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                    Alexandra's eyebrows raised in shock, before she shook her head. It was already beyond disbelieving him, not with the yellow eyes and protruding fangs he had just shown her.

Therefore, Alexandra decided to go with the craziness. When in Rome. She thought to herself.

Mind you, Alexandra knows her fiction. So, her next question came easily,  "I thought vampires and werewolves are natural enemies, how come you get to be both?".  It was a fact stated in almost every single movie and book.

"Shouldn't you be running by now, Alexandra?"

"What's the point?" She pinned him with her look, "If you wish to, you can move at the speed of light and catch me". The words left her mouth easily, even Klaus found that surprising. He wondered if she was compelled to remain calm when faced with the supernatural.

"Your heart isn't even skipping a beat, love". He continued with squinted eyes. She shrugged her shoulders, but refrained from saying anything. "You're either one of a kind or you're just stupid".

"Can't I be a bit of both?". She asked with a tilt of her head.

Klaus chuckled and walked in a circle around her, "I believe you can".

"So, how come you're both? How do you know Jeremy and Stefan? Why do they hate you so much?"

"So many questions". He replied mockingly, then came to a stop in front of her. She tilted her head and gave him an expectant look, "I'm the big bad out here".

She squinted her eyes, furrowed her eyebrows, then asked, "The big bad? So you're the villain in the story?"

"Indeed I am". Hr gave her a grin that resembled a Cheshire cat.

"Since when does the villain stroll into a cafe and grab a talk with a normal teenager? What did you hope to gain, because let me tell you, I've got nothing to offer". She didn't sound offended or even a little bit bothered, just genuinely curious.

Klaus didn't have a reason to say. He had wondered about the reason behind the pull he felt towards her, but found no logical answer. He blamed it on the curiosity and boredom.

"Perhaps I was bored".

Alexandra decided to find answers for her other questions, "And how do you know Jeremy?".

He paused for a moment then said, "I killed his aunt". The words left him with ease and we're followed by a shrug of his shoulders. 

"Excuse me". She exclaimed loudly, the first reaction that didn't take him by surprise. "You killed Jenna?"

Alexandra wasn't close with the woman, but she had known her well enough. She actually really respected Jenna for agreeing to take care of two teenagers, albeit her being young.

Klaus nodded, a certain sick satisfaction spurred within him at the horrified look her face held. It was one he had wanted to see; he listened in, waiting for her heart to reflect her fear, but there was still nothing. When his werewolf part was freed, his sense of smell grew, became rather enhanced. He could smell the stench of fear miles away.

She's not afraid. He decided to himself.

"Why did you kill her?" She asked after the long silence.

"This is one long story, love". Klaus paused then took a step closer to her, "Why was Stefan at your house?"

He could smell it now, the fear, but he knew it wasn't because of him. The way she seemed to ponder of his question showed that she had recalled a certain memory of Stefan that had her petrified. 

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