Nico's imprisonment

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Severus POV

After they put the boy in chains and locked him in Sirius's old room, all of them had a heated discussion in which the children were also invited.

The final decision was that he was to go to Hogwarts with magic reducing chains and would only be allowed to do magic when he was told to and in between classes he would be monitored. During lunch, breakfast and dinner he would be locked in the prison in the deepest parts of the dungeons and be given food by one of the teachers and when there were no classes he would be locked in the dungeons.

He would be let out once every two weeks on Sundays but will not be allowed to leave school grounds.  During quidditch matches and the like he would be locked in the dungeons and if he was behaving well he would be allowed to see the matches.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays a adult from the school or the order will come and give him lessons and teach him patiently on what he was doing was wrong and why.

If he was good he would be given more freedom and privileges.

After that they were all content and the meeting ended. Now he had to report back to the Dark lord.


Severus apparated in front of the manor and strolled towards it. He had seen the young master Riddle quite a few times playing around with his sister and mother before they died in a ministry raid. After that the Dark Lord kept Nicodemus in his sight all the time. Nicodemus was locked inside the manor grounds and was only allowed to see death eaters and such.

He had sat in his fathers lap and giggled when The Dark Lord killed.

The death Eaters encouraged it and told him the killing was good and mercy was bad.

He never knew about the magical world and didn't dare ask his father after his father ordered him to not ask until The Dark Lord told Nicodemus himself.

He didn't know the right and wrongs of the world other than what a twisted murderer dark lord of a father told him.

When Severus reported these findings to Dumbledore, they headmaster wanted Nico out of that mad house but couldn't do anything as The Dark Lord kept his son in his sight at all times.

After his fall he locked Nicodemus in a place where none could find him except his father who sent a part of consciousness there to  teach him everything.

It was a guess but after the second time Harry defeated his father, Nicodemus's protection and imprisonment broke and he hid himself well in America.

But was now found and came along with them because he had not known much about his father's rule and who the enemy was.

Severus let the Dark Lord see his memories and needless to say he was enraged his heir was being treated like a prisoner. He wasn't worried about his son changing sides as his father's influence on Nicodemus is strong.

They resolved along with the Death Eaters to break their Young Master out.

After that everyone was dismissed except Draco Malfoy and me who was given the orders to report back everything to the Dark Lord.

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora