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                     Klaus was still unsure as to what he was doing there. He knew there were bigger, more important, and rather vital things to take care of. But he still went to see her.

He knew it wasn't her body he was after, nor did he want her undying love. However, there was something in her that pulled at his strings. She intrigued him with her beauty and innocence, attracted him with her wit and knowledge, and lured him more with her bravery.

Alexandra was a work of art. He has always been big on art.

His eyes scanned her room. It was pretty simple, light blue walls adorned with two small paintings natural sceneries. There was one of mountain and the other of a waterfall. Klaus judged the direction of the brush strokes and the lines.

His eyes turned to the several shelves full of books, drifting between the different titles. He noticed she read into a variety of genres and topics. It explained her intellect.

"Glad you find my room so interesting". She said with her hands crossed over her chest. She watched him looking through her room and she wondered to herself what he was thinking. Part of her, the most insecure part of her, wondered if it would be to his liking. She wondered if he was judging her in his mind at that point.

"It is interesting indeed, but remind me to get you better paintings, those are not worthy of being hanged on the wall". His eyes gave a disapproving glance to the two paintings.

"Seriously?" She said with a chuckle, "They're not hanged in the louvre, it's just my room".

Klaus turned to her with a strange look, one she couldn't interpret, "That's why we have to change them".

She shook her head, trying hard to bite back the smile overcoming her face. She didn't understand how he was affecting her like that, but she was behind looking for answers to that.

"Jeremy told me". She stated and just those words shifted the mood of the entire room.

Klaus shoulders stiffened, "Everything I would assume".

She nodded and nibbled on her lower lip, "You weren't kidding when you said you're the bad guy".

He grinned, "I wasn't"

She let out a breath and took a seat on the edge of her bed. Her eyes were casted down and a long minute of charged silence passed between the two. 

"Why did you approach me?" She asked him in a whisper. "I'm nothing special, I wouldn't serve your plans in anyway, and until today I didn't know anything of the supernatural". She didn't allow her eyes to meet his as she said the words.

"You intrigued me, is that so hard to believe?". He asked moving to stand in front of her. He saw her give him a small nod. "I can make you forget, about me, the supernatural, and everything you've come to know. Is that what you want?" He asked albeit unsure of the answer he wished to receive. Part of him wanted her to say yes, hoping that then he'd get passed whatever interest he had. Another part, wanted her to tell him no.

Her eyes finally looked up, meeting his. "Why would I want that?" She seemed genuinely confused at the notion. She didn't want to forget. Not the supernatural and definitely not him. "I am still processing what's happening is all".

She shut her eyes tightly then opened them, "I'm just so confused. There's this..." She paused and put a hand above her heart, "there's this feeling that I have whenever you're around". Klaus noticed how she was becoming more confused with every word, struggling to express herself to him,

"I don't know what it is and I can't understand it, bit I think it is what's stopping me from being afraid. I know I should be, I heard the most horrifying stories about you only a couple of hours ago but I am just not".

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