Chapter 23 - Jealousy

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I return to school on Monday and Trevor insists on accompanying my friends and I to Conan's family cafe for breakfast. When Amir parks his car in my driveway, both he and Kai give Trevor judgemental looks. I slide into the back seat, and whilst Trevor is still at the front door, bidding his Mum goodbye, Kai turns around in his seat and stares at me.
    "Who the fuck is this guy?" He hisses, jabbing his thumb in the direction of Trevor. I roll my eyes.
    "Mum's friend from high school is visiting for the custody party. That's her son, Trevor," I watch warily as Trevor starts to walk towards the car. Kai gives him a disgusted look.
    "I don't like him, theres something off about him," He replies. Amir nods in agreement.
"That's what Sam said," I whisper.

Kai's eyes widen and he frowns in annoyance. He's about to respond but Trevor opens the door and gets into the car. He slides into the middle seat, right next to me. I press myself up against the door beside me, trying not to let any part of me touch Trevor. Kai scoffs and turns back to the front, his eyes trained on Trevor through the rear view mirror.
"Hi, I'm Trevor," Trevor says, leering at Kai. Amir stiffens in his seat at the tone of Trevor's voice. He places a hand protectively on Kai's knee.
"I'm Kai," Kai says, feigning niceness.
"And I'm Amir. Kai's boyfriend," Amir glares at Trevor through the mirror. Trevor grins in a slightly threatening way.
"Cute," He says quietly.

We sit in awkward silence for the whole trip and when we get to Ness & Son's Cafe, Kai, Amir and I get out of the car, away from Trevor as quickly as possible. I spot Alec's white jeep a few spots away from where Amir parked and I sigh lightly with relief. Amir, Kai and I walk hurriedly towards the entrance, Trevor lagging slightly behind us. I push open the door and immediately spot Alec, he's sitting at the table closest to the counter. He's chosen the seat right beside the counter so he can talk to Conan who's working. Amita and Sam are also sitting at the table and I grin as I spot Sam. I immediately hurry towards him, walking ahead of Kai and Amir. Sam looks away from Amita for a moment and spots me. His whole face lights up when he sees me. Then he looks behind me and sees Trevor and his expression falls.

I collapse in the seat between Sam and Alec, effectively blocking Trevor from sitting beside me. I greet Amita, Alec and Conan warmly and turn smile at Sam.
    "Hi," I say, slightly breathlessly.
    "Hi," He murmurs, leaning over his chair to hug me quickly and subtly kiss my cheek. I smile and turn slightly red. "Are you okay?" He asks, side eyeing Trevor who has taken the seat opposite me. I glance over too and see that Trevor is staring at me, he smirks as my eyes meet his and I quickly look away.
"I'm fine," I reply, "How are you?"
"I'm good," Sam grins at me and I can't help but smile back.

    "What do you guys want to eat?" Conan calls to the group over the counter. We all start talking at once and then burst out laughing. Alec gets to his feet and one by one starts relaying our orders to Conan who scribbles them down on a little notepad. Whilst we wait for our food to arrive, conversation turns towards the football game happening on Friday. It's the first game since the camp and everyone is anxious about how Robinville are going to act.
    "Who are we kidding," Kai says, leaning forward, "Robinville aren't going to be anymore civil than they were before the stupid camp," He glances at Sam and Alec, "Sorry guys," He gives them a sheepish smile. Both of them laugh.
    "You're right though," Alec says, "They're all pissed,"

Suddenly, we're all distracted by the door to the cafe flying open. Standing in the doorway, dressed in black tights, a pretty lilac dress, an oversized white cardigan and white converse, is Florence. For the first time since I've met her, her hair is pulled out of her face, half of it is up in a small ponytail and the other half falls messily at the base of her neck. She looks around and spots us. She hurriedly walks towards us and sits beside Amita who grins.
"Holy shit, you look incredible," She says as Florence turns red.
"Thanks," She replies, "I- er- I told my Dad about me being trans on the day we came back from camp. It just felt like the right time. And he started crying and I panicked but then he hugged me and said that he loves me and that I'm still his child and he's so happy to have such a beautiful daughter. He wants to help me start transitioning as soon as possible," She grins at us and we all get up into a group hug.

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