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I never knew words can be contagious. A simple word with four letters can basically hypnotize you for a second. Then again, maybe it's just me.

"How many minutes more to reach Silver Moon?" Nathaniel asked impatiently. "Estimated time arrival is in 30 minutes. " Axel replied. "Why don't we sing?" Ari asked out of the blue. "Me! Me! I want to sing." Eden volunteered. He cleared his throat and started singing.

"Twinkle, twinkle in the stars-"

Immediately, all of us gawked at him. He ignored our stares and continued his (might I add horrible) singing. "Axel stop the car," I said. He did as told and looked at me with a confused face while I climbed out of it.

"I couldn't take his singing anymore. Just drive to the pack house and I'll meet you guys there" I said before sprinting towards the wood. Minutes later, I looked at the all too familiar view in front of me.

The lake in the middle of the woods where nobody excepts me knows. How did I knew this place exist? I kind of walked around aimlessly and found it. I got scolded when I returned back to the pack house though. Former pack house.This lake is the place where I pour all my hearts out to the water.

Don't judge me.

Water is calming. Plus, it's also blue in color. Okay I'm going to admit with you that water doesn't have to be blue. It may look blue-green-ish and so on. Or maybe other colors Im not aware of.

But you get what I mean.

I sat on my usual rock. It's the shape of a chair thanks to Mother Nature. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. 'Acacia, where are you? We're waiting for you.' Axel mind linked me. 'Oh okay. I'll be there,' I responded.

As soon as I reached the pack house, I couldn't help but look at it in disgust and and sorrow as the memories came back to me like a flood.

Every single memories

"Woman or not, It doesn't matter. What you need to know is that we can leave this territory anytime and your pack can just go rot in hell." Was the first thing I heard when I stepped into this place where I vowed to come back later on.

I knew that was Ariana talking. I casually walked slow to hear more of this interesting chat. "Okay Im sorry Miss..Alyrana" A male voice replied. I stopped on my track. It's him. That voice belongs to him.

Tate Louise Silver.

"It's Ariana! Oh my god how many times do I have to tell you?" Ari shouted. I shook my head at this. Ari just loves to shout. I opened the door and made my grand entrance. If you count all eyes on me as a grand entrance that is of course.

"Sorry, Im late." I said making sure that power radiates from my body. I heard Nathaniel snort in the pack link. 'Show off' he said. I rolled my eyes mentally. 'Piss off Nathaniel. Im having my 15 minutes of fame,' I responded.

"Hi. My name is Tate Silver." he introduced himself reaching out his hand for me to shake. I look at it and sigh softly. "I don't do handshakes. I do hugs but I'm not hugging you" I said.

He seems to understand me as he dropped his hand. However, I couldn't miss the look of confusion in his face. He's trying to figure out who I am. I practically bathed in perfume to hide my scent. Usually, I just hide it naturally but I wanted to let my wolf rest.

Tate, I'm back and you don't have any control over me.

Isn't that exciting?

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