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                  It was such a rare occasion for his heart to flutter. It was such a slight movement of the muscle that he had to question if it was even real. He didn't know what he wanted from her. That had been the question that concerned him the most. However, after what he had been told about her role in preventing his demise, Klaus had so many more questions.

Her pink lips were parted, allowing puffs of her warm breath to hit his face. He could sense her fear, but it wasn't the only thing he could sense. The fear was tinged with excitement, mixed with curiosity, and tainted with desire.

His lips moved on their own Accord, capturing hers. She was frozen against him, her eyes wide with shock, disbelief, and confusion. However, Klaus didn't let that discourage him in any way.

He wrapped his hand around her neck, while his arm found her waist, pulling her closer to his body until he could feel her heart thudding against his chest. His lips sucked on her lower lip, urging her to reciprocate the kiss.

Alexandra was flabbergasted. Her eyes that had been wide with shock, closed on their own accord as she felt his arms wrapping around her. And her wildly beating heart steered away from the fear she had felt, and into a new emotion or rather several of them.

She didn't know why. She didn't think there would be any logic behind her actions and she might as well regret them all later. But Alexandra decided if she was taking the path to hell, she'd take it with grace. Therefore, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to kiss back. And tried would be the keyword, because with how his tongue licked at the inside of her mouth, how his lips moved against hers, she had nothing much to do.

The hand on her back seeped heat through the thin fabric of her shirt sending something akin to electric shocks down her spine. She could feel her lungs burning for air, she could feel the tightening ache in her chest. Yet, she refused to pull away. Without her awareness, her body moved closer to his. She wondered how someone can be so warm.

He knew he should stop; he was taking things way too far, further than he wanted and planned. Therefore, he softly pulled away from her. It surprised him when he's didn't put any distance between them. "What was that about, love?"

It took her a couple of seconds to get out of her dazed state. She blinked and stammered her answer, "It was... It was a kiss".

"And do you go around kissing men you fear? Saving their lives too?".

She shook her head, "I don't understand it as well. I know I'm afraid of you, but there's something else. It's almost... Compelling?" She wasn't sure how to describe what she felt, hence her words coming out like a question.  "Did you stop her, Esther?"

Klaus turned away, looking out of her window, "We did. Her spell didn't work."

She nodded her head, nibbling on her lower lip, "What I don't understand is why your mother needed my blood. I'm literally nobody."

Klaus scowled, he didn't know either. As far as he could tell, she was nothing but a mere human. "I will figure it out soon enough."

"Why... Why are you here?" She stammered her questions and forced her eyes to hold his gaze. Although every inch of her body wanted her to look away, Alexandra refused.

"Perhaps I'm curious, love." He said with an amused gleam in his eyes. "Why save my family and me? What made you do such a thing, defying your friends?"

She bit her lower lip nervously, "I don't know. I really have no answer, but I know I feel strange around you. Right now, I feel like I'm missing something like there's something I should know but I don't." She felt like the answer was on the tip of her tongue but she couldn't utter the word.

"I thought if I make you forget then all will be well." His eyes turned slightly hard, "I thought what I did would make you less intriguing"

"What did you make me forget exactly?" She tilted her head to the side, giving him a confused look; she still remembered what Jeremy had told her about compulsion and how vampires can manipulate minds. "Why did you make me forget?"

He occupied her personal space once more, held her gaze with his, "Remember everything." The words were simple with no trace of forcefulness.

She wasn't sure what happened exactly, but it felt like pieces falling into place in the big puzzle that was in her mind. He watched her eyes close, only to open with a look on her face, which he couldn't really interpret. Klaus wasn't sure what he was expecting, but not that look she gave him. It was one that he could describe as sad. "Why did you do that?" She asked him with a tilt of her head.

He refused to answer though; he didn't really have anything to say. "I think Esther knows what you've done." He opted to change the subject pretending as if nothing had happened. "She might come after you."

"I think she might be a tad busy plotting the demise of her own children."

"Just be careful." Klaus gave her one last look, then flashed out of the room leaving a confused and slightly sad Alexandra behind.


Jeremy jogged to Bonnie's front door, he knocked taking in a deep breath. She opened the door and the solemn look on her face worried him even more. "Bonnie, what's up?"

"I think Alex might be in trouble, Jeremy."

"What do you mean?"

Bonnie urged him inside then told him what happened. Apparently, Esther had paid her and her mother a visit. Bonnie thought Esther was being polite as she is channeling the Bennett line. "She seemed extremely interested in Alex though, it was slightly unnerving. Elena told me that Esther needed Alex's blood for the spell..." Bonnie seemed to be rather confused and unsure of what to say exactly. She was not friends with Alexandra; they never really had the chance to be. "Look, somehow Alex is part of all of this."

Jeremy's eyebrows furrowed, "Are insinuating that she's not human? That's crazy, I've known her all her life." His tone indicated how crazy he thought the notion was. 

Bonnie held his gaze, "And you knew me all my life, you knew Elena too." She shook her head. "Esther's interest in Alex is disconcerting, to say the least."

"But what could she possibly want from her?" Jeremy inquired with knitted eyebrows. But Bonnie only shrugged, having no answer. She wasn't even sure why she felt the need to call Jeremy and warn him, but something about Esther was unsettling.


Alexandra was walking to school in the morning, like usual, but she was stopped by someone calling her name. "Alexandra, wait. I need to talk to you." She knew the voice very well, and for some reason, it didn't stir the fear nor the anger she had expected or was used to when coming in contact with him. 

She let out a sigh, "what do you want, Stefan?"

"I know you were behind the failure of the spell, I just don't understand why." He held her gaze, not looking angry, but Alexandra noticed he wasn't the same as that time a month ago. There was something different about him. "They are evil, they did so many bad things, killed so many people." 

"You're not the Easter bunny either." She retorted calmly with a raised eyebrow. "I'm sorry I ruined whatever plan you had, but Stefan, that would have been like a mass murder! I couldn't be part of that." She turned away and continued her way back to the school, hoping that he wouldn't follow after her. 

At that point, Stefan wasn't sure whether he admired her or absolutely loathed her. He had sacrificed so much, too much, to see Klaus gone. And she decided, a girl who was not even part of anything, that the Originals were worth saving. He wondered if she remembered the time they spent together, would she change her mind and take his side? 


Hello beautiful people, 
How are you all doing? I hope you like this chapter. I wonder what would happen next. 

Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting. 

Lots of love,
Alex xoxo

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