Chapter 25 - Ready

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The next day is Mum's party. I walk into the kitchen at eight a.m. bleary eyed and still half asleep. I make myself a cup of tea and sit down at the kitchen counter with my book, 'The Song Of Achilles'. As I read, I sip on my tea, feeling very peaceful. That is, until I hear an agitating, grating voice in the doorway.
"Morning Mike," Trevor saunters into the kitchen, making me want to groan out loud. I just hum in response, already turning back to my book. "Do you want me to make you breakfast?" He asks, leaning over the counter and getting in my personal space. I suck in a sharp breath.
"No thanks," I mutter sharply, pointedly lifting up my book to block him from my view.

Trevor scoffs lightly and turns away, heading into the kitchen. I try and focus on my book but Trevor starts humming loudly. I grit my teeth and force myself to focus on the words on the page in front of me. I get through half a page before Trevor's voice stops me again.
"So, are you excited for the party tonight Mike?" He asks, coming back over to me. I put down my book and flash a fake smile.
"Yep," I say in a falsely bright voice. Trevor grins at me,
"Great," He smirks, "Me too. Maybe we can dance together?" His hand brushes mine and I pull away quickly.
    "Um, I don't know. I think I'll probably dance with Florence," I reply, not wanting to out Sam.

Trevor scoffs.
    "Florence? Why would you want to dance with him? He's a tr-"
    "Her," I snap, glaring coldly at Trevor, "She's a girl. And she's my friend. And she's the sweetest person I know. I can't say the same for you," I give him a disgusted look before standing up, grabbing my cup of tea and retreating back upstairs to my bedroom. I shut the door and settle down on the window seat, pulling out my phone and opening Sam's contact.
Me -
I might stab Trevor

I put my phone down and open my book, not expecting an immediate response. But within seconds, my phone buzzes with Sam's response.
Sam <3 -
I'll help. What's he done? Do you want me to beat him up?

Me -
He flirted with me again. And he was transphobic towards Florence :(

Sam <3 -
That fucking bastard. Do you want to come over to my house? You can get ready for the party here?

Me -
Yeah, okay. See you soon <3

Sam <3 -
See you soon, love you.

Me -
Love you

I put my book down again and walk over to my wardrobe. I grab the outfit I planned to wear for the party and folded it neatly before placing it in a backpack. I hoist the bag onto my shoulder and head back out of my room, not bothering to get dressed. I head across the hall to my Mum's room and knock lightly on the door. I hear a muffled voice telling me to come in. I open the door And poke my head inside. Mum is sitting on the edge of her bed, brushing her hair. I can hear the shower running in her ensuite bathroom and Dae-Seongs singing loudly. Mum smiles at me.
"Morning," She says.
"Hi. Is it ok if I go to Sam's for the day? I just don't want to be in the way whilst you're setting up for the party. I'll get ready at his place and come back with him?" I cross my fingers behind my back and watch my Mum carefully.

"Sure. Have fun, kiddo. I'll see you tonight," She stands up and hugs me tightly, "I love you," She says warmly. I hug her back.
"I love you too, mum," I smile. We break apart and I call a quick goodbye to Dae-Seong who calls back an embarrassed response. I leave the house as quickly as I can, narrowly avoiding another interaction with Trevor. To my surprise, Sam's car is sitting at the end of the driveway and Sam is leaning casually against the hood. He looks up at me as he hears the front door close. He smiles when he sees me.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, walking over and hugging him.
"You don't have a car," He points out, "How were you going to get to my house?" He grins as my eyes widen slightly.
"Shut up, I would've figured something out," I say, getting into the car.

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