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The chandelier fell to the floor making a loud 'boom' sound. Fires were everywhere and Axel dragged me to a much safer place. People ran out of the building but a few stayed. Suddenly, something that looks like a dark horse appeared and then came in a shitload of them more.

"What the fuck is that?" Axel muttered to himself. His claws were out of his hand. His hand looked like Wolverine except the claws were a bit shorter but a lot sharper. "That my dear is black magic," I whispered standing up.

"Such a coward you are!" I shouted watching as two dark horses walk around me. "Why did you have to use magic? Scared I can beat you?" I scoffed. The eyes of the horses grew redder. "Aww did I hit a soft spot?" I used a baby voice then laughed.

Axel was busy getting everyone out of the building if you're wondering where he went. The horse suddenly changed into a beast and it started to grab my neck. "Why aren't you revealing yourself? Your looks aren't exactly a secret anymore," I managed to say through coughs.

The beast released its grasp from my neck and I fell to the floor having a coughing fit. "Why didn't you kill me?" I said rubbing my sore throat. The beast changed into a rather intimidating figure. His dark voice chuckled. "Now where's the fun in that?" he said.

"Ah so you finally decided to show yourself. Greetings Alarick," I smirked to myself. "You can have your fun now your majesty but remember, the worse is yet to come," he said. "Care to elaborate?"

"Three letters, one word, one huge disaster. Think about it," he spoke. "Could you just cut the crap and tell me," I said growing frustrated. "Acacia are you out of your mind? What are you doing there!" Axel shouted running towards me.

In a blink of an eye, I was already in his arms. "So sweet yet so disgusting," Alarick commented. "My my getting jealous are we? Why? Because you don't have a mate? Oh wait I forgot. She's dead," I spat.

Alarick's eyes were blazing with fury. He pulled me out of Axel's grip and slammed my body to a wall. I swear to god I felt a dent on the poor wall. "You fucking bitch," he said. Axel threw Alarick's body off of me and shielded me behind his own. "You listen carefully. Don't you fucking dare touch her or I swear I will fucking rip you to pieces and drag every single fucking piece of you to hell and back," Axel threatened.

"Look at Romeo defending his Juliet," Alarick said with a hint of sarcasticness--if that is a word. "You talk a lot for someone who's going to destroy me," I commented making Axel's hand on me tightened.

'Nobody is destroying you.'

He mind linked me.

'I know Axel. Trust me, I know.'

Alarick laughed loudly. His laugh was dark but smooth like chocolate. "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer," he stated. "I'll have you know that she will destroy you not the other way around," Axel snarled.

"Whatever dude. As long as I can scratch that soft skin," Alarick smirked. Axel was shaking in rage. "You will not fucking touch her," he snapped clenching his fist. "We'll see about that lover boy," Alarick said with a stoic expression.

Axel let out an extremely loud growl while I started coughing as the smoke of the fire finally catched up on me. "Better save your Juliet now, Romeo. She won't be saved next time," he said before dissapearing into thin air.

Well more like smoky air.

Axel picked me up in a bridal style and carried me out of the building. I watched as the building blew up right in front of my eyes after Axel shielded my body with his to avoid the fire or anything to hurt me. He hissed in pain when a shard of glass hit him in the back.

"Fuck what are you doing Axel? You can't just get hurt because of me!" I shrieked slowly putting him down on the grass. His stomach was facing the grass so the glass wouldn't get deeper in his body.

I ripped a quite large amount of cloth from my dress and set it beside me. I pulled the glass from his body quickly and heard him wince. "You could've gave me a warning," he hissed in pain. "I thought it was obvious what I was going to do," I pointed out taking the piece of cloth and wrap it around his body.

"Thanks," he said. "Can you stand up?" I asked him ruffling my hand through his hair. "Hey! My hair's precious and I'm not useless. Of course I can stand up," he said.

He stood up not before wincing in pain but masked it with a blank face. "See, I'm all good. Come on. You need some rest," he said trying to carry me but obviously he failed since I fell on the ground groaning in pain.


//So well obviously I have uncosciously written an above average length of chapter. Fortunate for all of you. My wifi is being a bitch recently. I hate it.

By the way calling all Filthy Rejection OLD VERSION readers, I have posted a bonus chapter for y'all since I haven't posted a bonus chapter since it was completed. Enjoy that and uh happy reading.

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