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               Alexandra was the one to take a step closer to him this time. She shook her head softly, "She didn't." Letting out a soft breath, she sat on the edge of the bed, "She told me she'd break the bond, that my life would no longer be tied to yours, but she would still kill you and your family. When she ..." Her voice broke, swallowing thickly, "When she showed me those things. It's like I was really there, and... I think I just..."

Klaus face remained stoic, impenetrable, and hard. "Why did you help us then? You've seen all the terrible things we've done, the kind of abomination that I am." His mouth curved up on one side in a way that was a manifestation of sinister.

He didn't want to scare her away, but he needed her to see all that she is. He wanted Alexandra to not be fooled.

"I helped because I had to, because I never thought there is another option or possibility." She stood up again, "because I care about Rebekah so much and I know Jeremy cares about her too." She frustratingly pulled at her hair, "Because I'm so fucked up in the head that I..." She looked up at him to meet his eyes, "That I can't accept you dying or even being hurt."  A sob wretched through her chest, "I'm so stupid and I hate this and I hate you. I hate the way you make me feel and I hate the way you don't care about me. I've done things which I never thought I would. I plotted and planned someone's demise for you, I put a dagger to someone's back because I care about you."

When she noticed how her voice raised, that she was almost yelling, she took a deep breath trying to calm herself down. However, Alexandra knew that with his presence she could never be calm, she would never be collected and level-headed.

She shook her head, "And I know you could never feel the same way, you'd never feel the same way. So, just let me be Klaus. Find a way to break that bond and then you won't need to bother with me anymore."

"Alexandra..." Klaus started but he wasn't sure what to say.

She turned away, ashamed of how she was openly crying in front of him, of how weak she looked. "Just let me be, Klaus. I'd rather be alone now."

She kept her back to him, waiting to hear the sound of his footsteps moving away then the click of the door as it closed. However, the sound of his steps was getting closer, and she felt his hand on her shoulders forcing her to turn around.

"Don't say anything you don't mean." She mumbled thickly.

She didn't want his pity. She didn't want him to sympathize with her. Alexandra didn't want to feel pathetic anymore that she did.

"I care about you, so deeply that it scares me." Klaus admitted softly.

"Then why did you disappear for days, why were you so harsh asking for the spell to be broken." She shook her head, breaking their eye contact. "It made me feel like you didn't care, like you wanted to be as far away from me as possible."

Klaus caressed her cheek tenderly, "Did you ever stop to think how many enemies I've accumulated over the years? Do you know how many are out there who would jump at the chance to hurt me through you? You think this is only about my life, but you ought to see how terrible things happen to those I care about the most."

She felt her heart racing inside her chest, and warmth spreading through her body. Despite the sad tone he used, he admitted to care for her and he gave her reasons for the things he had done.

"I asked you before, Niklaus. I asked you to take a chance with me, and you never gave a straight answer. Now, I'm asking again. And I need you to give me a direct reply." She stated firmly, looking up at him with determined eyes.

"Even after knowing what you know, after what Esther said..."

"It wasn't all true, what she said I mean." Alexandra retorted, "You're not an abomination, you're a unique creation." She stepped closer, missing their closeness. "A wolf and a vampire... Got the best of both worlds." Then there was a short pause, "As for what I saw. I knew you weren't the Easter bunny to begin with. I've never taken you for a saint or anything... But I'm willing to accept that side of you. All I ask is no unnecessary killing."

Klaus' lips caught hers in a soft kiss. There was no tongue, no lust, and no hunger. It was just a gentle chaste kiss. Klaus would never say it out loud but something in him soared with her words, she accepted him for what he is. If he was being honest, he knew she always had.

Wasn't that what he had always wanted? Wasn't it what he had always needed? Acceptance, loyalty, understanding, and love.

Alexandra was willing to give him all of those things on a silver platter. She was willing to give him everything he had always wanted for a thousands years.

She pulled away, "Say yes, Nik." She put her arms around his shoulders, "Say you'll be mine."

"I won't change, I won't suddenly become someone else, nor do I want to. There are things I'm bound to do that you would hate." She nodded her head with a grin forming on her face. "We will still need to break the bond."

She nodded again, "I understand that much, don't worry."

"Alright then, let me see how you'll woo me, miss Cameron." Klaus said with a joking tone and teasing eyes.

It brought a genuine chuckle from her, "Let's see about the wooing thing tomorrow. I'm beat, so I just want cuddles as I sleep."

Klaus' eyes narrowed, "I'm the original hybrid, I don't do cuddles."

Alexandra rolled her eyes, "Get off your high horse, already. Your girl needs cuddles because she has been up all night and running around like a headless chicken."

She pulled him by the arm and towards the bed pushing the covers away she lied down and urged him to do the same. He took off his shirt, shoes, socks and jeans, then lied next to her on the bed.

She instantly pulled the covers over them, moving closer and putting her head on his chest then wrapping one arm over his waist.

One of her fingers traced the birds' tattoo and she looked up, "I want to know the story behind this tattoo."

It had been a while since he shared such intimacy with a woman in the absence of sex. His hand hovered slightly over her blonde hair, before he held one of the strands and curled it around his finger, "I'm sure you'll have all the time in the world to hear that story, my love."

His soft voice somehow drifted her to sleep.  However, Klaus remained awake stating at her sleeping form. He must find a way to break the spell, then he should turn her into a vampire, afterwards he would need to make sure that she isn't all that easy to kill.

She said he was hers, and with that she made herself his without even knowing it. 


Hello beautiful people,

How are you all doing? I hope you missed Alexandra.  Did you like this chapter? Don't you think our Alexandra is cool? 😌 She's awesome! Hehe

Thank you all so so much for every read, vote, and comment. They all mean the world to me 🌍♥️

Lots of love, 💕
Alex xoxo 

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