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           Alex and Rebekah were together in the latter's car as she drove them to the mansion. "You're aware that Stefan has feelings for you." She gave Alexandra a side glance, seeing her confused and slightly shocked look, she continued, "Feelings which go beyond friendship. He's not being a good Samaritan, that much you should know."

Alexandra looked out of the window, giving a little sigh, "Honestly Bekah, I don't know what he's up to or how he feels. Stefan and I never talked all that much to begin with. Then he went all berserk on me." She told her about the time Stefan was stalking her, "Then he became nice again. The emotions thing is a bit tricky for him I think." She shook her head, "And he's head over heels for Elena. You know it and I know it." Rebekah scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Plus, I'm not really sure I care all that much about this. If he wants to be a friend then sure, anything else isn't even an option."

"Because of Nik?" Rebekah asked slyly.

There was longer sigh that came out of Alex as she played with the end of her hair, "Who hasn't shown his face, not once, not even to check on me." She turned her body towards Rebekah, "I wonder if he thinks the same way I do, that perhaps whatever attraction we had was nothing, that it was all forced by this spell or bond or whatever."

"Do you fancy yourself in love with him?" Rebekah asked her, trying to drift the conversation in a different direction. She didn't want to discuss with her what her brother thought or felt. She knew it wouldn't be anything good.

Alexandra, for her part, thought about the question. Love was a big word, one she couldn't just throw lightly. "I'm not sure." She mumbled under her breath. "Is it even real?" She questioned her feelings and his, if he had any for her, more than once. "I just care about him and for now let's leave it at that."


Klaus had gone out of town. He was searching for Esther and Finn, that was something he was actually doing and his claimed purpose of leaving. However, he also needed time away from her. He gulped the content of his glass in one go, as he sat in a bar watching a girl eyeing him. He didn't even have the heart to look her way, if anything he was thinking she was pathetic.

It seemed the only woman who seemed to intrigue him was Alexandra. Despite taking Caroline to the ball and enjoying her company, Klaus kept on comparing her to Alex, especially after he had gotten to know her more. She had accepted him thoroughly even after knowing what and who he was, after knowing everything he had done.

He poured more scotch into his glass, swirling the drink with a distant look on his face. "It must be that bond." He told himself and his teeth gritted just with the thought. It was the only reason she had accepted him that well, but he wondered if it was the only reason he felt that attracted to her. The last idea sounded ridiculous. Because Alexandra was nice to be around. She knew how and what to talk about, kept up with him, and their conversations were always enjoyable.

"His death means hers, and hers would mean his." The words echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of something he had been trying to overcome for centuries. A weakness. Alexandra would a weakness, his  demise could be with her hands. She was human, fragile, and very killable. His enemies were endless; he had lost count of their numbers. 

Klaus decided that he needed to find Esther as soon as possible. If she had put him in this dilemma then she ought to sort it out, or he would make her wish she had stayed on the other side. 


After Damon confessed to Elijah about the stakes, he didn't say anything. Opting to remain stoic until he got a shower and got dressed in a fresh suit. Damon felt his heart in his throat, in a way foreign to him, his mind kept on wondering whether Elijah was going to hate him forever or kill him right then and there. It's safe to say, Damon didn't favor any of his options.

When Elijah was all dressed he said, "We shall talk after you're dressed." He then turned away and walked out of the room. The way his face was impenetrable worried Damon even more. He wanted him to shout or scream or yell. This calmness was more unsettling. However, Damon knew sitting there naked wouldn't solve his problem. So, he took a shower and prepared himself for whatever Elijah would throw at him.

When he left the room, he found Elijah in the small bar in the apartment with a glass of bourbon in hand. He was watching the glass with his back to him, "It's your favorite." Elijah commented staring at the drink. "I saw the bottle the other day, and I remembered you; you told me you favoured it over others. It was after the third time we had become intimate." His tone was nonchalant as if he was just talking about the news or something of no importance. "I remembered you telling me that you favorite Persian carpets, so I found myself ordering for one to be bought. It's right in the living room of this apartment actually."

Damon stood frozen in place listening to Elijah as he spoke. "I was walking down the street a few days ago, I saw a blue shirt, and I remembered that one time when we were in bed after we shared a long night,when you told me blue shirts would suit me." Elijah took a sip from his drink, "I know your favorite book is Call of The Wild, and I know you love the color black. And for some reason you like pancakes, and your eggs are never well done." Elijah turned to Damon for the first time looking him in the eyes, "What do you know about me?"

He didn't imagine that he could feel that hurt, Elijah didn't think that he would come to care for Damon as much as he did. There were no grand love confessions between the two, and neither of them was willing to risk his heart. However, Elijah had the belief that they equally cared for each other.

"Elijah, I ..." Damon started but didn't know how to go on. He wondered if he should tell him that the idea of losing him was unbearable or that he thought he was in love with him. Damon was stuck, and his mind froze at that moment.

Elijah put the glass down, it made a soft clinking sound, then he walked to Damon. "Why did you tell me? Why did you choose to tell me? In fact, a better question I'd like to ask, what did you plan to do with them? Did you want to kill me and my siblings? Do you abhor my presence that much, Mr. Salvatore?"

"Just stop it already!" Damon yelled in frustration. Elijah's calm tone getting on every bit of his nerve. Because it wasn't simply calm, it was also cold. "You know how I feel about you, that's why I told you just now. I stood against everything I believe for you. Your brother ruined mine, killed people that I cared about, and still tries to kill them until today."

"Am I to believe you're killing him for Elena?" Elijah asked as his tone turned icier.

"Fucking hell! You just fucked me for hours, taken every bit of control from me. I didn't mind, not even once." Damon moved closer  with fire in his eyes, "I would have never done that, had I not cared for you. It scares me to even think about it, but I might be in love with you. I'll hand you the stakes, you can burn them for all I care."


Hello beautiful people ♥️,

How do you think Elijah is going to answer to Damon's confession? Is he going to forgive him or are they up for a bump on the road?

I hope you like this chapter, I kinda enjoyed writing it. And finally, thank you for every read, vote, and comment. They all mean the world to me. ❤️❤️❤️

Happy reading,
Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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