Time Turner

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Nico P.O.V

The hat might have as well gave him a death sentence.

People threw nasty glares at the green and silver house and, the house just kept a emotionless mask on.

Moody then continued pulling him out of the beautiful hall leading him downstairs until they were well lost in the mazes of the stone cold walls. Nico would have thought they were lost if Moody was not leading them towards a certain point with confidence.

Then at last they came to a dead end. They was a normal sized door which Moody opened and pushed Nico in.

It was the almost the same size of the size of the last room he was kept prisoner in. It had the furniture and setting except that the chair was still there and that there were a table and another chair opposite to it. So that's where he and the adults would talk. There was a door on one of the free side of the room. Probably the washroom. The chains on the chair was still there. There was also a cupboard on the side. Probably to keep his belongings.

Moody then said "Boy, you better behave according to the rules. You know them don't you? I will be staying near by. If you are good for the next two weeks you will be allowed to keep or get something you want. But a single point, detention, dark magic or any sneaky business and you will get nothing. Got it."

Nico then nodded and then Moody left and locked him.

Nico felt a weight on his pocket appearing. He looked through it and found a gold chain with a hour glass design. Attached to it was a note that said

So you can do your other jobs. It is a time turner. You already know how those work. This letter will burn after you are done with it. The chain will now be engraved in everyone's memory as a normal chain which you took with my figurine and camp necklace.

The note burned up.

At least he remembered Nico. Food suddenly poped up on the table. Sighing Nico just ate half a sandwich water and sacrificed the rest of it with the fire from the lighter he had.

Time to experiment the time turner. Nico wore it then and since he figured it was the 90s, he needed to go forward in time, he turned to the hourglass thing.

He was in the same room but it looked like it had no occupant for a long time. His magic stopping bracelets fell right into the dust. Nico should wear them while going back to the 90s.
He then shadow traveled to Camp Half-Blood.

It was the middle of summer. Nico was just walking through the camp like everyday. The mood seemed to be especially somber today. Everybody was staring at him as if he was the grim reaper. Which he kinda was and everyone was scared of him anyway, but today they were even more scared as if he would just start killing them.

Nico had a bad feeling about all this. Annabeth came running to him.
"Nico have you seen Percy is he in the underworld? Please don't tell me he is. Please please ple-" She said near hysterical. Nico was very confused "What no Percy is not in the underworld wh- Oh no no he is not dead. He is not. I would have felt it. He is not, he is very much alive. Can someone please explain. ?"

The campers told Nico how Percy had been missing for a week now and they couldn't find him.

Nico promised to search for Percy and bring them any news he had.

Nico then very much disturbed shadow traveled to camp Jupiter where he found Hazel just there. Hazel looked at him and smiled. She looked stronger than before. It must be the training with wolves. She looked kinda nervous to go to the camp. Nico being the best big brother there is said "Wanna got together?"

Hazel nodded. Seeing how nervous she was Nico tucked some of her of hair behind her ear and said "It's okay even if they don't accept you Hazel. You will always have a home with me or our father. Besides they know me as the ambassador of Pluto. If I can strike some sort of deal with them, I could get you in. And even if I am not able to, the fact you went through Lupa's training is already enough for them to take you in. Okay sis."

His sister smile and then like eager little child pulled him through the doors, the soldiers letting them in because of Nico's status.

Hazel was quite exited and amazed seeing the new camp, but not as much as the when she saw the cars and TVs. Thankfully they met the two praetors just after walking a little.

"Ambassador of Pluto, can we know the purpose of your visit?"  Praetor Jason Grace asked.

Nico told them of how Hazel was his half sister and all that stuff.

"Very well. She may join. Do you wanna see her adjustments over here for today?" Praetor Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano said.

Nico fingered the hour glass necklace and figured he didn't have much time in the current timeline but could stay till the night. He told so to Hazel. She was very happy that he would stay. After she went with some other girl who offered to show her around.

Jason then turned to Nico then said "Where did you get that necklace?"
Reyna joined in "It is the necklace of Saturn. How do you have it?" They weren't accusatory more like protective. Protective of their friends. Nico wished there was some one like that for him.

Nico sighed and said "I do many jobs for my father. Many of them requires me going back in time. Rest assured it was Pluto's blessing. And if you are wondering if Hazel came through this device then no. I did find her in New Orleans in the current time."

They looked suspicious of him but then nodded and went their own way.

Hazel got into the fifth cohort and looked very happy. After telling her he had to leave now, Nico shadow traveled back to his prison feeling very tired. He put the bracelets on and then waited.

Going back he just collapsed in his bed.

The next day Nico was waken up, after a night full of nightmares, at a large dong and figured it must be the school bell so he got ready for school.

He just sat there for a while reading his potions book. Then Moody came in "Good you are ready. It's your time table pack your bag and have the food."

Nico did that and let Moody guide him to his first class.

Transfiguration was with the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws was nothing more than just writing down theory and start of term day things. Everybody stared at Nico and Moody for the first ten minutes they soon got bored and looked front not paying them anymore mind, except Harry Potter who kept glaring at him and Draco Malfoy who was looking at Nico calculatingly.

Potions wasn't that much fun with Snape looking at him every ten minutes.

Defense against the Dark Arts got him to crack a smile. Moody apparently thought it was funny too since even he managed a smirk, then pushed him on a last bench in the class.

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now