Chapter 3 - The McDonald's Waiter

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It's not too loud inside and the smell of fast food overwhelms my senses. I follow Amir and Kai, my eyes wandering around the room. I notice a cute guy at the serving station. He's got a light tan, soft-looking brown hair and his nails are painted purple. He looks up at me and smiles warmly, I return it, my cheeks a little red from the embarrassment of being caught staring. I notice that his smile is a little crooked, somehow it makes him even more gorgeous. The guys gives me a little wave which I return very awkwardly. Trust me to act like an idiot when I see someone attractive.

"Michael?" Kai waves his hand in front of my face and I realise I've been zoned out. I turn my attention to the people before me. Kai, Amir and I are standing at the head of a table with two people sitting at it. They have school books spread out in front of them. One is a girl with shoulder length, dark hair, green-brown eyes and brown skin. Amita. I greet her warmly and turn to say hello to her friend who is staring over at the cash register. My eyes widen with unease and shock as I realise who Amita's friend is. Sam Foster.

Sam looks up at me and gives me an awkward smile.
"Hey," He mumbles, as I try to string together a coherent thought. What is he doing here? I didn't know he was friends with Amita. Why, after four years of ignorance and homophobia, is Sam Foster suddenly appearing again. I share a glance with Kai who says to Sam,
"Hi, I'm Kai, nice to meet you," He holds out his hand and Sam shakes it tentatively.
"Um, I'm Sam," He greets, his eyes still fixed on me. Kai lets out a little gasp, pulls his hand away and shares another look with me, his eyebrows raised. Amir and Kai take the two remaining seats next to Amita and I silently curse the pair before taking a seat on Sam's side of the table, leaving a chair between us.

We sit in slightly awkward silence for a few moments, none of us knowing what to say. We're saved the pressure of starting a conversation however when the cute guy from the serving station approaches our table. My eyes meet his for a fleeting moment and I notice that they're a pretty blue colour with little flecks of green. Up close, I can read his name badge, it says 'Alec, he/him'
"Hi, welcome to McDonalds," He gives us all a crooked grin, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer than everybody else. Sam smiles up at him and waves.
"Hey, Sinclair, hows it going dude?" He asks brightly. Alec smiles kindly,
"Good, man. You?" Alec immediately looks away from Sam and back at me as Sam starts speaking about the football practice that Alec missed.

"Uh, so what can I get you guys?" Alec asks after Sam is done talking.
"I didn't know McDonald's had waiters," I commented, glancing at the small notepad in his hand. Alec turns a little red.
"Yeah- um- well- I- er... I just thought it would be nice?" He says it like a question, like he can't decide if its a good coverup for the real reason he's here. I laugh lightly,
"Fair enough," I say. Alec takes our orders and I can't help but notice that every few seconds his eyes drift back to me.
"Right," He says after he's written down what everyone wants, "I'll be back with your food," He smiles around at us all and once again, his eyes linger on me.
"Thanks," I murmur just loud enough for him to hear me. His smile widens and he turns to leave. I watch him walk away.

I turn back to the group as he reaches the register. That's when I notice that Sam is staring at Alec with a funny look on his face, he looks a little bit angry but also somewhat upset. Strange. Whilst we wait for out food, I can't help but notice that Sam keeps shooting annoyed looks at Alec who is chatting brightly with a coworker over at the service counter. Sam looks mad at him which is confusing me. Just a few minutes ago he was chatting happily with Alec about football. I frown slightly and decide to ignore Sam's strange behaviour, after all, it could be normal for him these days. I wouldn't know. I turn my attention to the conversation Amita, Amir and Kai are having.
"He's just like...nice, you know what I mean?" Amita is explaining whilst Kai nods along, his attention focused on what she's saying. Amir looks a little annoyed, his arm is around his boyfriend as he stares at his sister.

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