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                 Elijah was in his apartment, he has been restless for the past couple of days now. He couldn't fathom nor understand why Damon has been avoiding him. Whenever he called him or texted him, Damon dodged meeting for some lame reason or another.

Despite hating that time he spent apart from Damon, Elijah was grateful for it all the same. In a way, it gave him some clarity. He knew he cared for Damon, but he didn't know that he loved him that much to the point that he felt dependant on his presence.

It was only two days, but they were more than enough to drive Elijah crazy. He couldn't focus on the things that actually matter, like finding a witch to break the life bond between his brother and Alexandra.

Therefore, he called Damon, told him that they needed to meet. And when Damon told him that he was busy, Elijah told him that he needs his help in finding a witch.

The doorbell rang, making Elijah's back stiffen. He didn't understand why Damon would ring the bell when he had a key to the apartment. To him, it felt like the younger vampire ended their relationship without even telling him.

Elijah opened the door, and although all he wanted was to kiss Damon seedless, he refused. Moving aside and allowing Damon in.

"So, here I am. What do I need to do?" Damon asked without looking at Elijah. He simply walked tot he couch and sat down.

Elijah rolled the sleeves of his shirt up, then took a seat on the armchair opposite the couch. He was eyeing Damon with an unreadable countenance. "We will get to that soon, but first I'd like to address your change of attitude recently."

Damon raised an eyebrow, "What change of attitude?" He smirked, leaning back on the couch, "I'm the same as I've always been."

Elijah willed himself to stay patient with Damon, he had to. "If you would like to end whatever we have, Damon, then you should really say it loud and clear. I'm not into the art of mixed signals."

If there's one thing Elijah hated then it's the vagueness in relationships, especially when his heart is serious about it. Unfortunately for him, in this particular situation, his heart was so involved.

Damon stiffened, showing his real emotions for only a fraction of second. He knew that he was making a big deal of a seemingly small situation. However, there were so many things on his mind and he needed the time think.

"Do you feel something for Elena? Do you still love Katherine? What do you feel for me, Elijah?"

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows, moving closer into he edge of his chair, as he sat straighter. "What are you talking about?"

"Just answer my questions." Damon requested calmly.

"I told you how much I car for you, Damon. I showed you how much you mean to me. I think I've been more than frank in regards to my feelings." Elijah shook his head, "Those questions, I should be the one asking them. Don't you think?" He got up, sat next to him, then held his hand, "I love you, Damon Salvatore. I only hope it doesn't take me centuries to prove it to you."

Damon captured his lips in a short kiss, then pulled away, "I love you too."

Elijah smiled, "Can you tell me what brought this on? And is that the reason you've been avoiding me?"

Damon eyed him up and down, biting his lower lip, "I think we can talk about that later, right now I just want you to fuck me." Without waiting for a reply, Damon straddled him and caught his lips again, but this time the kiss wasn't short nor innocent.


The school day has just finished and Alexandra left with Rebekah and Jeremy. "So, I was thinking, maybe we can hangout later today?" Jeremy said as they walked to Rebekah's car.

"That's a great idea, considering that someone has been lost in their own world for the past couple of days." Rebekah commented, giving a sly look towards Alexandra. The latter chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck.

It was true, since she spoke with Klaus in her room, the two didn't leave each other. She would go to school then head straight home only to find him waiting for her. Despite the heaviness that has settled onto her chest after the whole thing with Esther, she was still over the moon with how things developed between her and Klaus.

He would hang around in her room reading or simply watching her while she did her homework. Sometimes they spoke of their favorite books, his favorite era, and once he spoke of a brother who he had lost a long time ago.

It was only two days, but Alexandra had been feeling over the moon. Sometimes she felt like her steps were lighter, like she was floating rather than walking. Just going home to find him there made her feel different.

"Don't dare say no. We haven't hung out since Esther's incident." Jeremy warned her.

"Look, I don't know. How about I text you later." She retorted hesitantly.

She didn't want to be that kid of girl who gets so absorbed in her relationship that she would forget her friends. She knew that a boyfriend shouldn't be the center of a girl's universe. But, she just wanted to spend as much time with Klaus as possible. There was this morbid feeling in her that this happiness was temporary, and she just wanted to soak in it for as long as possible.

Rebekah let out a sigh, "While I'm happy for you and Nik, I'm your friend as well and I think I deserve some time."

Alexandra chuckled, but it was Jeremy who said, "Wait, are you and Klaus together now?"

Alexandra wasn't sure how to answer the question. Klaus didn't exactly say that he was her boyfriend. But she made it clear that she wanted him to be hers, so it was implied. "Why is this so complicated?" She wondered to herself.

"I think I should get going, I'll see you guys later." She said hurriedly then rushed away from the two. She could feel butterflies in her stomach as her anticipation grew to meet Klaus.

When she arrived, she ran all the way upstairs to her room. Opening the door to her bedroom, she found him there reading a book by Stephen King. "One of my favorites." She said with a wide grin.

He chuckled, "Why am I not surprised. Of course Misery would be one of your favorites." He closed the book and got up, then walked towards her slowly, leaning down he kissed her lips softly, "Welcome back, my love."

She hummed onto his lips, "I'm afraid I'll get used to that." She mumbled after pulling away.

He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, "You should." He wrapped an arm around her waist, "How about we go out tonight?"

She bit her lower lip, "Can we do that tomorrow? Rebekah and Jeremy want to hangout today."

He raised an eyebrow, "I don't know how I feel about my sister stealing you from me."

She smiled widely, feeling a strange buzz under her skin as happiness bubbled from within her chest, "Like anyone could ever steal me away from you." She kissed his lips again shortly.

Klaus' mind considered her statement for a few seconds longer. He really did wonder if it was possible that she would be stolen away from him.


Hello beautiful people,

How are you doing? I hope you like this chapter. I just thought that my favorite couples should fix whatever issues they had

I tried to do a bit of fluff with Alex and Klaus, i hope it worked. 😅

Thank you all for each read, vote, and comment. They are the world to me ❤️❤️

Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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