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                 Alexandra wasn't sure when she had drifted to such a peaceful sleep, but she woke up with a delicious ache between her legs and an arm wrapped tightly around her waist. She turned to face him, and she couldn't help but stare at his features.

She couldn't remember a time when he looked so peaceful. "He's just beautiful." The word being less than gender neutral but it described the sight of him pretty well at that moment.

She remembered how he touched every single inch of her body. The last thing she thought was possible was for Klaus to be so gentle in handling her. It was like he knew exactly why he had to do, what she needed.

He perfectly alternated between being gentle and rough. And just remembering her moans made a blush creep up her face. One thing she knew for sure was that she wouldn't have wanted her first time to be with anyone but him. 

She looked up through the open window, the night's sky showing a perfectly full moon. She him stirring next to her, kissing her neck ever so softly. "Hello, my love." He said softly into her neck.

"Hello to you." She giggled softly, feeling a familiar giddiness within her. "It's a full moon tonight."

He hummed, that content feeling was unfamiliar to him. He couldn't remember a time when he felt as peaceful as he was between her arms. Even his wolf was calm inside him. He felt her fingers tracing patterns on bare back as she said her words.

He wondered if the full moon was behind the consuming hunger he had been feeling for her. "It looks like it is." He said with nonchalance.

There was a long moment of comfortable silence between them. She interrupted it by asking, "What are we going to do about the bond?"

Klaus moved to lie on his back, "We'll find something out. Let's just enjoy the here and now."

She couldn't help but chuckle, "I can't believe that you, the original hybrid, just said that?"

He was surprised at himself as well, but that moment was rare and he didn't want to ruin it with anything. "It's you, that's what you do to me, Alexandra."

His tone held so much love, affection, and passion. She wondered how they got to where they were now, how she ended up with someone like him. But she could never be more grateful.

With the sheets wrapped around her body, she moved on top of him, with her hands on his chest. "Well then, I have some idea on how we should enjoy our night." The mischievous look on her face, turned Klaus once more.

"I wonder what those idea might be." He raised a teasing eyebrow.

She bit her lower lip, deciding that she had so many fantasies that she would like to bring to life. Klaus presented the perfect chance. She lowered herself on his body pulling the sheets away from his midsection. Looking up at him from under her lashes, "Well, we can start with..." She licked his body and took him into her mouth.

Klaus knew that Alexandra was full of surprises, but that side of her he certainly enjoyed.


Rebekah and Jeremy were hanging out at the Grill. He watched her as she laughed loudly throwing her head back in the process. He thought he knew what it was like to fall in love. He thought he knew it all too well. But here she was, giving him a whole new definition of the word.

Rebekah didn't just love him, she understood him. He remembered on their first night together, how she they ended up talking about their lives. She appreciated what he had been through, when most of the people around him just brushed it off.

She turned to him with furrowed eyebrows, "What's wrong?" She looked around trying to find a source of danger, but there was nothing.

Jeremy only smiled gently at her, "I love you." He blurted out the words for the first time. This wasn't how he had planned to tell her, at the Grill with a burger and a milkshake. He thought he would do it on some fancy restaurant where he would woo her.

Rebekah grinned widely at him, she didn't need to wonder if she loved him back. It was clear to her that she did. Jeremy was considerate, gentle with her despite knowing what she is, he let go of all the terrible things she had done.

"I love you too."

Once the words came out of her mouth, he lunged forward kissing her passionately. It was a beautiful moment and despite both of them knowing that there were a lot of things they would need to sort out, but for now they were both happy.


Stefan was in his room, packing a small duffle bag. Damon entered his room, "What are you doing?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows, his eyes drifted between Stefan and the bag on the bed.

"What does it look like Damon?" Stefan didn't even look up when he said the words.

"It looks like you're leaving." Damon stated flatly.

"That's exactly what I'm doing."

Damon stepped closer, "Is that because of Elena or Alex?"

"It's because of me." He zipped the bag then looked up, "I need to leave, Damon. There's nothing left for me here. You have Elijah, and things seemed to be going well for the both of you, Elena might get a chance at a normal life. I'm sure Alex will make Klaus leave her alone. And I need to..."

Damon interrupted him, "I understand." And he really did. He really understood where Stefan was coming from. His brother needed to find himself, to find a new purpose and to start over. "I'll see you soon brother." He wrapped his arms awkwardly around Stefan's patting his back.

"Don't fuck it up, I don't understand it, but don't fuck it up." Stefan said into the hug. And Damon knew he was talking about Elijah.

They pulled away, "Don't worry, brother." Damon smirked, "I think we'll go have our own little travels as well."

Stefan nodded, "That's sounds good."

They went downstairs and they found Elijah waiting for them in the parlor. He shook hands with Stefan, "I hope to see you soon."

Stefan nodded, then left the two. Elijah turned to Damon, "So, what now?"

"Now." Damon started, "We have a little vacation away from everyone and everything."

"Italy sounds like a good start." Elijah said with a smirk.

Damon picked his lips, "Yes, totally."


Hello beautiful people, ♥️

I can't believe that this journey is over. I don't even know how I will live without Alexandra and Klaus.

Tell me if you want an epilogue.

Actually, do you think you would want a sequel with Alexandra getting pregnant and all of that?

I need to know, so I know how to base my epilogue 😅

Thank you all so much for reading this.
Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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