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Scene.(Liam's office in the pack house.)

"....Once we find our lead about Liam's where about then we can continue with our plan on destroying Alpha Daniel's Crimson Elite Pack." Alpha William, my mate's father discuss his plan of taking revenge on Alpha Daniel.

After our discussion, his mate Luna Avery walks into my office. (I spend most of the time here, so my office not Liam's.)

Despite all the circumstances, about her son, she some how manages to up lift my mood. When ever she comes into my office, she bring some tea with some Choco chip cookies and we talk for hours where she tells me stories of Liam when he was just a pup. "Alpha pups are stubborn and difficult to handle. They are full of energy. It's in their genes." She said.

Now, as she entered my office I smell sweet Choco cameral cake, my mouth instantly water. I love her cookies and cakes. She is best cook in the world. It's pregnancy cravings that I cannot control as my pup has Alpha blood of his father.

"I brought you your snack, honey. It's..." she says as I mid cut her sentence.

"Choco ceramal cake." I say and wipe off my pregnancy drool from my mouth with my tongue in a childish manner. She lets out her sweet chuckle which make me laugh too. I am acting all wild and crazy.

"And how is my grand pup doing? Giving you any trouble?" she asks.

"Yeah your grand pup is behaving fine."

We chat a bit and then she leaves with her Mate Alpha William. Both of them are great parents.

I think about my plan of sending Beta Maxwell, over to the Stonewell Mansion, deep into the forest in the no pack Land. Will he and other enforcers accompanying him will be safe or not.

I avoid to think about my Mate but this Alpha pup in my belly doesn't let me forget about his father as this pup has started to kick me form inside. I know this pup is going to be sucking all my energy like his father does.

Liam please be alive and well, i need you to help me raise our pup. I am trying my best to find you and bring you back to our family.


After few minutes Head Tracker Gardener walks into my office. "Luna. We got some news. Alpha Leo has been found in the deep woods of no pack Land and he is currently being taken to the pack hospital." He bows his head in respect.

"I want to see him." I instantly get up from the chair and waddle my way to pack hospital, Gardener and Demi by my side.

It takes me more than Ten minutes to get to the hospital. I am all out of breath and in urgent need of some water. Demi hands me over my water bottle and I sip all in, in one go.

I can feel each and every emotion passing through my body, my heart is beating faster, my mate is alive and back. I need to tell him about the our pup. Will he be happy about my pregnancy ? "Don't think about these things Eva."Anna my wolf says in the back of my mind.

All of sudden I see many enforcers rushing inside towards emergency rooms. I see my mate being carried into the hospital ward, by one of the enforcers.
My Mate is in his wolf form, Beta Maxwell stops me from entering the hospital room."Luna Eva, Alpha Liam was found unconscious in the middle of the forest in no pack Land. We tried to wake him up but he seems to be in a deep sleep. He is not waking up, so we had to rush him to the pack hospital." Beta Maxwell says.

I place a hand over my belly in a protective gesture. "I need to see my mate... where is the doctor. I need to speak to the doctor." I look around for doctor but there is no body around. Some pack nurse assures me that my mate is in good hands as the Dr. Miller, one of the experienced doctor in the pack, is checking up on my mate.

"I need to get in the Hospital room now." I let out a small aggressive growl my wolf getting all frustrated but Beta Maxwell stops me from entering and forces me to step back.

"Eva!! Stop! Liam is fine. Mr. Miller is checking up on him. He is fine! Eva. I promise you. Just wait here for the doctor and please don't stress. Your pup needs you to be strong mother and strong Luna for this pack.." he walks me over to the nearest hospital bench and settles me on the bench. He talks to me in a baby voice and clams me down a bit. "So, why don't you sit in the waiting area and Demi can get you some water and something to eat."

"You are pack doctor yourself. What the eff are you doing in this waiting room. Get in and save our mate." Anna say in the back of my mind. She saw Leo bring taken into the hospital and she is feeling restless and wants to be near Leo's body.

I glance around in the hallways and find a nurse named Linda. I ask her to get me some hospital scrubs, she happily agrees to help ma and get me some hospital scrubs. Once I change I get into the hospital room. I hear ECG monitor beeping, indicating that my mate is alive.

My eyes start to tear up as I see Leo's furry body on the hospital bed.

"Hello Dr. Miller, my name is Dr. Eva Scarlet Knight. I would like to ask your permission to assist you in Alpha Leo's case, if you don't mind.." I look at his face covered with mask like mine, his green eyes are only sign of his body seen under transparent glass he is wearing.

"Yeah, sure Luna Eva. I am glad to have you as my junior doctor." He says and hands me over some chart to read. "The patient is heavily breathing, few broken ribs not serious though, no sign of concussion, Silver Metal burn marks on the limbs and body and any minute now the blood test will be delivered so we can make sure he doesn't suffer from any internal organ damage."

I control my emotions and concentrate on the charts and treat my own mate as any other patient in the hospital.

Few minutes later a hospital nurse delivers Dr. Miller a report of blood tests.


It's my 55th chapter.
Hope you like it.
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