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"Decha, why have I been getting complaints from not only Grandell's Dean but also Professor Mass and other Grandell staff members?"

"I dunno." Decha shrugged carelessly.

"All I've been hearing is you disrupting a class, threatening to hurt another student, and not listening to authority. Are you crazy?"

"Listen, you asked me to attend the school, and I did."

"You're supposed to act like a student!"

"You didn't say that. The deal was for me to go undercover and investigate more about the bombings in Sector A. I'm not a student, Chief. I'm a General. I haven't been to school in a long time. So what do you expect me to do?"

"Good grief, you're absolutely right." Theodore grumbled and ran his hands through his hair. "I sent you in there with a different name and identity but forgot to tell you how to approach this mission. You're not used to dealing with people outside of the extreme crime activity."

"Bingo. Spot on. Couldn't have said it any better myself."

"Don't get snappy with me!" Theodore pointed a finger closely at Decha's face. "Common sense would've told you to read the room better! If you see students acting one way, you blend in!"

"I read the room. I didn't like it. And I'm not fond of acting like a prick for the sake of a mission."

"The Agency is paying you. The council is paying you. You'd better do darn well whatever the heck you need to for the mission."

Decha crossed his arms and remained silent. Was it out of humility? No. He did it because he didn't want to discuss the topic further, as it would only lead to a long conversation with loopholes and it wouldn't get anywhere.

Yeah, he was getting paid. But that didn't give the Agency the right to treat him as if he were a slave who could be bossed around. He didn't have to take the assignment. He was fine working on the Outside. The council practically begged him to join.

"You've caused too many problems on your first day. To combat that, we have to give you a partner to hold you accountable for your actions."

Decha laughed. "A partner? To hold ME accountable?"

"I can't have you wreaking havoc and drawing attention to yourself, now can I?"

"All I did was close my eyes in class. That Professor bothered me first. I showed him up. You don't expect me to do the homework and school work do you? I guard Sector B at night. You're expecting me to be on night watch AND wake up early and be at the school in tip-top shape? The Outside camps let me sleep. But now that I'm working on a case for the Agency, I can't get sleep?"

"I'm not saying you can't get sleep. Listen, we can make arrangements for you to get more rest. I just want you to keep a low profile. Observe in silence. Try not to kill anyone."

"Those students are overprivileged fools. No promises."

"Don't kill anyone. That's a direct order from your commander."

"Alright, I won't."

"Great. We can move forward. I'm going to pull up a list of candidates whom you can choose to work with you. You can even swap Nightwatch duty."

Theodore brought up the screen from his desk and began tapping around. 10 profiles of top Agents popped up in front of Decha, surprising him.

"Ugh, hated him." Decha swiped one away. "He's too weak, he's too sensitive."

"Just pick one. No need to whine about your dislikes."

"Amir isn't so bad. We've sparred in combat before, and had some good times when we were stationed together in Sector B. He's very good at reading people more than I am."

Sector BWhere stories live. Discover now