Chapter 19 - Boyfriends

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The next day is our last day of getting out of activities. When I get to the dining hall to pick up mine and Sam's breakfast, Rob is standing up the front of the room and telling everyone that we'll all be staying inside today due to the extensive amount of mud from another night's rain. A small cheer erupts around the room and Kai comes running up to me.
"Michael! Do you want to come and hang out with us all in Conan and Alec's cabin?" He asks excitedly. I look over his shoulder towards my group of friends. I'm about to say yes but my mind drifts back to Sam. I've barely been apart from him these last few days.
"Um, do you want to come to mine and Sam's? I just have to keep an eye on his injuries, y'know?" I ask, hoping he won't realise I'm just making excuses to spend more time with the blond.

Kai grins and nods,
"Sure, mate," He turns to the rest of the group, "Oi, guys, we're hanging in Michael's cabin now! Get any board games or stuff we can do and meet there in ten minutes, bring snacks too!" He says excitedly. Everyone nods and I wave a temporary goodbye before heading back to mine and Sam's cabin, our food on a tray in my hands.
"Sam, my friends are going to hang out in here today and play games, you can join us if you want," I call as I enter. It's only after I've placed the tray of food on the edge of the bed that I realise Sam isn't in the room. "Sam?" I call worriedly. I hear a noise from the bathroom and Sam's voice muttering,
"Ow! Fuck!"

I hurry into the bathroom and find Sam standing there, his hand over his eye, blood dripping down his face.
"Oh my god, what happened," I gasp, grabbing a stack of tissues from beside the sink.
"I thought my eye was healed so I took the eye patch off and was like washing my face with water. But I didn't use the cloth like you did when you changed the dressing and I splashed aggressively or something and next thing I know I'm bleeding again," He explains, his voice wobbly and panicky.
"Hey, it's okay, come on, lets go and sit down and I'll get you cleaned up," I say, gently guiding him into the main room and sitting him down on a rickety chair in the corner.

I hand him my handful of tissues and tell him to take his shirt of so he doesn't get blood on it before hurrying back to the bathroom to get my basic medical supplies. When I get back to Sam, he's sitting shirtless, covering his eye with the tissues I gave him. I walk over to him and stand above him, first aid kit in hand. I bend down and gently pull the tissue away from Sam's injury so I can see the damage. To my shock, Sam's hands grab my waist and pull me into a sitting position on his lap, straddling him.
"You can see better at eye level," He informs me, a playful smirk on his face. I turn bright red but don't say anything. I refuse to actually make eye contact with him as I gently start cleaning the cut above his eye which has definitely started to heal.

For some reason, Sam doesn't seem to value my ability to concentrate on his injury because his hands fiddle with the hem of my shirt, his fingers lightly brushing the skin beneath. Goose bumps appear in his finger's wakes and I almost physically shiver.
    "What are you doing?" I whisper airily as I gently place a fresh eyepatch over Sam's cut. He smiles at me.
    "Will you be my boyfriend, Michael?" He asks, his voice carrying a nervous edge to it. My breath catches and I make eye contact with him for the first time. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. Despite everything thats happened between us, this trip has felt like a fresh start. I feel like Sam's redeemed himself.
"Yes, Sam," I murmur.

"Can I kiss y-" Sam starts,
"Yes," I say quickly, feeling giddy with joy. Sam's hand holds the back of my neck and he pulls me down into a kiss. His other hand holds onto my waist. One of my hands creeps to his hair as the other one runs over his chest. We both lean into each other, smiling as we do. Sam deepens the kiss, his grip on me tightening. I can't form a single coherent though as he grabs the hem of my shirt and tugs at it. I break our kiss and pull off my shirt. Immediately I reconnect our lips and for a moment I become incredibly aware that I'm still sitting on his lap, both of us half naked. But then Sam's tongue slips into my mouth and I my thoughts slip away. Our hands explore each other and goosebumps trail down my skin wherever he touches me. After a few minutes, it occurs to me that Sam might be expecting us to go further than just kissing. I break off the kiss, slightly panicked.

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