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           Three days passed and Klaus didn't reach out for her. He didn't even try to call or text, and Alexandra refused to be the one taking the initiative. She had been very forthcoming about her feelings. She told him exactly how and what she felt. "It's his turn now." She decided to herself.

She just left school with Rebekah, the two were walking together in silence when Rebekah said, "I can't take this anymore."

Alexandra rolled her eyes at the original's annoyed tone. She knew what she would say. "You're miserable, why can't you just tell me what's going on between the two of you? I know you were hurt during our meeting with the Bennett witch..."

"Rebekah." Alexandra whined tiredly. "Can we stop talking about this. I told you there's nothing." She paused sadly, "I thought... It's just..." She really wanted to talk about it, she needed to tell someone about what she thought and how she was feeling. And so she did. "I told him that I'm attracted to him, I told him that I feel something for him, and I was very clear that I want to get the chance to know him. But..."

They reached Rebekah's car, and one they were inside, Alexandra continued, "With every little problem that happens he simply ignores my existence. He keeps away from me like I'm a plague or something!" She huffed, "It's frustrating, annoying, and I..." She swallowed the lump on her throat, tried to stop herself from crying, because well, she shouldn't. She never thought the day would come when she'd cry over a man.

However, she couldn't stop her shoulders from trembling and her chin from quivering. The tears she had been holding cascaded freely down her face. "I just can't help the way I feel. I keep wondering if it's because of that bond, that maybe none of it is real." She shook her head, "But how come that all these feelings are not real. I feel the pain." She put a hand on her chest, "It's right here. Even when I'm going about my day, it's like a full ache in the background. It has only been three days, but I'm miserable. Not because I miss him, but because I'm the only one who cares."

Rebekah turned her body towards her, rubbing her back and letting her cry it out. She remembered Alexandra telling her that the best way to comfort someone is to let them vent out and tell them you're there for them. Therefore, she did exactly that.

"It's okay Alex. You shouldn't have kept it in all this time. Why didn't you come and talk to me?" When Alexandra didn't give her an answer, she let out a sigh, "And just so you know, Nik cares for you. I could see it and I still can see it in his eyes."

Alexandra sat straighter, shaking her head, "That's not how people show that they care, Bekah!"

"But Nik isn't people, is he?"


Elijah was in his apartment waiting for Damon to show up when his cell rang. He answered right away, "Niklaus, I presume he's about to arrive?"

"Sage just called, they'll be here in a couple of hours."

Sage had gone with two of Klaus' hybrids to get Finn back. Thankfully, their reunion convinced Finn to return to Mystic Falls and aid them in their fight with Esther, and in return they'll let him be to live his life with Sage.

They ended the call after Elijah told him that he'll be back at the mansion by then. At that very moment, there was a knock on the door, and Elijah opened it only for Damon to kiss him right away. "I missed you." Damon mumbled onto his lips.

Elijah wrapped his and around Damon's waist, "And I missed you too."

Damon entered closing the door behind him. "You've been busy."

"So have you, darling." Elijah retorted kissing him once more. While Elijah was busy with Esther, Damon was trying to find the missing stake, keeping Alaric in a cell, and trying to help Stefan with the mess he was in.

Elijah pulled away, grabbing a bottle of bourbon and two glasses. He sat next to Damon on the couch, pouring them a drink. They both sat for a couple of minutes just sipping their drinks when Elijah asked, "Any news of the stake?"

Damon shook his head, "Any news on Finn?"

"He will be in Mystic Falls in a couple of hours." There was a pause, "How's your brother?"

"Other than being in love with Elena and Alex at the same time, having a grudge against your brother, and taking a daily trip down his guilty conscious." Damon quirked an eyebrow, "He's just dandy."

"I'm glad that nothing changed." Elijah retorted bored.

"Once this mess is over, we're fucking leaving Mystic Falls. I'm done with this shit."

"I think Italy is beautiful during the summer." Elijah said calmly.

Damon felt his dead heart skip a beat, and turned to Elijah giving him a long passionate kiss, "It is. Then maybe we can go to Hawaii or the Caribbean islands?"

Elijah hummed, "We can manage that too." He took the glass from Damon's hand, then placed both on the small coffee table. His attention was back on his lover, "But for now, we have an hour or so before we get back." His teasing tone and playful eyes made a wave of excitement pass Damon's body.

"What do you suggest we do then, Mr. Mikaelsons?" Damon asked him with a smirk while wiggling his eyebrows.

Elijah began unbuttoning Damon's shirt, "I can think of a couple of things."


It was later in the evening when Alexandra finally managed to get into her room. She had dinner with Jerry, who still didn't believe the lie she threw about the cracked wall, before he went for another long shift at the hospital.

She had just finished her showed and changed into her pajamas and was drying her hair when she heard a knock on her window. Her head whipped in its direction, hoping it was Klaus. Wishful thinking for her part, because she found Stefan holding on the tree branch by her window.

She let out a breath, debating for a second whether or not to let him in. "I'm only doing this because you were a good friend of mine, for heaven's sake, don't act like a crazy jerk." She mumbled as she walked and opened the window.

"Alex, we need to talk." He said seriously and she felt her heart beating faster with worry and anticipation.


Hello beautiful people,

I hope you like this chapter. I just wanna know if I'm the only person who can't get over how hot Damon and Elijah are together?

Thank you all for the reads, votes, comments. I love yoooou all so so much ❤️
I've got the best readers in the entire world!

Lots of love 💕,
Alex xoxo

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