Chapter 20 - She

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The next morning, Sam and I have to participate in group activities again. Sam grabs my hand as we leave our cabin and head towards the dining hall together. The morning air is crisp and cold, and the ground is slightly damp. I can tell that Sam's a bit nervous about seeing his team again after they jumped him.
    "It's okay, I'll protect you," I whisper, bumping my shoulder against his. He bursts out laughing but quickly tries to pretend he's coughing. I raise an eyebrow at him, "Rude much?" I ask as he grins at me.
    "Sorry, I just- you and what muscles?" He starts giggling, burying his head on my shoulder. I roll my eyes,
    "I'm stronger than I look," I say matter of factly. Sam just wheezes something incomprehensible between his joyful laughs.

After a minute or so, he pulls himself together and we continue the walk to the dining hall. Sam stops when we get to the doors, his expression full of anxiety.
"Um, Michael, is it okay if we keep this a secret, just for a little while? I don't want you to feel trapped, but I'm not ready to come out yet. I don't even know what I am and I haven't told my mum. I want to tell my mum first," He looks at me worriedly. I kiss him quickly.
"Thats fine, Sam. We don't have to rush things. Coming out is hard. I'll tell my friends to keep it to themselves, okay? I'm not in a rush to tell everyone if you're not ready," I smile warmly at him and his expression relaxes.
"I love you," He murmurs, "Thank you,"
"I love you too," I say.

The doors to the cafeteria suddenly fly open. Conan and Alec almost crash into us.
    "Hey guys! We were just about to come and look for you!" Alec says, smiling warmly at Sam and I. Sam gives the pair of them a tentative wave. I'm pretty sure he thinks all of my friends hate him just like Kai does. Alec gives us each a quick hug before putting his arm around Conan. Sam looks shocked but pleased. "I think Felix has something to tell everyone so hurry up," Alec says before bounding back into he dining hall, boyfriend in tow. Sam and I step inside and immediately his whole team turns to look at us. I look around the room, feeling highly self conscious. Brent is giving us an extremely murderous look. I give Sam an encouraging smile and lead him towards the buffet, trying my best to ignore the stares that follow us all the way there. We both grab a tray of food and head over to the table at the far end of the room where my friends are sitting.

When we get there, most people have gone back to their breakfast and have lost interest in Sam and I. I can still feel Bren't gaze on us however. I sit down beside Alec, leaving space next to me for Sam. He doesn't sit down though. He just hovers at the end of the table, looking unsure about wether or not he's welcome here. Amir gives him a friendly wave,
    "Sit down mate, welcome," He says, gesturing to the spot beside me. Sam grins,
    "Thanks," He replies, sitting down beside me. His knee immediately starts bouncing up and down beneath the table and I reach out my hand and slip it into his, squeezing it gently. He gives me a grateful smile. We all begin to eat, falling into scattered conversation. Alec turns to me and starts rambling about Conan. I grin, it's honestly adorable how in love they are. Conan sits on the other side of Alec, his face red.

Across from me, Felix clears his throat.
    "Um- I have something to say," He murmurs in his soft voice. Everyone at the table goes completely quiet, giving Felix their whole attention. Felix looks down at the table, fiddling with the sleeve of his sweater. "So- basically. Uh... I'm not sure how to say this but I'm just going to tell you bluntly... I'm trans. I'm a girl. I would appreciate it if you guys could use she/her pronouns for me," She speaks quickly and quietly but when she stops talking the whole group breaks out in words of support and acceptance. We all gather around to hug her.
"Is there a different name you want us to use?" I ask as we all settle back into our seats. Felix smiles and nods.
"I've been trialing the name Florence with my online friends and I really like it. So Florence is good," She beams at us, looking more comfortable than I've seen her since the day we met.

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