Chapter 2 - Team Manager

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I stand frozen in place for a few minutes, my mind reeling. What just happened? Sam and I haven't spoken in four whole years and I've walked to school in the rain loads of times. But for some reason, today he decides that he's going to drive me to school. I try to shake off the stupid fluttery feeling in my stomach as I stare down dejectedly at his hoodie. I want to take it off, it's bringing back bad memories and I'm worried I'll start crying. But I'm cold so I keep it on. I readjust my backpack on my shoulders and head through the school gates, pushing Sam Foster from my mind as I do. I make my way towards the Library, it's sort of become my safe place. No one really goes into the library, I suppose most kids here spent way too much time hiding from bullies in libraries to ever want to go back.

As usual, the small, cosy library is empty apart from the spritely old woman who's been the librarian here since before I was born. Mrs Doyle has fluffy grey hair, large glasses and a kind smile. She gives me a bright wave as I enter. I wave back before heading deeper into the library.The Amerfield library is a big circular space with all of its walls lined with books. Bookshelves spiral around the room, stopping at the centre, their positioning always reminds me of a big maze. Scattered around the room and between the bookshelves are assorted beanbags and comfy seats. The lighting is dimmer in here compared with the rest of the school and it gives off a warm cosy feeling. Little lamps sit behind every beanbag and chair so you can see if you're reading.  There are three doors beside the entrance to the library. One leads to to Mrs Doyle's office and the other two lead to small, darkened sensory rooms, safe spaces for people to go when they need a break.

I navigate my way through the bookshelf maze, right to the centre of the spiral and I collapse on the faded red beanbag that's sitting right in the tight little circle that marks the middle of the bookcase maze. I flick on the lamp behind me and turn my section of the bookshelf. After Mrs Doyle noticed that I came in here almost everyday by myself, she sectioned off a bit of the shelf and allowed me to fill it with books of my choosing. She'd even installed a small glass door onto it and used permanent marker to write 'Michael Valley :)' I open the little door and reach for the book I'm reading at the moment, 'Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales' I smile slightly at the cover. Dad might be able to take all of my lgbt+ books away at his house, but he can't stop me at school. I settle back into the beanbag and open the book to the small scrap of purple paper that I've been using as a bookmark. I start reading, a calm smile settling on my lips as I relax into my safe space.

I sit and read for around ten minutes before I'm interrupted by Mrs Doyle. I hear her shuffling footsteps and after a moment she rounds the corner, holding a mug of tea in her withered old hands. She gives me a warm smile.
    "I've checked your schedule Mikey," She says kindly, "You've got a free period first so I thought I'd bring you a cuppa," She hands the cup of tea to me and I grin.
    "Thanks Mrs Doyle," I reply. She nods happily.
    "I'll leave you to it, dearie. There's cake in my office if you get peckish," She pats my head affectionately before turning and shuffling away. I place the cup of tea down on the ground beside me to let it cool for a moment. Then I bury myself back in my book, intending to stay seated here until the end of my free period. I lose myself in the words quickly, investing myself in the story and the characters. After around twenty minutes however, I feel a presence standing over me. I glance up and come face to face with the Head Teacher, Mrs Reilly. She's a short, curvy woman with voluminous brown curls and a kind yet stern smile. She peers down at me.

"Have a moment to chat Michael?" She asks. I nod, knowing I don't really have a choice, besides I was already going to have a meeting with her today. She claps her hands together. "Great, come with me," I down the rest of my cup of tea quickly and stand up. Mrs Reilly leads me out of the library and through the pristine school hallways towards her office. I keep my head low as I walk, I find that it helps me blend into the background, I don't like being the centre of attention. Mrs Reilly's navy blue heels click loudly on the polished wood floor as we walk and she makes an effort to say hello to every single person we pass. It surprises me when she addresses them all by name, I wonder vaguely how long it took her to memorise every single person's name. I have to admit, she's a great principal. She's really made an effort to make this school a safe and nice place to be.

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