Chapter 24 - أنا آسف

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    The week passes quickly and before I know it, it's Friday. The day of the first football game since camp.
"Mum! Sam's here to pick me up!" I call as I almost trip down the stairs. Someone's arm grabs me, saving my from the fall. I regain my balance and turn around, unfortunately coming face to face with Trevor. I step away from him, immediately uncomfortable.
    "Where are you going?" He asks, surveying my outfit; a pair of black, cargo style pants, doc martins and an Amerfield football jersey with my last name printed across the back above the word 'Manager'.
    "Football game," I mutter, pushing past Trevor and jogging down the stairs, taking them two at a time. Trevor follows me which pisses me off to no end.

I hurry into the living room where Mum and Angela are sitting, talking. I give mum a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.
    "Tell the guys good luck," She says, smiling warmly. I nod,
    "I will," I reply. Angela wishes me good luck and I thank her quickly before hurrying towards the front door. I pass Dae-Seong's office on the way.
"Michael! Can I talk to you for a sec?" His voice calls, causing me to stop in my tracks. I backtrack and enter the office. It's a small and very cluttered room, blueprints and architectural drawings are plastered on every wall. Dae-Seong's desk is shoved to one side and it's littered with loose drawings, framed photos of Alby, Mum, Me and one of his desceased ex-wife and Alby.

I don't know much about Alby's mum, just the fact that she and Dae-Seong met in high school and ran away to England together after her parents forbid their relationship. They got married in their first year of college and a year later Alby came into the world. Then, two years before my mum and Dae-Seong got together, Alby's mum was killed by a racist drunk Uber driver. Ever since then Dae-Seong has avoided alcohol and Ubers. When he and my mum got together, my mum did everything she could to honour Alby's mum and to never take her place but still be a motherly figure for the little boy. My mum once told me that just because Dae-Seong loved another woman before her doesn't mean that he must take down his photos and memories of her. She will always hold a place in his heart and theres nothing wrong with that.

I hover in the doorway of the office. Dae-Seong sits at his desk, his hair very tousled and about six different drawings infront of him. He smiles warmly at me.
"Come in," He says, gesturing for me to walk properly into the room. I do. "Listen, I just wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind for a while," He looks nervous. I sit down in his spare chair and smile encouragingly. He takes a breath, "I've never told you this before, but I see you like my own son. And the way your Dad has treated you... it disgusts me. You deserve a Dad who cares about you and loves you for who you are. And, er, I believe I could be that kind of dad for you. So I just wanted to see what you think about becoming my legal son?" He gives me a very anxious smile.

A grin spreads across my face and a warm happiness fills me.
    "I would love that!" I say excitedly, "I've considered you as a Dad for so long and I'd love to make it official. You've been so good to my Mum and Alby is the best little brother, you're already a part of my family, making it legal would be awesome," I get to my feet and pull Dae-Seong into a hug. He grins and hugs me back.
    "사랑해, 내 아들아," He whispers. I love you, my son.
When we break apart, there are tears of joy in his eyes, he wipes them away hurriedly. "Okay, have fun at your game, Michael, I hope you win," He smiles warmly and I hug him one last time before leaving him to his work.

Feeling elated, I leave the house. Trevor is standing at the top of the driveway, his eyes on Sam's car but I ignore him as I approach the coup. Sam stops glaring at Trevor and smiles warmly at me. I get into the passenger seat and Sam hugs me quickly.
    "Hi," He says, starting the car.
    "Hi," I lean back in my seat, still floating on the joy of my conversation with Dae-Seong. I tell Sam about it has he drives us towards Amerfield. He listens attentively as I speak and when I'm done he breaks out in a little cheer.
"I'm so happy for you Michael," He says, smiling at me. I smile back. Then I notice that his medical eyepatch is gone again and his cut is almost completely healed.

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