Dumbitches we all want to kill

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The very first change was that Nico was allowed out of school hours to leave his room and have a personal meeting with Dumbitch in which Moody was not allowed to join.

Today was the first meeting.

"Ahem, please sit, Mr.Riddle" She started of.
Nico looked up sharply...she knew? but then again she was headmistress now. Accepting the fact Nico sat down and didn't say a word.

"Smart I see, performing very well in academics too. Not a single complaint except for being too silent and not having active participation. The health records on the other hand...my my, the Dark Lord won't be pleased now would he."

Nico played the role well and froze as if scared of the very idea. Voldemort thought illness as a weakness. Whenever the memory Nico fell sick, Voldemort had the most inhumane ways to show Little Nico that illness was a weakness. After sometime Nico stopped showing the illness or any signs of it and kept his mouth shut in fear of being tortured.
(This is not me putting illnesses down. No matter what kind of illness it is serious. The above words are just fiction. please do not take it seriously)

Umbitch took this as a sign of Nico being scared. So she continued on...

"You see, I do not believe Potter's nonsense about the Dark Lord returning,...but that's only for show. Let it be a secret between us. Though if you do go around telling this to someone no one is going to believe you. And who will you tell? Potter and his friends, who are against your father's very existence, Dumbledore, who left you in a time of need or Moody, who has to go out the castle on my orders and can't even rebuke me. Are going to go to your father, but I think he will thank me for educating his useless son. Yes you heard me right, you are useless Nicodemus Di Angelo Riddle. No one is gonna be there for you in the end. You will be hated by everyone, because deep down, you know this is what you deserve. For being such a monster."

Though Nico was pretending at first, her later words hit too close to home...He was reminded of his sister's death...his future...his secrets...she was right. Who could he depend on being there for him in the end? There was no one. They all hate him.

Seeing that Nico didn't reply but the dawning look of realization and sadness was enough for the bitch.

She gave her usual bitchy laugh and gave Nico a knife.

Nico looked up at her in confusion. Seeing that she replied "I usually keep it under wraps with the quills but you...you deserve this. And you will only stop once you have divulged all the information of the Dark Side and surrender yourself permanently to the Ministry. It's either this or that. The choice is yours."

She looked like she would enjoy both of them equally. Nico knew what he had to do.

He cut himself.

To be honest it was quite satisfying. But painful. At one point the petulant prawn kept forcing him to keep cutting himself even after there was literally no skin visible on his hand.

She only let him go after he fainted twice from blood loss and Moody was on his way back. She put a quick revival spell that cleaned up the blood and put bandages on it and put a bit of glamour on it to make it look minor.

Before he left she quickly held his injured hand squeezing it hard and looked displeased that there were no emotions on his face.

She then whispered "The Dark Lord will rise. And when he does you will be my personal puppet. I will enjoy breaking you."

She then pushed him and closed the door.

Moody was still not here and for some reason Potter and his friends were arguing outside her door.

Harry looked a him and asked "You alright...?...she didn't torture you too did she?"

They all looked at him. But Nico knew. He knew better. They were all false. He could see the fear and wariness in their faces, they didn't trust him.

Nico didn't know why but he laughed. "Wow, your seriously asking me that? Really? What happened to use Nico for this use Nico for that. Oh how useless he is. Oh how disgusting he is. How dare he exist. How dare he feel emotions. How dare he be allowed to be free. How dare a monster like him can live huh? You all are the same. Voldemort, Dumbledore, you Potter. Your all the same. I honestly don't even see the difference anymore." Nico finished in a sort of choked voice.

Potter looked annoyed and angry "Oh please, your not the one with the responsibility of the whole world's lives on their hands. You are not the one who lost everything. You are just a stinking coward who cries after a little bit of torture. And please at least Voldemort killed the first time when he was maybe 20 or 21. (At this point he doesn't know) But you, you started killing the moment you were born."

"No No No I didn't" Nico barely whispered the tears still not spilling.

"Face it Nico, you were the one who killed his own mother. You killed your sister. You are a monster"


"Oh who promised huh, Voldemort?"

Nico just looked at Harry emotionless, who looked like he was starting to regret what he just said.

"No...someone who I thought was a Hero...I now understand why Father called me a fool. I could never trust the right people could I?"

"Look Nico-"

"No you are right Potter. It is my fault I am a monster. They all died because of me. I can't wait for the day this all ends Potter. Maybe then Percy will leave me alone. I just want to be with her again. Maybe it is soon..."

Nico looked blankly into space with sudden cold winds flowing in.

Nico looked up at the ceiling and smiled softly tears slowly spilling now.
"Yes it is going to end soon. Be careful Potter you can't save everyone. It starts now..."

Nico said this and sidestepped to let Harry and his friends through the abomination's office as if knowing exactly what they wanted.

He then went back towards the dungeons, leaving the group of friends troubled over what was said and the death predictions said. They all knew Necromancers could predict death...And when they were dangerously near their own death they would start acting out of character and become peaceful or unusually outburstful  and start detaching themselves from people because they know what exactly is too come.

Harry and his friends looked at each other and shrugged it off, continuing on with their doomed adventure.

Nico Di Angelo son of VoldemortWhere stories live. Discover now