Chapter XXXVIII: Missing

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It's been 3 days now since Thirdy left which the house become so quiet and bored even Andy's here, but he always play his phone or reads books. Unlike Thirdy who will always clungs on my arms, neck, and give me sweet kisses and dose of I love you's every day.

Well Andy's a boy which easily matures which Thirdy is a girl who still my lovely only baby girl.

How I miss you my Maria Luis Emmanuela Thirdy my Baby Star. I thought I could let you go, but it turns out I've been missing you my Star.

"Hey are you thinking about her?", a soft woman voice hug me from the back.

"Yes, no days I never think and missed her", I said sadly looking outside from the balcony.

"Me too I miss her na", she said which I face her.

"I thought five days it could be that fast, but I was wrong. I keep longing for her even I'm on my work, but my mind is keeps thinking about her", I said.

"What if we go there and let's surprise her, she would love that", she said which I kinda think that's good.

"Yeah that's good", I agreed but Andy interrupted.

"Hey don't worry too much, let her live her life for once with her own", he said seriously.

"Baba and Wowo Tata Thirdy should know also how survive, because when the times come she will left and build her own family. So for now let her and let grasp some moments of growing apart from each other. To be able her to test how brave she is and how she can live life without the both of you ", he added which he's kinda right.

Well if you're asking why's Andy's mindset is like that, simply because he is a independent man. He will seek out everything about himself, to able to learn and grow. Because he believes that only himself can figure out things by seeking and teaching himself.

I can't blame Andy for being like that as he's a brave person which will explore to found out the worth of everything.

"Come here nga Andy boy", I said which he joined our hugs.

"It's not bad to live with your own, it's a gift to fully understand yourself", he said.

"Ano ka ba inspirational notebook? Dami mo alam para kang mga philosophers", Irene said pinching our grandson's cheeks.

"Well kinda as I always read philosophy", he chuckled.

"Hmmm, what do you want to eat for lunch love?", Irene asked him.

"I want Adobo po Baba and paired with pineapple juice please", Andy said, well he can drink and eat pineapple as he's not allergic of it like her Baba.

"I'm just at my office downstair lang ha may enemail kasi si Josh I'll check lang muna", I excuse myself and left them in the room.

When I entered my office I saw that the portrait of Thirdy fell on the floor good thing it didn't break, but I feel something's wrong while looking at my daughter's lovely face.

"I hope you're doing well my Star", I uttered in my mind and place back the portrait, but it keeps falling.

"Hon.... Hon....", I run outside of my office and run to Irene in the kitchen.

"Yeah what? What's wrong?", she asked as she slice the chicken.

"Please call Thirdy right now please I'm worried", I said worriedly which she walk to me and fished out her phone.

"Greggy you're making me nervous also", she said while her hands are shaking.

"Give it to me Baba, I will call Tata", Andy offered which Irene give it to him.

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