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They were taking a walk down the trail in the woods. They have met there a couple of times. It was where Alexandra liked to take her walk. Sometimes she thought it was such a strange coincidence that he was always there. The day was warm with the soft breeze of the wind caressing their skin every now and then. "There was a time when I thought I could happily sacrifice everything for the one I love." She could tell how personal this part of himself is, and she appreciated him talking about it with her. They were mainly discussing a philosophical topic, sacrifice, then Stefan took her off guard by saying this.

"Then what happened?" She asked with a slight hint of curiosity in her tone.

"It wasn't love. And before you ask I'm not sure as to what it was. I just know it wasn't love."

"What's love?" She stopped her walking then faced him. Shrugging her shoulders she said, "I don't think anyone can really know what love is. The definition is very subjective, Stefan."

"So, what's your definition of love?" He asked with a small smile. He was curious to know though. He enjoyed talking with her, and spending time with her had become something that he looks forward to.

She hummed slightly, turned around, and started walking again. "I don't know. I don't imagine it like flowers and butterflies. I mean..." She was seriously considering an answer, "I think love is peace. It's home." A small smile was drawn on her face, then she chuckled, "I also think it's ache, pain, and longing, mixed with happiness, thrill, anticipation, and loyalty." She said the last word so eagerly, "There has to be loyalty, because without it, what's the point?"

Stefan's eyes opened to find himself in his room and on his bed. He didn't know why he was having a dream about that distant memory. It was a long time ago that he made a friend out of her. He was snapped out of his thoughts by the voices coming from downstairs. He hurriedly put a shirt on and descended the stairs. Damon gestured towards Elijah with his head, "He has Elena."

Elijah gave an agonizing smile, "Hello Stefan. Actually, she's with Rebekah. As you can imagine, my sister is just dying to tear her throat out. So...if you want to save Elena's life, I need you to help me stop my mother from trying to kill us again."

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand-year-old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty." Damon retorted sarcastically.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Stefan asked with a tight voice.

"The witches that released my mother, she's drawing her power from their bloodline, that line needs to be broken," Elijah told them. He needed the risk of his mother eliminated and the only way to do that was to cut off her source of power. The brothers knew what he meant, they knew they had to kill a Bennett witch. It was the question of which of them would be willing to do that. They both the consequences of such an action, losing Elena.


Klaus was at the Grill with Kol. They decided to share a drink after Kol had expressed his boredom. Klaus didn't mind, and although he wouldn't say it out loud, nor even hint at it, he cared for Kol deeply. They were chatting when her scent hit him. It was unique, different. "The girl who saved us." Kol's voice made him turn and follow his eyes.

Rebekah had asked Alexandra to leave, she told her she wouldn't want to be part of what would happen, and Alex decided to take her words for it. When she noticed Klaus' presence, she opted to pretend like she hadn't. He was confusing her to no end. They talked, they kissed, and she saved his life. However, she didn't know where she stood with him. She remembered seeing him with Caroline at the ball, and just recalling that made a strange feeling come over her. It took her a second longer to realize it as jealousy.

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