Demigod world

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After that somewhat awkward conversation with Jason.

Then onto the part where Percy was met with the harsh reality that he was not Nico's type.

Then at last the three days at the infirmary. Nico honestly had no idea what to make of them.

W-Solace insisted him staying at the infirmary for three days which mostly consisted him sleeping and being force fed by Solace. Whenever he woke up, he was always there worrying about him.

Someone worried about him.

Just before his release from his imprisonment he was downright miserable. Because he didn't want to leave. Didn't want to leave a person caring for him.

"Hey..."Will called out from behind him. He looked sad to let him go.

Nico stopped and turned to him but couldn't look him in the eye.

"I know you want to leave, and that wherever your father is sending you isn't good, but I ju- just w-w-wanted to t-ell s-somt-thing....I- I uhm I l-like you a-and i w-wan-t-t i-if it's alr-right with you of c-cour-s-se. A-and-"

He was cut off by Nico hugging. Will stood there for a second before hugging Nico back smiling lightly.

Nico pulled back a little while later and sighed looking at Will. He smiled lightly and vanished into the shadows. Will was left standing alone in an empty infirmary. Will looked down and just walked away.

*Sorry this is short*

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now