Chapter 28 - Michael's Dad Takes A Hint

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"Dad," I breathe shakily, stumbling backwards slightly. My dad is standing in the doorway and he does not look happy. He glares at me.
"Pack a bag, Michael, we're leaving," He commands, crossing his arms. I frown.
"No," I say. He raises his eyebrows at me.
"What did you just say to me?" He growls. I let out a short laugh.
"I said no. You can't control me anymore," I stand up a little straighter, feeling confident standing up for myself to my dad for the first time ever. "Now, can you get the fuck out, you're ruining the party," I turn on my heel and look away from my dad.

"Why, you little sh-" There's a scuffle of feet from behind me and I hear a few people gasp. I turn around again and see Dad and Dae-Seong standing in the middle of the room, Dae-Seong seems to have blocked dad from getting to me.
"Stay away from my son, Marcus," He says firmly, crossing his arms. My dad looks completely bewildered and affronted.
    "How dare you," He splutters, his face turning red with anger as he surveys Dae-Seong. "He is my son, my blood,"
    "No but he isn't though. You're a shit person, Marcus. Blood has nothing to do with it, you've lost the right to call yourself Michael's dad and I may not be his biological father but I'm hell of a lot better than you are," He states. Beside me, Mum's face looks a little red as she stares at Dae-Seong. She leans over to me,
    "I am very attracted to this man," She whispers almost causing me to laugh.

My dad is still standing in the middle of the room and he looks completely speechless. He looks over Dae-Seong's shoulder at Mum and I.
    "Jess, say something," He says angrily. Mum shrugs and smiles,
    "You're a colossal wanker, get out of my house," Her comment seems to make Dad even angrier than he already was because his face goes very red and his hands ball into fists. He's so angry in fact that he doesn't notice Alby walking over to him. He does however become aware of Alby when he's kicked in the shins by him.
"Ow! What the-?!" Dad stumbles backwards, his face grimaced in pain. Alby grins at him.
"I have a feeling you don't like trains," He states before heading over to my Mum and hugging her leg.

Dad stares around the room at everyone and I realise that every single guest is staring at him with disgust on their faces. He clears his throat and turns back to me, clearly trying to regain his composure.
"Michael," He says, stepping forward, "Don't let your mother manipulate you like this. I know you can be helped and I promise it will all be worth it when you're an adult and you have a family. A beautiful wife and some lovely children," He smiles at me and I know he thinks he's convinced me.
"I don't need a wife to have kids. I don't need kids to have a family. If I decide to have kids then my husband and I will look at options. I don't need to be fixed dad, being gay isn't wrong," I step forward, "I'm happy with who I am. I have a real family who care about me now and I have an amazing boyfriend who I love. I just want you out of my life,"

Dad stares at me, open mouthed. His eyes flicker from Mum to Dae-Seong to Alby and finally to Sam who is glaring at him. Dad huffs loudly and crosses his arms.
"Michael, honestly-"
"Oh just fuck off dad!" I shout, "You aren't wanted here. You're an abusive, manipulative wanker and I want you out of my life. Permanently," My voice echoes around the room. No one speaks. There is complete silence for a few moments. Then my father turns on his heel and stalks out of the house, slamming the front door behind him. After he's gone, I stand in shock for a few moments, then I feel someone's hand on the small of my back and I breathe in Sam's familiar cologne.
"You okay?" He whispers in my ear, his breath tickling my neck. I smile softly and turn to face him.
"Yeah," I say. And I really do mean it.

"Tonight's been pretty dramatic hasn't it," Kai grins as he appears beside us, Amir's arm around him. Florence, Conan and Alec appear a few seconds later.
"I think I've had enough drama to last me a lifetime," I say, making everyone chuckle.
"Ready to settle down in the country side with Sam at the ripe old age of sixteen are you?" Alec smirks. I grin and lean into Sam, pressing my back against his chest.
"Yeah, just about," I grin as Sam lets out a low, amused laugh.
"I'm all for it," He says, the smile evident in his voice. I look around at my group of friends, my own little family and I smile.

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