Moody teens

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Nico POV

Nico woke up with a start, covered in sweat and shivering. Nico closed his eyes and sighed. Just another day.

While he was changing he thought about what he had been doing for the past few weeks. Why was he even trying to know the Wizards? All he had to do was protect the Golden Trio. His main goal was the doors of Death and Percy. No one else mattered.

The day passed in a similar way except that now the Christmas holidays were now approaching and the Trio were about to go back in hiding. He had to too. Damn it.

The days passed by without a hitch, nothing out of the ordinary.


Everything was going wrong.

From what he could find out Potter was planning some kind of secret DADA meeting AND all this was happening while the slytherins became Umbitch's little tattletales.


And all this was going on while Percy and Jason got assigned quests. Why just why.

Anyway...I found it. Tarturus. I don't know if I am ever coming back after this. I have no idea what is going to go down. It's not like anyone is gonna care. They are all scared of me anyway and he's just with me because of the guilt. No one cares.

I've made a plan which is the most probable according to me. I'll go down tarturus by the end of the fifth year, because I know there is gonna be a huge fight for a prophecy during which someone is gonna take me to my father.

Just before they reach me I'll go in the future and if things go well than I'll survive Tarturus, and then anytime in the future where anything can happen, I'll come back. I'll come back with the after effects of Tarturus, which can be enough to prove to the dark side that I was mistreated.

No one will ask any questions, but the fight will be now more heated.

In the end if Potter doesn't win then I will have to finish father off myself, but if he does, by which he will save me, I'll pretend to die in a way where my body won't be found. I know that the after effects of Tarturus won't fade that easily plus the abusive father it won't be that much of a surprise that I died.

It all depends on one thing.

If I survive Tarturus.

If I don't, the person coming to take me to my father will have to report me missing which during war and in my position only means death.

I can just pray right now that Potter doesn't do anything stupid.

So far I have been good, so along with allowing me out on Sundays they have agreed that once schools start  after Christmas break I can spend an hour after school out in the courtyard and maybe make friends.

Today was one of those days, most of the secret DADA Club was out. Speaking of them Filch was getting suspicious. A lot. Neville was out practicing some spell secretly. He looked really frustrated with it.

I went up to him and said "Having problems with it?"

Neville flinched but then relaxed. He must have forgotten I was there.

Nico didn't notice but most of the club members were watching him very closely.

"Yeah" The blond boy sighed.

"Well what's the spell?"
"Expelliarmus. Don't tattle, it's just...extra curriculum...yeah"
"You really can't lie can you?"
"There's trick to it. Instead of focusing on the opponents wand why don't you focus on the magic inside of you and put it in the wand. Oh and for this spell you should have strong negative and positive feelings as it is a defensive spell. Makes it a lot easier."

"O-oh thanks."

Neville took a deep breathe and looked at the branch of a tree in front of him that kept mocking him. Not anymore. Just as he was about to lift his wand the bell rang announcing dinner. He sighed again and turned to Nico.

"I'll tell you when I get it. Thanks for the advice by the way. You should go too, Moody's waiting."

Slowly all the students filled out of the courtyard while Nico walked next to Moody back to his prison.

"Saw what you did there boy."
Nico was confused. Was he mad or proud?

"Don't need to look like that. Finally getting friends good for you." With that he pushed Nico in and locked the door. Dinner was already at the table waiting for him.

Nico ate half the food and left the rest. He fingered the necklace and disappeared in a flash and came back the next second and collapsed. No one knew what happened. Like always.

The next few days passed with many students of the club coming to ask him ways to do a certain spell. Potter even thanked him for it.

Then one day all of a sudden Nico was banned from going to the courtyard, banned from his Sunday outings, all his privilege items were taken back like the ambrosia and camp necklace.

To say Nico was pissed was the least of it, they were not telling him anything and he had to waste a night trying to find out what it was.


"But why?!?" Nico asked Dumbledore furiously as he informed Nico of all the privileges being taken away. "I have been good, I have done everything you told me to, I have not done anything what you consider wrong, I was even friendly" at that Moody scoffed for some weird reason "I...You know what, forget it. I am your prisoner for fucksake. Just thought the good people" insert air quotes "Would keep their promises."

Nico huffed and sat on the bed as they all just sighed and left.

End Flashback

Well after wasting one night on it, turns out Arthur Weasley was attacked.

That was the big reason.

And now with all that I'm going to be locked up in dog's house again.


Potter is stupid anyways and now this is gonna prompt Potter to do something even more stupid than usual

I can feel it in my belly-I mean gut.

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now