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"You can rest now."

As soon as those words left Gavin's mouth, my body collapsed to the ground. "Thank god!" I groan. Gavin shook his head and a smirk appeared on his face. "You're actually not bad for a beginner " he commented.

"Why thanks," I replied still on the floor. "Get up. There's a chocolate fountain inside. Consider it my treat." He said making me feel energized. I stood up and ran inside before hearing his booming laughter.

I looked around and saw...


"Y-you should've seen your face" Gavin said in between laughs. I glared at him while clenching my jaw. "You fucking lied to me," I accused. "I did and it was worth it," he replied still laughing.

I flipped him the bird and that seem to make his laughter doubles. I stomp my way to my room. Childish I know.

I change my clothes into a blue plain t shirt and a black sweatpants then tied my hair up in a bun. After that, I went downstairs for some actual chocolate.

"Where's Axel?" I asked as soon as I saw Eden downstairs. "Probably in his office doing his Alpha things," he replied with his eyes still on the television.

I took a peak on what he's watching and guess what, he's watching Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

"Seriously? K.U.W.T.K?" I asked with my hands on my hip. "What? It's a great show. Don't judge Eden Harris on whatever he's doing," he defends himself in third person while dramatically putting his hands up in the air. I scoffed at his statement.

"Whatever," I dismiss him, rolling my eyes. I grabbed a chocolate bar from the fridge and walked slowly towards Axel's office.

Oh scratch that.

I walked extremely slow towards his office.

I didn't bother to knock the door. I opened it and Axel went his crazy in his (failed) attempt to hide piles of paper.

"Axel what is that?" I wonder curiously while narrowing my eyes at him. "Nothing," he replied. "Are you sure cause you look like you're hiding something," I stated pointing out to the obvious evidence of papers on the floor.

You know, this reminds me of the song On The Floor by Jlo and Pitbull. I should stop thinking randoms thoughts.

"Yeah," he answered. One word answers. Something is defiantly wrong here. I walked towards him and saw him gulp nervously. His body language is showing that he is indeed hiding something.

"Drop the act Axel. I know you're hiding something," I said through gritted teeth. "Im not," he replied in a slightly shaky voice. I snatch the paper put of his hand and took a look at it. Immediately, my eyes widen.

"You did a research on me!" I exclaimed. "I swear I can explain," he rushed out his words currently standing up than sitting down on his chair. "Explain then." I snapped.

"I did it to see if you're really an Everdeen." he said. I felt my blood boil. "So you're saying that you don't trust me!" I shouted at him. "I do. It's just to prove it. I just need evidence." he said a bit irritated judging by his tone.

"You have evidence! If I am not an Everdeen then I wouldn't have any elements! Of you really needed an evidence then you could've just properly asked for my blood sample instead of doing a research behind my back!"

Right now, my body is shaking in fury. The chocolate bar in my hand dropped and it exploded making my body fly towards the wall as an impact with the place where it exploded still on fire.

"What the fuck just happened?"

//Who has seen the movie Fast and Furious 7? I know I do and I still can't get over Paul's death. The ending made me cry more than TFIOS did. Tbh, I didn't cry during TFIOS. I think Im made of stone.

Haha Sofea you're so fucking funny.Not

Im such an idiot. Anyway, bye!


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