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10 Years Later - 2032

    Finishing my last case before the holidays is the best feeling. I head out of the courtroom, yawning as I do. The hallways of the courthouse are all decorated with tinsel and mini christmas trees. I snap a few photos and send them to Michael, knowing he'll love them. Michael loves christmas. He goes absolutely crazy with decorations the second it becomes December. Last year he woke up at midnight on December 1st just so he could decorate our apartment before I woke up.
He responds to my message immediately.
Love Of My Life <3 -
Oh my god, it's everything. How did your case go btw??

Me -
Great! We won. Annie's dad is going to prison and she's going to go and stay with her Aunt.

Love Of My Life <3 -
Yay! I'm so happy for her, and for you <3

Me -
Yeah. I'm just leaving work now, I'm meeting with Alby for coffee and then I'll head home.

Love Of My Life <3 -
Okay, have fun! Becky is here, we're marking papers but she'll be gone by the time you get home. I've been bragging about my fancy lawyer boyfriend to her :)

Me -
I'm not that fancy... I wouldn't call being a child abuse lawyer particularly fancy.

Love Of My Life <3 -
Well the abuse bit isn't fancy, but you earn lots of money and dress in fancy clothes and are nice to all the kids you work with. And lets not forgot why you became that kind of lawyer, very fancy and heartwarming if you ask me.

I chuckle lightly and shake my head at the message. The reason I became a child abuse lawyer was because I'd seen Michael go through abuse with his dad and I hated the idea that other kids out there have to deal with abuse too. I saw how much it hurt my boyfriend and it hurt too much to not do anything about it. I was so determined in fact, I got through Law School a year earlier than I should've by doing extra work and completing the curriculum faster than anyone else in my course. I've been working at a firm in London for three years now and I'm quickly becoming one of the best child abuse lawyers in the country.

Me -
Okay, fair. I have to go but I'll see you later, darling. <3

Love Of My Life <3 -
Yes! Save me from marking! See you later <3

I pocket my phone and smile to myself. Michael complains about marking papers all the time but I know he loves his job. He's a highschool English teacher. He started working at a new school this year and he loves it, he's given a lot of freedom with his teaching style and assignments and he loves coming up with fun ideas for his students. He's honestly an amazing teacher, he's one of those fun teachers that all the students love. I met one of his classes earlier this year when I went in to surprise Michael on his birthday. Ever since then, the students have started calling him Mr Valley-Foster instead of just Mr Valley.

I make my way out to the carpark outside the court house and head over to my sleek black convertible. I get in and check my appearance in the rear view mirror. My fluffy blond hair is short on the sides and longer on the top but it's a lot neater than I had it in high school, a shadow of stubble is growing on my jaw from a few days without shaving. I start the car and send Alby a text letting them know that I'm on my way before I pull out of the carpark. I navigate my way through the busy streets of London. Light snow begins to fall and the shopfronts are all decorated for christmas.

I arrive at a small, cosy coffee shop called 'Sinclair's', it's one of my favourite coffee shops in the whole of London. I park my car outside. I get out and hurry towards the cafe, wanting to get out of the cold. A little bell rings above me as I open the door. I'm immediately hit with warmth and the smile of coffee and Christmas as I enter the small shop. The whole room is overloaded with Christmas decorations. I spot Alby sitting in a table by the window. Their wavy shoulder length black hair that has some green, silver, gold and red tinsel in it that weren't there last time I saw them. They're dressed in red slacks, a shiny silver blouse and a red coat. They've even got little candy canes painted on the edges of their silver eyeliner.

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