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"Clear. Let's go."

I nod at Axel and crawled my way to the nearest tree. "Shit, there's someone coming your way. Head east!" Axel whispered-shouted through our mate link.

I camouflaged myself with the bushes and used my element to mask my scent.

Please don't let them find me.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when they walked passed me with a bored looking expression. "Line clear. Move silently." I whispered through our mate link.

I could literally feel Axel nodding his head. Then, we moved at a snail pace towards the back of the Royal Witch Library and somehow managed to not get caught.

Axel traced a hole using the laser thing-y and pushed it so there is enough space for us to sneak in. We high-fived each other softly then went to rummage the shelves in hope that the book is there.

"Head over to west wing. I found the book!" Axel shouted. I could feel his excitement all over the place. He gave the book to me and using my elements to teleport back to the castle.

I opened the book with Axel by my side. "This book is so thick," I whispered under my breath while looking at it in amazement.

This is it.

I looked at the titles in the contents and passed through each and every single one of them. They were so many titles in this book that even I got a little bored just by looking at it. My eyes stopped at one particular title.

'Η διαδικασία της αθανασίας'

The Process Of Immortality

"It's in here!" I squealed a bit too loud making Axel wince in response. I flipped the pages of the book so fast and rough even Axel was afraid that I would accidentally rip it off.

Lady Luck was not on my side.

The whole chapter of the ritual was cut off. It was like they didn't want me to know. To make things worse, the pages that weren't ripped off were in an ancient language. "Oh fuck it!" I exclaimed throwing the book towards the wall.

Axel massaged my shoulder making me feel a little bit more calm. "It's alright. We'll figure it out somehow," he assured me. "I'm just scared that if we don't find it soon enough, Alarick will use it as an opportunity and attack us," I said in a small voice.

"We'll find it, I swear to god." Axel replied. "I know," I said smiling a little.

"In the meantime, we got invited to Silver Moon's party," Axel stated. I frowned in confusion. "Why would they invite us?"

Why would Tate invite us would be the best question.

"Their Alpha found his mate. The pack was ecstatic about it," Axel replied shrugging casually. I bit the inside of my right cheek.

The ritual is my top priority. I've been worried sick about it. The rogues that are captured the other day were very responsive. The information they gave made me being closer to the source of the problem.

But they all didn't know the same thing. The same thing that has bothered for quite a while. Sure, some informations that they give were irrelevant but the situation itself was stupid so I had no choice than to trust them.

If I didn't get the ritual steps in time, I fear that something may happen to the werewolf population. Then again, I needed to clear my mind if I wanted a clearer idea of what I'm going to do.

The party sounded great for what I was looking for. It could also be a medicine for my massive headache right now. It was decided. I'm going to the party.

"Oh, okay sure. I should go and get ready. See you," I gave Axel a peck on his lips and literally skipped my way to my room.

'Log, could you fetch Melody for me?' I asked through our mind link.

'Sure, your majesty but for the billionth time, don't call me Log. It makes me feel like a tree' he instantly replied.

'And I told you to just call me Acacia and not the your majesty or your highness crap.'


I rolled my eyes and picked a navy blue dress that stopped one inch above my mid thigh. I put it on and twirled around the mirror. Why was this beautiful thing buried in my closet anyway?

Melody came in with her huge makeup and hair suitcase. She prepped my hair and face before working her talent on it. I, on the other side painted my nails black because why not?

When Melody finished, she chose my accessories and shoes for me to wear. She made sure that I was only wearing black, blue and gold to the party.

"Now go! Don't keep your mate waiting," Melody ushered me downstairs. Axel smiled when he saw me. "You look fantastic," he commented before kissing my forehead.

"Thank you. You look dashing yourself, kind sir," I replied in a fake British accent. Axel chuckled. He then opened the door for me. I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"What gentleman would I be if I didn't open the door for you, milady." He said smirking. I couldn't help but feel my lips twitching upwards. He's so cute right now. My wolf howled in agreement.

We sat in the limo chatting while our driver drove us to the party. My wolf paced inside alerting me that we were in the Silver Moon territory. Just perfect.

I was excited and nervous for this. Excited because I can meet my old Omega friends again and nervous because I haven't exactly met him for a while now.

The driver parked the car and opened the door for both of us. I gave him a small nod as a 'thank you' sign and held Axel's hand. Inhaling the air of Silver Moon, I smelled lots and lots of booze. This might be interesting.

"Are you ready?" Axel asked gripping my hands tighter. I looked around and took a deep breath. Why did I even agree to this anyway? "Yeah, I guess I'm ready," I answered.

"You don't 'guess' anymore, babe. You're here and you can't go back now," Axel stated. I frowned at him. "Then why bother asking me?"

"Because I wanted to. Now, we have a party to attend and we're going to enjoy ourselves. Forget about the ritual, reality, Alarick and so much more. Tonight, it's you and I and we're going to party like there's no tomorrow," he said.

I bit my lip. I guess he was right. I needed to forget everything once in a while for my own good. "I'm ready," I breathed out.

Boy, I was so not ready for this.

//Thank you brain for brainstorming right now. As some of you may know, this chapter was accidentally deleted and I had to rewrite it. It was pure hell. Tbh, I prefer this version than the original version.

Yes, I didn't leave you with a cliffhanger in this chapter though I wanted to do it so much but I'll save a chapter just for the drama.

Speaking of dramas, expect a shitload of drama in the next chapter. I've also come to realize that I've put so many things behind. Nathaniel, Tate, Silver Moon pack etc rarely made an appearance now so I thought just why not make a comeback.

Love you and bye

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