Nineteen Years Later

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Harry Potter, Ginny Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley sat together in a local burger restaurant after getting their children aboard the Hogwarts express.

They all missed their children but sat down together to catch up with each other as they rarely had time too, with all their jobs and kids.

Their food had been delivered to them already. Ron, as always, started golfing down the food.

"So Hermione, Minister of Magic, how do you feel?" Ginny asked, smiling at her.
"It's been a bit hard so far, but I plan to bring back the old celebrations of the wizarding world to make the pure-bloods happier and then take of some of the bans on magical creatures, dark and light alike, so that they will be happy from now on." Hermione stated sighing and taking a sip of her coke.
"So that they won't have reason to participate in another war?"  Ginny said smirking.
"Or start one" Harry added in.
" Yes, and Ronald do you thing you can keep your inner pig in, honestly I don't know why being a father would change you."

Ron swallowed before saying "Well Hermione, if you c-- Is that who I think it is?" Ron said pointing behind the Potters. Every head on that table turned towards where he was pointing.

There was a young raven head, wearing a long hoodie, ripped pants and military boots. Besides him was another boy with blond hair and blue eyes. The raven head seemed a bit familair. They were arguing about how many happy meals to buy

"That can't be-" Ginny was cut off.
"Nico Riddle" Harry said.

The group sat their shocked as the two argued a bit more before the blond was cut off by small kiss by Nico, who then proceeded to take the eleven happy meals he had ordered for himself.

"Did he just?, well he's got taste-"
"No wait he's leaving" Harry said getting up in hopes of talking to Nico and finding out how he still looked eighteen and how the heck did he disappear back then with being injured and all. Being a horcrux didn't heal wounds.

By the time the four fought against a crowd to follow the two boys into a dark alley it was too late. They had disappeared.

"He did his weird shadow moving thingy didn't he?" Ron said wheezing and bending over trying to catch his breath. He was an old man now.

"How was he still so young? I mean-" Ginny was again cut of by Hermione.
"Time turner. I always wondered what that necklace did. It was different from the time turners I had seen but now I am sure of it. He had gone forward in time."

"He's alive now...Riddle and Slytherin line continues on. But at least now he's happier than I have ever seen him." Harry said smiling.

"So we are not going after him or anything?"

"No Mione, he's safe, healthy and happy. He's where he wants to be. With his family he is happy"

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now