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            Stefan had been keeping an eye on Alexandra throughout the school day. Elena was surprised when he told her he was going, though she had opted to stay home for the day. He was mainly waiting for the right moment to approach Alexandra, and by the right moment he meant catching her alone.

It was lunch time when he had his chance. She was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria checking something on her phone. Stefan guessed she was waiting for Rebekah, because the girl didn't seem to leave her side at all. Alexandra was either with Jeremy or Rebekah. "Hey."

Alexandra gasped and her hand flew to her chest, looking visibly startled. "Stefan, you really know how to sneak on people."

He gave a small smile, "How are you? I mean after everything?"

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Honestly? I have no idea how I feel or how I'm doing." She chuckled a bit awkwardly, "It's all very strange."

"It's understandable. Being bonded to a thousand-year-old-evil hybrid can do that." Stefan's tone was light, which was something she appreciated.

"I guess." She rubbed the back of her neck, "I'm still not sure what this life bond thing mean, but it sounded pretty serious." She furrowed her eyebrows, "I'm really hoping that it isn't why you're talking to me right now. To try and use me somehow?"

Stefan shook his head, "Would you really think that low of me?"

She let out a sigh, staring him in the eyes, "I don't know what to think of you, Stefan. I've heard all sorts of things about you. It's like you're on one end or the other of a very wide spectrum. It's confusing and slightly unnerving."

Her words reminded him of one conversation they had a long time ago, a conversation she couldn't remember but still rang in his ears. It was just like the first time they talked. "Walk with me?"

"Which Stefan are you? Blind with vengeance, crazy with hunger, or the sweet boy who brought girls to their knees with his good looks and heart?" Her tone held no bite, if anything it was light and full with humor. It was why he didn't take offence with the words she said.

They started walking away from the cafeteria and outside of the school building, "I think I'm neither of those things but all of them. Does that make sense?"

She nodded her head, "It does. I don't know, maybe it's even for the best." Stefan gave her a side glance and asked her how so. "You're accepting it, aren't you? You accept that you're a vampire with serious issues going on. That's a good step. And also." She stopped walking and stood in front of him, "I don't think the ends of a spectrum are meant to be occupied, it's everything in the middle that should."

The whole thing was very nostalgic for Stefan. Taking a walk in a strangely warm weather with the sun shinning over their faces and reflecting on her blonde hair making a hue around her head. "You have a point. I've lived the better part of my life denying myself. Rubbing away from what I am into the thing I wanted to be the most."

"And what's that?"


"I think being human goes beyond the absence of fangs and cravings for blood. And from what I heard, and sometimes even saw, you're very human, Stefan."

Her words caused a smile to form on his face, one that was very genuine. They walked around some more, until they heard Rebekah's voice calling for Alexandra. "I've been looking all over the place for you." Rebekah eyes Stefan with a knowing and very threatening look, then took Alexandra by the arm leading her away from him. "You should be careful around him."

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