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                  Alaric was pacing the parlor of the boarding house with a furious look on his face. He saw Damon come to him with two glasses of bourbon in hand. "Where the hell are they, Damon?" Alaric asked not even sparing the glass a look.

"What are you talking about?" Damon asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Where are the stakes?"

Damon gave him an accusing glare, "Why were you looking for them? Actually, why did you steal one of them, Ric?"

The two friends glared at each other, then Alaric jumped at Damon with a stake that he pulled from under his sleeve and tried to stab Damon in the heart. Luckily, Stefan came from behind Alaric and knocked him out.

The two Salvatore brother stared at the unconscious body of Alaric, then toward each other, "Those herbs weren't working, were they?" Stefan concluded, not needing an answer.

"It seems so. Perhaps we should call Bonnie now." Damon stated and walked away from the two men.

"But his question is important as well." Damon froze in place, his every single muscle tightened, "Where did the stakes go?"


Alexandra arrived at the mansion with Klaus. Once she walked in, Rebekah came forth and hugged her tightly, "I'm so glad you're okay."

Alexandra rubbed her back, "I won't be for long if you keep holding me that tightly." She chocked the words out finding it hard to breath.

Rebekah quickly pulled away, "You're okay, right?" Before Alexandra could say anything, she continued, "I'm going to kill Stefan!"

Alexandra rolled her eyes, she felt like whatever happened with Stefan was a long time ago. It didn't bother her anymore, the only thing being fresh on her mind was  her time with Klaus. A grin appeared on her face, "I'm okay, nothing happened."

Jeremy walked forward and wrapped his arms around her softly, which earned him a glare from Klaus. "I'm sorry you had to go through this."

Alexandra was shocked to find Jeremy with a room full of originals. None of them were glaring or hating on each other. She looked at Rebekah with confused eyes, but hugged him back. "I'm okay. Don't worry Jere. I'm really fine."

Elijah shared a look with Klaus, noticing the way he looked at Alexandra and Jeremy. A secret smile found it's way on his lips, but he knew better than to comment on it.  For the longest of time he wanted his brother to show some care for others. He wanted his redemption and he knew it would be through love. "Could it be that Niklaus found his match in this young woman?"

"To the important matters." Elijah started wanting to distract Klaus from whatever murderous thoughts he had in mind. "We have a watchful eye on Finn, how do you suggest we lure him to our side."

"We already have Sage; she's our winning card." Rebekah added.

"I assume Finn doesn't have a cell phone, right?" Alexandra started and their looks told her Finn didn't. "And I'm pretty sure he wouldn't trust anyone that he thinks even remotely connected with you." She turned her eyes towards Klaus and the others.

"What's your point, Alexandra?" Klaus asked impatiently.

She gave him a side glance, and rolled her eyes at his impatience then said, "Well, one of your hybrids can give him like a payphone or something and Sage would call him and bring him back here."

"Why not just send Sage with the hybrid?" Jeremy asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Okay, since when is Jeremy in the save-the-originals ship?" She wondered to herself then answered his question, "That could work too." She gave a shrug of her shoulders.

Rebekah then interjected, "I'll go call her." When she left, Jeremy followed after her after sharing a look with Alexandra, which clearly said they would need to talk later. 

"Why don't we share a cup of tea in the study, Ms. Cameron?" Elijah said as proper as ever.

Klaus gave him a look, "I think there's no need for that, brother."

He was wary of Elijah's intentions. He knew him best, and while he was all about manners and promises, he was also sly and even manipulative. He wondered if Elijah would use Alexandra against him at some point.

"I think it's long overdue to get to know Ms. Cameron. She saved our lives, and I would dare assume we'll be seeing plenty of her." Elijah's words had an underlying message, but Alexandra decided to not overthink it.

Klaus, on the other hand, remained wary and very suspicious. He knew his brother must have figured it out, he must have known that something was going on between them.

"It would be an honor to get to know you, Elijah. However, I must insist that you call me Alexandra or Alex. Ms. Cameron makes me feel old." She said with a light tone and a smile.

In spite of everything, Alexandra knew that family were really important to Klaus. He had gone so far to keep them safe, and she wanted them to like her. She didn't have much interaction with Elijah, so she decided that she ought to. 

"That's fine, Alexandra." He turned to Klaus, "Then shall we?" He gestured towards the study and Alexandra nodded her head.

Elijah started walking, but when she noticed Klaus'reluctance she looked at him and mouthed voicelessly, "It's going to be fine." She held his hand in hers, but as they approached the study, he pulled it away.

She didn't want to be hurt by the gesture. She interpreted it in the only possible way. "He doesn't want his family to know about us."

The maids served them tea, and Elijah was the one to start the conversation. "It remains unclear how a life bond was initiated between yourself and my brother, Alexandra. You must be disconcerted to say the least."

Alexandra took a sip of her tea, noting how delicious it was. She placed the cup on the coffee table before her. "It's rather strange, indeed. If I'm being honest, I can't really wrap my head around the whole thing. As you already know, I'm quite the newbie in the supernatural world."

Elijah nodded his head, "I'm well aware of the fact. I find myself really intrigued to know your reasons for warning my sister back at the ball. Our mother's nefarious plans would have worked of it wasn't for you."

"Everyone asked me this question, but I don't have an answer that would satisfy your curiosity. It just felt like the right thing to do. And now that I know more, I feel more at ease with my decision."

Klaus discarded his tea, and poured himself a glass of whiskey. Elijah was about to say something, but he stopped him, "Your interrogation should stop right here, Elijah. There isn't a need to question Alexandra of her intentions."

She could see that he was on edge, like he could see or feel something she didn't, because so far, Elijah is all friendly and nice, if way too stiff for her liking.

Elijah placed his tea on the coffee table as well, "I only wish to understand Alexandra better, there's no harm in that, Niklaus."

Alexandra was becoming more suffocated with the tension between the two as time passed. Therefore, when Jeremy and Rebekah walked in with Kol, she couldn't have been more elated.

When she looked at Rebekah, the original caught on her relief instantly. "Stop glaring daggers at each other, you're making her uncomfortable."

"Thank you, Rebekah." She thought sarcastically, "Now it's even more awkward."

Jeremy ignored the originals and with Kol on his side he said, "Bonnie is coming over... She's got some news about the bond."


Hello beautiful people,

I hope you like this chapter ❤️

What do you think Damon will tell Stefan about the stakes? And what about the bond? Is it breakable? Is it for forever?

I'd like to say, like always, thank you for every read, vote and comment. They all mean the world to me.

Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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