Crazy People

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Harry POV

Harry sat on one of the chairs around the table with his friends and the adults were gathered too.

Harry and his family were finally allowed in the secret meetings.

The Headmaster cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Now you will all be curious about why Harry, Hermione and Ron in the meetings. Have you all heard about the son of Voldemort."

Some of them whispered, some of them were trembling and some were nodding.

"The ministry found Yo-Voldemort's son!?!!!?"

Harry and Ron were too shocked to say anything.

"What's his name" Sirius asked.

"His name is Nicodemus Di Angelo Riddle" Dumbledore answered.

"Wait from THE Di Angelo line" Hermione asked and Dumbledore nodded.

Seeing almost everyone confused Hermione explained "They were one of the most dark family in the Nineteenth century, but died out suddenly. They created the three unforgivable curses and many other dark rituals, potions and curses and were known for their control over shadows."

"He had a sister but she died due to unknown reasons." Harry was shocked, confused and angry.

Dumbledore continued "Nicodemus is 16 year old and does not know about the magical world. And has had many emotional outbursts. So, to control his powers he will be brought to Hogwarts and be in Harry's year.

"Sirius, Alaster, Remus, Harry, Hermione and Ron can come with me. And we can get him right now."

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now