by the neck as he kissed him with a desire that seemed to burn every inch of his body. Damon didn't expect the original to have that much passion. When Elijah threw him on the bed of the hotel room, and stalked towards him with a predatory gleam in his eyes, Damon found himself getting harder. Although a small part of him should have been scared, he wasn't.

Damon was used to being the one in control, to do all the work, and to please first. He thought that without control He wouldn't have fun. However, Elijah proved him wrong. The original tore his shirt off his body like it was nothing, his tongue found Damon's neck and the licking turned to sucking on the skin that was later followed by small and soft bites.

Damon was writhing beneath him. With Elijah on top of him, he rolled his hips ever so slightly and wasn't disappointed by the evident hard on that Elijah had. The original let out a groan, his mouth was on Damon's ear as he whispered gruffly, "You shouldn't have done that."

Damon later found out that Elijah was anything but proper and calm. He was rough, tough, and wild. Damon never thought he would enjoy being with a man all that much. He had tried it back in the seventies, but it didn't appeal to him all that much. However, Elijah seemed to successfully change his mind.

"You're so lost in thought." Elijah's voice pulled him out of the memory and to a realization he didn't want to reach. Whatever he had with Elijah wasn't all about sex. He was looking at him with something akin to a calculating look, as if he was trying to figure him all out. Damon wished he could at that moment, because he was beginning to feel strange, to feel like he cared about Elijah.

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about Ric." Damon retorted with a small shrug.

"You worry about him a lot, more than you should." Elijah said after a short hum.

"It's what friends do."

"Is that why you didn't tell me about him? Were you so worried that I would kill him?"

The accusation in Elijah's tone wasn't lost on Damon, but he wasn't sure how to answer that. It was true, he was worried the original would simply offer Ric's death as a solution and it wasn't an option for Damon. Alaric was his only friend.

"If it was one of your brothers you'd have moved hell and earth for them." It sounded smart to his own ears, a fair comparison in a way.

"Don't plot behind my back, Damon." Elijah took a couple of steps closer, and held Damon's gaze with him. He hated to admit how the older Salvatore was affecting him. Elijah wasn't ready to explore all that he felt, but he knew betrayal really well. It was exactly what he felt when he knew of Alaric's situation.

"I don't want to plot behind your back, Elijah." The honesty behind his words was clear, it even surprised Elijah slightly. He didn't expect Damon to say that, to agree with him. "Don't stab me in the back."

They both stood at opposite ends, they both held different loyalties, and they both wondered if they can promise each other anything. Despite all of that, the spark that was ignited between the two, couldn't be out out now.

Elijah nodded his head and a small smile appeared on his face as he slowly and softly kissed Damon's lips. There was a strange tenderness, unfamiliar to the both of them. His hand softly covered Damon's cheek, a touch that was almost feather-like. It was so soft that Damon smiled into the kiss, and moved closer so only their garments stood as a barrier between them.


When the lunch break came along, Alexandra jumped off her seat and exited the class quickly. She was lost in thoughts throughout most of the time thinking about him. She wondered if he would be there when she went with Rebekah to their mansion. She hoped he would be. Her mind kept going through different scenarios of what could happen or what they would talk about. All in all she was restless, excited, nervous, and a bunch of other feelings.

Someone pulled her by the arm away from the crowds of students. Her back to the wall of the hallway, she looked up to find Stefan staring at her with impenetrable expression on his face. "What are you doing?" She tried to look around, hoping she would find Rebekah or Jeremy.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He said pulling away from her.

Alexandra nodded, "I'm fine."

"I... Look, I know we didn't start off great.." Stefan started hesitantly and she was slightly surprised at his words. She wasn't sure what he was expecting from her, but before she could Stefan continued, "What I'm trying to say is that I'm sorry, for scaring you the way I did."

Alexandra nodded with a small smile, the hallway was already emptying of the students but she didn't feel scared. She couldn't help but believe him. "It's alright. I mean Jeremy explained that whole thing of having your emotions off, so I just hope you're better right now."

Stefan nodded and gave a smile, "So, friends?" He extended a hand for her to shake abd she did.



Here's another chapter that I hope you'd like. Did I do well with the scene between Elijah and Damon? It's kinda my first time and I'm not sure if I'm giving these two justice.

Anyway, I'm happy with every read, vote, and comment. Thank you all so much ❤️

Happy reading,
Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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