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*one month later after Nico was allowed out*

Harry P.O.V

To say Harry was mad was the least of it.

Only last year did he see not only Voldemort's return, but also fought him and saw him kill Cedric Diggory.

His nightmares were getting worse. Each night he saw himself as Voldemort or his snake. It didn't help that majority of the school and wizarding world was against him. Then there was Umbitch with her quills.

And this year. This year Voldemort's son was studying at Hogwarts, it had been two months already.

But at least he was under strict restrictions. Hermione assured him that the rules set by the order and the kids together will ensure mini Voldy won't be able to harm him.

Mini Voldy was quite to the point where everyone even forgot he was in the room, he didn't volunteer any information, nor did he step out of the line and got points taken away or got detention. He was pretty emotion-less most of the time, and was always lost in his own world.

Moody was always behind him and Harry felt assured that someone kept an eye on the son of the dark lord. Even when others tried to talk to the kid he wouldn't reply and just be lost in his own world. Only when the teachers asked him to give any information did he speak up.

But Harry was still worried and mad. Worried because the kid got better grades than Hermione and Malfoy in their monthly test. Harry didn't even think that was possible.

Mad because Nico Di Angelo was the son of Voldemort. A slytherin. A necromancer. A parselmouth. A dark-magic user.

As Harry was musing all this, he was taking a walk with Ron and Hermione. Those two were bickering like an old couple leaving Harry to his thoughts. It was a Sunday anyway.

Then out of the corner of his eyes he saw mini Voldemort sitting on the grass looking peacefully at the scenery before him. Moody was seated a little further away from him and was reading a book, but still looked like he was keeping an eye on Di Angelo.

Di Angelo was now allowed out after behaving good, though it was only on Sundays. Now that he wasn't in his school robes he was wearing a white button down shirt, black pants and black ankle boots.

It wasn't that different from the school robes.

Harry didn't know what but he wanted to talk to the kid.

"Ron, Hermione I wanna talk to him." Harry said
"Blimey mate what if he tries to kill you?" Ron immediately disagreed.
"No he can't. Not with Moody around at least. And I agree with Harry, best to keep our enemies close." Hermione said siding with Harry.

Ron finally agreed to it, then went with Harry and Hermione but kept his wand out.

"Hey." Harry started, he saw Moody turn to look at him but then looked away. Though Harry was pretty sure that the magical eye was still  on them.

"Aren't you feeling bored out here, alone?" Hermione said kindly and then plopped down next to him, followed by Harry and Ron

Di Angelo looked kinda awkward and looked between Harry, Hermione and Ron and then just nodded.

"So Nico right, I am Hermione, that's Ron, and this is Harry." Hermione introduced themselves.
Nico again only nodded.
"You don't talk much, do ya mate?"
Nico grimaced a bit, then said in a low, melodic voice, with a Italian tint "Well, you wanted to talk about something?"

"Well we kinda noticed you were alone, so we thought we could be your friends and you could be ours." Harry replied. Nico looked at them with his soul piercing gaze then nodded.

" about we just start of with hobbies and stuff?" Ron suggested.
Nico nodded.

"Alright then, my favorite color is violet, after the Amethyst" Hermione said.
"Mine's orange, I like it cause...I like it" Ron said.
"And mine is Red, after griffindor" Harry also said.
"Green, because my sister always used to make jewellery out of green crystals." Nico said in a low voice and fond remembrance.

"That's sweet." Hermione said smiling.

"Well then, my hobby is to play Wizard's chess and play Quidditch." Harry started again.
"Me too" Ron responded.
"Mine's reading books." Said Hermione of course.
"...I..." Nico shut down after that and just shook his head and looked towards Moody then looked back at the trio. It was clear it would not be something the order approved of.

"It's okay you can tell." Hermione comforted him

"...Well I don't know's exactly illegal. I like sword fighting and...well summoning souls who never got their peace and helping them."

"Soul summoning, that is illegal Nico, but why do you summon them and what do you mean by giving them peace?" Hermione said gravely.

"I guess it's something like, the souls, they find me. Most of the time they have...very violent emotions and I get affected by them. So to give them some peace...I have to find who killed them, probably give them the assurance and blessing that they would burn in hell."

"What do you mean blessing?" Harry asked.
"and how exactly does hell work? Is there a heaven? Who rules them?" Hermione bursted with questions.

"Uh okay one by one. Necromancers have blessings that gives peace to a soul. It is what takes them to the...other side I guess. It also means that the soul can move to the other side without any obstructions due to the blessing and then can judged fairly. Hell works by a powerful...well I dunno what to call him. He comes to Earth once a few centuries and then blesses a family with necromancy. His Necromancers then have to follow what he says and can't question him. Hell works as everyone says. It is where the sinners are punished. Once they are done with their respective punishments, they are then his servants for eternity."

"There is heaven. It is where you live free and party and do the heck you want. Though you are not free of the taxes. Heaven is also ruled by him. But true heaven is somewhere where the rebirthed who became good people thrice continuously go to. Rebirth is a option that only those who go to heaven get to choose. Their memories of the past life is erased and then they are sent to the world of the living again as a new soul."

"Wow, you sound like you've been there. Has Voldemort? and what about those who are neither good or bad?" Ron asked.

"Yes I have been there. I am the last necromancer left in the world. I do the paperwork" Nico shuddered then continued "sometimes and no father can't go there. He is not a blessed and unless the ruler's permission I can't. And those who are neither are sent to a place were there are millions more like them. They forget who they are. They just chatter for centuries until they fade away."

"So...if what was it like with your father?" Hermione asked carefully.

Nico paused and then started "My father...he...always preferred my sister over me. She was better and at that time I was kinda like the Colin Creevey kid."

"What" All three of them said at once.

"I know. But then Bianca, my sister she...she died and my father didn't take it well because it was indirectly my fault she died. Father then he locked me up and said that I didn't deserve to be his son. He sent his death eaters to educate me. After he was defeated, he just chained me in this empty rotting, dirty room and it was dark. There was never light. He visited and thought me everything a heir of Salazar Slytherin should. I don't how long I was in there, sometimes he didn't come back for weeks and I was just so hungry and thirsty. Sometimes he came back with his snake who would share her dinner with me."

"I couldn't...I couldn't eat them, and...he said that he wished Bianca lived instead of me. He is right though. She would have done everything perfectly. Then once he didn't come back for a long time and I was so hungry. I just felt this burst of magic in me and then the shadows...they pulled me safely and put me in America. They were always comforting. I got a few muggle friends I guess. To tell the truth I was summoned by my father before you found me. And I didn't believe he was alive. I guess I didn't want to face his wrath for running away." Nico confessed.

"Oh Nico." Hermione had tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry Harry for what he did to you I guess. No one tells me what exactly but they told me that it was because of him that your life is so bad."

"No it's fine Nico. It wasn't you who did it" Harry assured him. He didn't think Nico was lying. Moody staying still all this time was the proof of it. If he was like Colin, what must have Voldemort done to him for Nico to turn out this way. It's not Nico's fault he was born to a twisted dark lord.

"...Well I guess since it is confession time, we tell you what we have done." Ron suggested.

It was a good idea. After all they were going to become his friends.

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now