Chapter XC: Grief

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I can feel everything they are doing something for me inside this for cornered-room with apparatuses everywhere my body and medical practitioners trying their very best.

As I can now feel more the pain of the bullet getting inside of me which I can't endure its pain, but most especially I can't endure looking my family outside crying with all hopes.

They are all watching from the window which breaks my heart especially seeing Daddy being restless just to make me alive.

Mommy holds by Kuya Alfonso as she's crying so badly as she don't want to lose me, I don't even want to leave everyone but I can feel I can't make it.

"Code blue! Code blue! Code blue!", I heard one nurses shouted which I'm having a cardiac arrest.

The pain is killing me slowly until I will wish for my own death to not to suffer this insane pain inside of my chest.

"She's having great big laceration of her coronary artery doc!", I heard one man.

Well it's really fatal as I read about it before and it can lead to hemorrhage as the bloods will not flow to its stream which I can feel puno na ako ng sarili dugo ko.

"Ask someone from the family for blood transfusion", a girl voice said.

I'm really nervous as I have +AB blood type that are rare and often people have this kind of blood which I'm losing hope.

It's been like 10 minutes when another nurse came back again informing that there are three persons outside who has the same blood with mine but I don't know who are they.

Maybe it's my two brothers and Victoria but I'm not really sure as I can feel the numbness of my body and my vision are getting blurry.

"Thirdy don't close your eyes!", I heard the doctors shouted.

I'm trying not to close my eyes but I can't hold on anymore which I look outside the window and only two faces I can clearly see, it's my Daddy and the Mommy I know.

I'm crying because I will leave them in any moment from now which I'm uttering the only words I know for now that is "I'm and I love you both".

I heard the straight beep of the monitor which I know I'm dying while they're trying to revive me using the machine.

My body, mind, heart and soul gave up at exactly 12am like how I was born on this same day July 3rd.

I celebrate my birthday with my death which is more painful as I will not be longer spend it with my love one's.

If reincarnation is all true make it happen for me as I want to get back to my family and be with them for more years.


Irene, Greggy, Alfonso and Luis were told by the hospital staff to leave the room as they will transfer the dead body of the child in the morgue.

But after they left Greggy and Irene asked for another minute which the staff let them as they know how it hurts the family of the disease to accept it.

"Why they're still inside?", Imee asked the staff while crying.

"They asked for more minutes ma'am", the staff said.

On the hand inside the ER with the cold body of Thirdy as Irene hugging her looking at her face with so much love and longing.

"Baby why? Why do you have to leave Mommy? How about your promises? Diba you said you will make it happen? Chanak ang daya you keep lying to Mommy. Anak gising na please, gising come on", she buried her face on her neck whispering her to wake up.

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