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Nico P.O.V

Gods what a bunch of idiots these wizards were. They actually believed my sob story and apology.

I knew since none of these wizards would willingly give me any information and continue to be suspicious of me, I would have gain the trust of one of the main players in this game.

Harry James Potter.

No one could actually figure out I was lying because it was the truth according to the mist memories. The adults only gave me very condensed stories of Harry Potter, so I had to find out from the guy himself.

Gods, were living creatures so annoying.

The dead were more easy to deal with. Anyway with the information I got plus the mist memories I have a better understanding of the enemy. It was like chess.

The Black pieces was of Tom Marvolo Riddle the King, Nagini the Queen, Lucius Malfoy the Bishop, Bellatrix Lestrange the Knight and Peter Pettigrew the Rook. (No racism intended.)

The White pieces was of Harry James Potter the king, Hermione Jean Granger the Queen, Ronald Bilius Weasley the Knight, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore the Bishop and Sirius Black III the Rook.

The pawns were scattered everywhere. Every little move of the pawns mattered. I don't think the Golden Trio have realized this yet and wouldn't until the White King would face the dangers of a checkmate. The Black King however has realized that the pawns hold some importance but is giving more importance of have in the pawns defend and the main players infiltrate the white side's barriers.

The days go by.

The pink abomination has started to take control of Hogwarts and now is a high inquisitor. There are way too many rules. Half of them probably due to the Weasley twins. Anyway I am loving the no contact and quite even if the toad is annoying.

She tortures Harry with Blood Quills. It looks like it really hurts. Father had me do worse, but I guess to a puny mortal with anger issues it is too much. Though I admire his bravery to not give the literal waste of oxygen I am trying so hard to not delete from existence, her satisfaction.

By the way guess what happened at the demigod world. Just Guess.

Percy Freaking Jackson showed up at the Roman Camp. Carrying Juno. I know. Like why? Why is it always that guy?

Jason Fudging Grace is now prophesied to meet Annabeth, who she thinks is Percy. I do not want to be that guy.

And now there is a prophecy about me that I found out from the Sibylline Books that Octavian won't stop reminding me about. What part of twins snuff out the angels breath who holds the key to endless death is that hard to understand.

At least I am not going to die, though I do have hell's one and only exquisite tour by guide Tartarus and Gaia themselves on my to do list. It ain't even on the top over there.


In the Wizarding world a few more weeks fly by. Harry's now thinking of starting a defense club. He didn't tell me obviously, cause of Mad-Eye. I just happened to accidentally visit his dreams and check a few memories, not that he knows someone is doing that.

I have been busy coincidentally visiting a few more players memories, totally on accident.

Today was going to be the same as every night. I was currently looking for one Draco Malfoy's memories. His accounts of everything that happened at Hogwarts and his father's character in general. But then the dream rippled and began shifting.

The scene changed to a dark room. His room where he was imprisoned with his father. He was again in those chains in the same clothes. He felt the same anger, madness, hunger and thirst from his memories.

His father was sitting on a throne gently petting Nagini with two of his fingers. Nico after recovering from the initial shock quickly kneeled before his father. His father didn't say or do anything except flick a finger and sent Nico flying into a wall.

Nico didn't make noise, just got up and went back into his previous kneeling position and continued to do this every time his father flicked his finger. By the end of it, Nico had a few bust ribs, a few broken bones, probably a few internal injuries with major internal bleeding. He probably sported a major concussion too and a twisted ankle.

At last he was stopped being flicked into the wall.

The Dark Lord rose from his position on the throne and circled Nico. He then said in a voice barely above a whisper "This is your punishment for getting caught and ignoring my summons. Continue infiltrating them. Don't trust them. You are a Monster. A Monster doesn't deserve to live. It doesn't deserve to trust and love. It is only due to my mercy. Monster."

With that Nico blacked out.

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now