Chapter 16 - Talking

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Sam and I talk as we find the rest of the item's on Margo's list. We just ask each other questions, it's like getting to know each other all over again. We discuss more than we ever did in his car on the way to school. Sam's changed less than I'd thought, the longer we talk, the more I see my former best friend. He smiles as he talks and he expresses his words with hand movements. It all feels so familiar, so perfect. I talk too, I open up more than I have in years. I feel so safe. All of my anger at Sam disappears as we continue to talk and he starts to tell me about his job at a local coffee shop.

"And then she threw the coffee at me!" Sam groans, rolling his eyes, "And I was like 'Lady, you didn't ask for whipped cream so I didn't put any on!' And she fully glared at me and was like 'I am the customer and I'm right'," He shakes his head and runs a hand through his fluffy blond hair. "Honestly, the audacity of some middle aged women," He says as I chuckle lightly. I watch as dappled sunlight beams through the canopy of leaves above us, casting an almost godly glow onto Sam's defined features. I honestly think it's a little unfair for someone to be as attractive as Sam, he really makes everyone else look like a troll in comparison. We lapse into silence for a little while as Sam searches for a fully green leaf, the last object on our scavenger hunt list. The silence between us isn't awkward in the slightest.

As we walk, I let my mind wander. For the first time, I let myself hope. I let myself imagine. I picture a life with Sam. I picture him coming over to Mum's house to do homework and trips to the playground in the middle of the night when the everyone else is asleep. I even dare to let my mind wonder further into the future. It's a little unnerving how clearly I can picture myself marrying Sam, raising kids with him, growing old beside him. But it's also a beautiful thought. I've loved him since I was eight years old and now, now the chance is real. Sam gently laces his pinky finger through mine, my heart speeds up as I glance at him. He's still looking for the leaf but theres a soft smile on his face as pull his hand closer and interlock our fingers.

We continue on our journey, holding hands. Sunlight streams gently through gaps in the leaves dousing us in warm light. Birds sing in the peaceful quiet. The world seems to soften in this moment of beauty and I find myself wishing that I could stay here forever, holding Sam's hand, walking through the woods. I smile gently and tilt my head up, basking in the warm, bright, glow of the sun.
Just for a moment, in this beautiful moment, everything is perfect and the world is still.


When Sam and I get back to the main camp, Margo is sitting right where we left her, crochet in her hands. We head towards her, our pockets full of items from her list. Sam drops my hand as we break through the tree line and we spot other kids. I feel a small pang of hurt but I immediately chastise myself for it. Sam isn't ready to come out and thats okay. When we reach Margo, we place all of the items in front of her, Sam has a proud smile on his face. She glances up at us and smiles warmly.
    "Well done lads," She says as Sam hands her our completed item list. "You aren't the first finished but you've still done a great job," She tells us, a kind smile on her face. Sam beams at her.
    "We had a great time," He says. Her smile widens.
    "I'm glad, dearie," She looks between us, "Alright, well you boys are free to go back to your cabin for an hour until dinner," She dismisses us.

Sam and I walk quickly back towards our cabin, I think it's obvious that we both want to talk things through. Sam's eyes dart nervously around us, his gaze jumping between the few people milling around outside. As we draw nearer to our cabin, the amount of people thins to non existent and I suddenly feel Sam's fingers thread through mine. I fight the smile that immediately tries to spill across my features. Sam pushes open the door to our cabin and we step inside, closing the door behind us. Once the door is shut, Sam immediately pulls me into a hug, holding me close, his head leaning on my shoulder, tucked under my chin. I let myself smile as I hug him back. We stand there for a moment, perfectly content in each other's arms. When we break apart, Sam has the most adoring smile on his face. He gently takes my hand and leads me over towards the bed so we can sit down to talk.

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