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Scene (The Grand Hall, Moon Knight Pack.)

I got all dressed up in my office, not in my apartment, in my office!. My mother mind linked me and forbade me to enter my own apartment. She had her excuse of getting ready with my mate in my own apartment. She had sent my black tuxedo in the office and asked me to get ready in my office as I wasn't allowed in my own pack house apartment.

Now Maxwell and I are standing in The Grand Hall where we are greeting our pack members and elders. Our pack guests haven't arrived yet and so has my mate and my mother.

"I haven't seen or heard from Eva for last three hours. If she doesn't comes in next half an hour, I am gona barge into our apartment to look for her to make sure she is alright. I can't even connect to Anna, all because of you." Leo mind links me. He is mad at me for not marking our mate, as he wants his connection with her wolf Anna.

"Mom asked us to attend to our guests. We can't leave them unattended just like that." I reply him back.

"We are Alpha of this pack and we can do the eff we want. I just need her here with me." He is feeling unsettled inside as his needs his mate's presence around to calm himself. He continues to curse more into our mind link and acting up like a stubborn kid so i have no other option to cutt out his link. I am just eagerly waiting for our beautiful mate to arrive.

"Alpha Haden is here with his mate Luna Lillian." My Beta Maxwell whispers beside me and I turn my body toward the entrance to attend to him. Apparently my mother invited both Alpha and Beta pair of the Lycan Blood Pack as the main guests of the evening. It is also helpful in order to strengthen our packs and in my case to have a good relationship with my mate's family.

"Alpha Liam, how are you doing? son." Alpha Haiden walks through the entrance and we step forward to welcome them inside. He is like fatherly figure to me and he also has a kind personality and wise heart. He shakes my hand and Luna Lillian hands me the present she was holding. We talk for a bit and walk over to their assigned table.

"I was also informed that Beta James and his mate Victoria were coming along with you." I ask Alpha Haden curiously as I haven't meet my mate's parents officially and I was hoping to meet them here on this perfect occasion of welcoming my mate to our pack.

"Oh yes, James and Victoria were beside us but your father met us earlier and Willam even offered everyone the tour of wine cellar and now they are some where in the pack house." Alpha Haden let's out a refined manly laugh. I know my father and beta James are best friends but they don't get together very often so it's their opportunities to refresh their old memories and rekindle their friendship. I can imagine them in the office playing a game of chess with one of the vintage wine bottles beside them.

"I know they are great friend with fine taste for wine." I reply back. We continue our conversation at the guest table and slowly the entire hall fills up with pack members and other guests.

My wolf and I are just waiting for the only person who matters the most in the life our sweet Eva. Her mere presence has a huge effect, not only me but my wolf. The only thought comes to Leo's mind are to mark her as his/ours. He is solely convinced that his mate is ready to be marked and go into heat, whereas I oppose his belief and want Eva to decide when it's right time to mark her.

"Alpha where is your mate? I am eagerly waiting for her. I want to meet her officially." Catherine chimes up with her mate Maxwell on the chair beside me on the table. She is very excited to meet my mate. I apologised to her earlier, about my mate's protective nature and she said she would have done same thing if give the circumstances. She is sweet and perfect for the role of beta female of our pack as she is kind caring and understanding.

"My mother and Noah were getting her all ready for the party. I am sure she will be furious at me for not mentioning about my mother's plan earlier." I have noticed some pattern in my mate's behaviour and in the short duration I have spent with her I have noticed that she doesn't like immediate action as she requires a heads up about a plan beforehand other wise she gets all grumpy and acts silly.

"You noticed this all in two days? I am pretty impressed Alpha Liam. Maxwell on the other hand took months to even bother to know what I like or dislike." She gives side glance to her mate. Even though she is shorter than Maxwell in height but her attitude doesn't get offended by it.

I am engrossed in conversation when my wolf breathes in coconut and minty scent of our mate. "She is here." Leo says and I feel excitement in his voice. It's like I am smelling her scent for the first time. It has an immediate calming affect on me and Leo. I glance a look around for her but she is nowhere in the sight. Then, my sight lands on Noah and my mother walking through the entrance hand in hand and I stand up from my assigned chair. My mother just smiles and walk towards her assigned table.

"Where is Eva.?" Leo frowns in my mind and mind links my mother.

"Be patient, Leo. She is coming, she is with her parents by the entrance." My mother mind links and I see her and Noah walk over to their table on the right side.


It's my 23rd chapter.
Hope you like it.
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