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I was dumbfounded.

They always say the words of a drunken man is the sober thought of him. It is impossible in this case. And why did I answer that call in the first place? He began slurring other words but I was too shocked to pay attention. I hung up and bury my face in my hands.

"This can't be happening," I muttered shaking my head furiously. "No. I'm hallucinating. This is not real," I added still with the head shake. Putting my phone back into my pocket, I came back to Axel with a bright smile on my face. Pretending that what just happened didn't happen was a hard task.

I couldn't get my mind off of his words. He still loves me. He has Lillian and he had me. I wasn't his anymore. Hell, I was never his. "Okay I know you don't want to talk about this but I can feel your feelings Acacia. Tell me what's wrong," Axel demanded.

"I-It's nothing. Don't worry," I laughed it off grimacing inwardly at how fake it sounds. "Bullshit," he swore looking at me straight in the eyes. "This is not the place or time to talk about it," I said softly.

"You never tell me anything. It's all 'Oh I'll tell you later' or 'It's not your business. I can handle it.' You always try to hide the truth and here I am trying to discover your secrets like I always am," he snapped while looking at me with angry eyes.

"Please don't talk about it now. I-"

"Then when?"

I bit my lip and remained quiet. His question was repeating over and over again in my head.


When will I ever tell him?

When will I ever let him in?

When will I ever open my doors?


"I don't know," my answer was simple and vague. Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I got a text message from someone unknown. He snatched my phone before I could even know the message itself and read it. He looked at me with eyes blazing in anger.

"Who is this?" he snarled practically shoving the phone into my face. I was surprised that my phone wasn't cracking yet judging by how his knuckles turned white. I leaned my head back so I could read it. My eyes widen in shock and I looked at him with my mouth slightly agape.

'I'll come for you my queen. Beware :)'

"I - I don't - what I - oh my god. I don't know who that is," I stuttered. "Lie. You do know," he said growling slightly. "I'm telling you the truth! I don't know who that is or how he got my number," I stated. "Then how do you know that this person is a 'he'?" he questioned raising one of his eyebrows.

"I don't."

"Then what the fuck do you know? You kept on keeping secrets from me and how the hell am I supposed to understand you if I know nothing!" he shouted. "I told you I don't know god damn it! If I knew I would've told you and somethings are better left unsaid," I snarled.

"Fine then! If you get in trouble because of this person, just know that I warned you," he stated before walking away from me. I felt as if my heart was stabbed with a knife thousands of time. "He didn't mean that," I said trying to assure myself.

But I knew it in my guts that he does mean it. "There's nothing you can do. You started it then you finish it," I said to myself before taking a deep breath. My phone buzzed for the millionth time and I rolled my eyes in displeasure. What does this person want with me?

Realizing that it was actually Logan who was calling me, I answered the phone bringing it closer to my ears. "Hello," I spoke. "Acacia, I have very bad news for you," he replied making me rub my temples. "And what is it?"

"All the aconites are stolen."


Fact- Aconite is a deadly flower. Also known as wolf's bane (I'm sure you heard of that), monkshood, devil's helmet, blue rocket, Queen of all poison and etc.

Fact 2- I actually had the idea of using that plant after knowing that it actually exist. I found out about it when I was watching NCIS oh wait no it was actually CSI: Cyber. I had no idea it exist until last month.

So now you know why it's bad. Also I am so sorry for breaking my promise. I said that I'll update very soon but I got stuck in the middle of writing the chapter and well I kinda left it there for a while. Oh and to all of those who have waited for Elizabeth to be published, it's published now dear friends. Lol since when did I speak like that? It's on my second account deliriouspotato so just check it out. It's a paranormal story by the way.

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